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Everything posted by wikz

  1. Hi, I am designing a simple image cropper for my personal use.I am using python on linux.Though paint.NET is in C# ,I need some help with the following: I am able to crop an image but I need to show the user(me only) a rectangular dotted image like in any image editing program.For my program ,I use the mouse press ,mouse release and mouse move to take down the co-ordinates and crop accordingly. So can anyone point me to the code in paint.NET's source tree(is it src/tools/SelectionTool.cs ?) as to where this part was implemented.I just want to know the logic of how it can be done. or Can someone give me ideas as to which all other signals/events to monitor and how best to draw the rectangle /remove the rectangle on the image when user hits the esc key etc. Thanks and Regards, wiks
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