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Posts posted by Dalton

  1. I've got 2 bricks and 2 varicose and i've got a error with my version(3.20)

    File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\jchunn.dll
         Effect Name: PDNPI_IndirectUI.Bricks
         Full error message: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
      at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.Property`1.ValidateNewValue(Object newValue)
      at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.Property.SetValueCore(Object value)
      at PaintDotNet.PropertySystem.Property.set_Value(Object value)
      at PaintDotNet.IndirectUI.ControlInfo.SetPropertyControlValue(Object propertyName, Object controlPropertyName, Object propertyValue)
      at PDNPI_IndirectUI.Bricks.OnCreateConfigUI(PropertyCollection props)
      at PaintDotNet.Effects.PropertyBasedEffect.CreateConfigDialog()
      at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffect(Type effectType)

    Aren't you supposed to have the latest version?


    I'll try this plugin in a few!


  2. It is font Calibri, it is ClearTypeFont, it makes clear that I don't see that little crookid(or something ;) )

    No, I won't do gaussianblur, it is not so beautiful and is unsharp.

    I'm satisfied with this signature :) The only one thing I want to know, what for sort font -expiration had use in his tutorial

    Your decision.


    here's the visitor font..


  3. Looks like the text on the left is a little crookid. (spelled wrong? idk)

    Maybe that's just me..

    And maybe blur (gaussian) your line that goes from top to bottom..

    but other than that. It's nice.

    Oh yeah. Blur your line... *the one that's white, and low transperancy* or something like that. Idk. But use a little blur on that.

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