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Posts posted by bEPIK

  1. @Panic the fonts in your signatures are too in-your-face for the backgrounds that you have. Experiment with different combinations of layer blend modes; look at chrisco97's signature, see how the text "fits" with the rest of the picture? Also (the second signature especially) doesn't have much depth to it--sometimes that's okay--but when there's random lines all over the place generally the image is abstract and it has to have more than three layers of depth. The colour combinations aren't well thought-out, and they look better in black and white. My advice would be to learn about layers because it doesn't look like you're using them effectively. Do a few of the stickied tutorials, you'll improve quickly.

    EDIT: since this has basically been a necropost (that image was posted over SIX MONTHS ago) here's a new image. I'm not trying to being disrespectful, but he hasn't logged in since last October and surely there are bounds of reason. Anyway, the stocks are a photo I took of lego peices and a soundwave that I took a screenshot of in foobar2000.


    Okay, I was adding a stock of a city a nighttime behind this to fill my whole desktop. I messed around a bit and got this:


  2. brad, wouldn't this be easier with BoltBait's transparency plug-in? You could move the slider all the way to the right.

    That doesn't work with blend modes, for example I could want to have an overlay layer duplicated, even if the objects inside the layer are 100% opaque. It is helpful for that, yes but I think this way is more elegant.

    The color format is RGBA - one byte per channel = 32 bits of info. There simply is no way to add a value of more than 255 to the byte range of available Alpha values.

    0 is transparent, 255 is opaque. You can't get more transparent than zero (no matter how many zeroes you add), and you can't get more opaque that fully opaque (255).

    I understand that, but a transparent object in a fully opaque layer is still transparent. Putting the opacity to 510 should reduce anti-aliasing for example--and yes I know there is a plugin for that. But no plugin will work for doubling blend mode intensity, surely somebody else understands what I'm rambling about and has had the same issue.


  3. Perhaps you are only thinking about opaque layers, in which case, no it does not make sense. It makes perfect sense if you are using transparent objects (and don't want to waste time merging a whole bunch), or using layer blends (which you can't merge down (sometimes you can with print-screen trickery, but most of the time you can't)) and don't want to have a orgy of layers, manually moving each one. It's not so bad when you can group layers or select them all at once, but you can't in PdN and this would be a solution for those occasions.

  4. Sorry about my previous answer lol

    but seriously here's a PDN in a ZIP which gives you the basic idea. Just use a gradient have the primary colour set to "000000" (Black) and the second colour to be completely transparent (you have to click the "More >>" button in the colour window and then set "Transparancy" to "0").

    Make a new layer, then click and drag over your boobs. I think I did them in separate layers because they needed different transparancy, but I'm not sure (and I'm too lazy to check). To change the transparancy of the layers double click on them (the Layers windows should be in the bottom right of the screen).

    It sounds difficult but it takes 5 seconds to do, so don't be discouraged.

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