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Posts posted by DataCrypt

  1. @Ego Eram Reputo - Thank you very much!!  Your instructions worked great! I really appreciate it.


    I have one more question that I'm hoping you might be able to help me with.  This photo has a black background and even though we are clearly visible in the picture, I would like to get rid of the black background (basically cut us out) and have a white background.  if I try using the magic wand  to do this, much of our hair (which is also dark) gets selected no matter how I adjust the tolerance.  Is there a way to do this (either through changing color somehow or correctly cut us out so the selection doesn't get into our hair)?  Thank you again for your time and assistance.


    Kind Regards,



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  2. Hello, my daughter has a small locket and I would like to put a picture of us in it and am having issues resizing this to fit a heart shaped frame.  The locket is 14mm in width at the widest part (of the heart shape) and 15mm in height.  I know how to resize the picture I want, however is there an easy way to cut it (or view it) in the shape of a heart that I may specify the size of (perhaps through a plug-in)?


    Also, I have always wished Paint.NET would allow for more printing options.  Unless I'm missing something simple here too, I can only print full page photos, 4x6, 5x7, etc.  I don't see how I can print the picture at the size that it actually is!  I want to be able to print from Paint.NET for quality as I'm currently copying/pasting the image into Word and am losing quality.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Kind Regards,


  3. Hello, I am trying to draw a pattern and have it fill my blank canvas in Paint.NET.  But, I've been unsuccessful at accomplishing this.  I would like to draw the following patterns and fill up my entire picture:


    1). Draw a circle within a circle pattern (i.e. a small circle/ring at the center of my image and then a larger one outside of that one and then a larger one outside of that one, etc... until the entire image is filled up.  I would like to control the thickness of the circles and spacing between each.


    2). Draw a pattern of 5 stars (not filled - just the outline) to fill a blank image (i.e. n # of rows by x # of columns).


    3). Draw a grid pattern over my entire image (perhaps one layer of horizontal lines and another of vertical lines).  Again to fill the entire canvas (blank image) where I can control the spacing and thickness of the lines.


    Any assitance on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated.  I would ultimately like to print these patterns on a transparency sheet of paper for a project I'm working on.  Thank you very much for your time.


    Kindest Regards,


  4. Ok, thank you for the quick replies.  I'll keep looking for an open source (as in free) library.  If you know of a good one that will do these effects, please let me know.  I need to be able to "clean" an image and remove a lot of noise, etc. and then enhance the image and fix characters.  I'm reading about GdPicture now, but it's not free.


    Thanks again,


  5. Is there any way to externally use the Effects of Paint.NET on images outside of Paint.NET?  I currently have a .NET project for a machine vision application where I want to pre-process some 8-bit greyscale images.  The vision tools I have available to me don't do some of the effects that Paint.NET does and I believe these would help me greatly!!  I have tested this by taking an input image capture and opened it in Paint.NET and appied some of the effects, such as Edge Detect, Glow, & Median.  I would like to be able to apply the effects in my application (C# or VB.NET).


    If this isn't possible, does anyone know of a imaging library that would offer these same features?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Kindest Regards,


  6. Hello, I'm using Paint.net and drawing a selection (circle) using the Ellipse tool.  I can hold down the SHIFT key to draw/maintain a perfect circle.  But sometimes where I start to draw the selection, the area is not over the part of the image I want.  I can move the selection easy enough, but then I usually have to resize the selection some more.  If I grab one of the selection handles (of the Ellispe) it starts to squish it into an oval - holding down the SHIFT key is not maintaining the aspect allowing me to resize the circle.  I've tried all sorts of keyboard combinations and can't figure this out.  Also had no luck searching for an answer.


    Also once I have the selection I want, I choose "Copy" and then "Paste into image" - from there I can actually rotate the selection holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse to rotate the copied selection.  Is there an easier way to do this without having to copy/paste it?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Kindest Regards,


  7. Thanks for the response. Yes, I realized I had to stop cloning and re-select the source region to continue over areas that were cloned. I guess I was hoping this may be improved in a future version of Paint .NET so that we don't have to stop/restart cloning. Not sure where to post that feature request.

    Thanks again,


  8. I'm using the latest Paint .NET 3.31 and found an issue with the CLONE STAMP TOOL. If I press CTRL in an area I want to start cloning and then begin my cloning near the selected area, Paint .NET starts to "paint" what was previously there. For example... lets say you have a large number 10 as a JPG image on a white canvas background. Now you CTRL select the white background above the 0 to clone (let's say we want to clone over the 0). If he left click and HOLD the mouse button down over the top portion of the 0, the clone will start to wipe over (erase) the 0 with the selected white background (that area which we selected to clone). Now as we move down to finish "erasing" the 0, if the clone source area comes anywhere near or on top of the original location of the 0, it will actually start cloning the 0. I think this is a bug, because the 0 has been erased in that area and Paint .NET still sees the 0 being there unless I release the mouse button and click it again to start the cloning. I guess this is the "stamp" feature of the clone, but it would be nice to have it clone the area of the source region even if that region has already been cloned over.

    Thank you,


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