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Posts posted by xRyan

  1. Hello xryan,

    I think you guys may not have fully understood what I am trying to do. Let me try to explain this 1 more time:

    I have a jpg graphic here. It contains some lines of text below it that I had inserted, using Microsoft PAINT. I wanted to make just some words in this text bold but I couldn't. When I highlighted those words to bolden them, ALL the text turned out bold. Same problem with 'underline'.

    So, just how do I do that now in Paint.net? Remember, the whole graphic now is in the form of jpg (including the text).

    [in a normal word-processor Like Microsoft WORD, when you've typed out some text, if you want to bolden (or underline) some words, you first highlight those words before you execute the bold (B) function. In paint.net, HOW do you choose some part of the text? I've discovered that you cannot highlight any text.].

    Thanxx again

    Just make a new layer for all the text you want bold, underline, etc.

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