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  1. To create a border, try this plugin A tip is too make it grey and set the layer to color dodge or color burn, I think that'd go well with your first sig.
  2. A simple way to create a grunge like backround, if I got that expression right. Use a canvas of 2400*1800 pixels for this. Make clouds with black and white (settings: Scale 850, Roughness 1.00). Create a new layer and ctrl+f. Change the top layer to xor. Do fragment with default settings on the top layer. Optional: Flatten and Gaussian blur with setting of 1. I don't know how to do thumbnails, I'll just link it. http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/7379/grungerq2.png
  3. A simple way to create a grunge like backround, if I got that expression right. Use a canvas of 2400*1800 pixels for this. Make clouds with black and white (settings: Scale 850, Roughness 1.00). Create a new layer and ctrl+f. Change the top layer to xor. Do fragment with default settings on the top layer. Optional: Flatten and Gaussian blur with setting of 1. I don't know how to do thumbnails, I'll just link it. http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/7379/grungerq2.png
  4. The cracks on the second space image are awesome!
  5. Wow, how did you create that zoom blur effect, did you use sharpen?
  6. Thanks for compliment and, inpiration! :twisted: That's one of the best first images I've seen, good work.
  7. The start of my extreme wealth :shock:
  8. If you can't read the text, does it really matter? [Yoda]For what the text says matters not, what it to the picture does is what do.[/Yoda]
  9. Thanks! Would this one be better though? I'm having trouble deciding how the text should look.
  10. How would you go at creating something similiar as this backround in paint.net? Help is appreciated!
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