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Posts posted by bEPIK

  1. How about (instead of a return button) you have pictures on the left of the current user selected so it's one click away from changing. Have the accounts that are not in use smaller than the current one until an unactive-account is clicked on, then they rearrange so that the account that was clicked on is now the account in focus. Like this:


    If there was more than 3 accounts I think fading the outside (smiley face) account would indicate that there are more accounts (scroll to go through them). Then when there's more accounts to the right fade the (non-active) account that's closest to the right. If both sides have accounts on the outside have both sides faded.

    Is this actually going to made into an OS or are you just making a few pictures?

  2. About the Save thing, you make a good point. I have a 8 year old computer :cry: (around there) and didn't really think of what most computers can now do.

    Repeat command? Isn't that just Ctrl+F. If you look to your 'Effects' menu, after you've used an effect, you will see that at the top it says what effect you last used. However there are no built in options for repeating the stuff under other menus. Before you ask - No, you can't use an effect you used the time before last.

    So while we're on suggestions, (and because this is linked with what I just wrote) may I suggest that it is made possible to right click on the last effect used (at the top) and select "Effect History" (instead of "Choose settings for last Effect used"). An effect/adjustment window would open up and perhaps have a drop down box with the last effect used in it - and the time it was used [hours] on the right. When the dropdown box is clicked it could show the last ten, twenty, or all of them - in order from last used. Choose the preferred effect and click OK. This effect could then be recorded to the latest one. It's just an idea but I think it would be pretty cool none the less.

  3. Glad to help. I love thought provoking questions and comments.

    A "Save All" option would be nice, but I'll look at plugins first maybe there's something for this too :)

    No there's not a plugin that does this and I think I've read somewhere that they can't do this sort of thing. I'm pretty sure the only things a plugin can add to are the variety of FileTypes, and the 'Effects' and 'Adjustments' menus. A 'Save All' option probably won't happen until 4.0, if at all.

    Poplar Feature Requests[/url] Rick":x5l73l5g]Auto-Save -- For example, Paint.NET will save every 5 minutes (for example) to better prevent data loss. Technical feasibility is low for the current design of Paint.NET (at least not without really annoying the user), but a future version should enable it. No ETA. See this thread: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3679
    Although it's not the same thing, I assume the same rule applies... it would take a very long time to save a complex image, let alone six of them and that would annoy the user (us). But then again Rick wrote "but a future version should enable it" so while I probably shouldn't completely rule it out, I personally don't think it will happen because I don't think it's possible "at least not without really annoying the user". Unless Photoshop can do it... but I've never used it so I don't know. :?
  4. Hey. I've got a few fixes if you'd like to use them.

    Modify the grid size - I would recommend rendering a grid on a new layer using Madjik's Grid Maker Plugin. With the correct grid and layer settings I think it could work rather well. Just remember that when you change the 'Grid Step' that if you set horizontal and vertical to '10' you will have a 9x9 space in between the lines. I won't explain it all... you'll be able to figure it out.

    Guidelines support - Sorry I don't know what this is and cannot help

    One-click show/hide floating toolbars feature - I just press F5 F6 F7 and F8 with four fingers. It quite literally takes less half a second. To see which window is assigned to which shortcut look to the 'Window' menu.

    Merge Move selected pixel and move section tools -That wouldn't work... unless you hold a hotkey (like ctrl, alt or shift) and drag to move the pixel but just drag to move the selection. Hmmmm :?

    Flip selected pixels - Boltbait has made a plugin that does that

    Hide/show the selection marquee - If I'm understanding you correctly a quick fix for this would be Ctrl+D (deselect) to hide Ctrl+Z (undo) to reshow the selection

    I hope this helps. :wink:

  5. Also if you don't want to affect any of the original photo you can change your secondary colour to black (by pressing 'x' on your keyboard), go to image>canvas size..., Uncheck the 'Maintain aspect ratio' box, think how large you want your border to be and double the number you think of, then under the subheading 'Pixel size' and add that doubled number to both 'Width' and 'Height', make sure the 'anchor' is set to middle click OK.

    It sounds tricky but it takes 10 seconds to do. However, if you don't mind about losing those outside pixels, the border plugin that Curmudgeon was talking about is the best (and the quickest) option.

  6. With that Downloaded applications folder... Is that fixed?

    I had the same problem then realized one of my shortcuts was wrong (I'd moved the program). Once I deleted the shortcut it was fine. I think the Hard Drive was looking for where the shortcut was supposed to go and couldn't find it so it browsed elsewhere... and slowed the whole computer down.

    Maybe I completely misinterpreted what you wrote :? I hope that fixes it

  7. @matt469 I don't pretend to be an expert at this but, they're too crowded for me, and I don't think the purple and the brown go well with the rest of the image.

    I've just made a few quick pictures in the same style to get you thinking



    I hope I don't sound offensive or anything, and that what I've wrote helps you.

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