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Posts posted by Pensive

  1. Okay guys, thanks for the help. I already linked to this forum's plugin publishing thread in the review, so no problem there.

    I might have a little look myself at the available plugins; Installing the plugins can be something so very simple as a 7zip self extracter which prompts for the plugin directory, that will also make it very easy to maintain.

    I think it would be worthwhile. I'll keep you guys posted if anything develops.

  2. Hi guys

    I run a little open source blog, and I've just reviewed Paint.NET's core features. I was very very impressed for a start.

    The reason I'm here is I'm feeling a little guilty; Having looked through at the sheer volume of plugins available, I feel I may have done an injustice to the software to ignore them in my review.

    I am looking to add a collection of plugin reviews for it in a subcategory, and possibly a Top 10 or 20 plugins etc. etc.

    I was wondering if any Paint.NET fans would be interested in contributing reviews of their favourite plugins to the site? Hopefully addressing one or two of my "feature missing" comments in the review.

    I am also possibly interested in building an unofficial plugin-pack, which would be similiar to the kind of codec packs you can download, but for paint.net - One that is maintained, and kept up to date with the latest versions of all the very best plugins, and once the functionality is added to paint.net out of the box, these plugins of course, would then be removed from the pack.

    It is of great importance with a project like this to keep it up to date, and also that many people have input to ensure that all the plugins that are needed are included.

    Firstly is there anything similiar in the pipeline, any favourite plugin lists (that are community based, rather than just personal ones) etc. etc.?

    I look forward to your reponse(s)



    Review URL here: http://www.openalchemy.com/index.php/reviews/graphics/paintnet-322/

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