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Posts posted by luckymurari

  1. tried creating snow like text:


    Needs something, but what?

    a little bit of frosted glass and outline object earned this....i think this is more snowish.....the text can be made more readable if the size of the font would have been more

    I was aiming for a "If I packed snow into the shape of a word..." or "If I took a giant cookie cutter that spelled out "Someone2016" and used it to cut that out of the snow..."

    i dint quite get u

  2. This is my first post in the forum...and this is 2 say my picture done with a lot of use of shape3d plugin

    Welcome :)

    It that my eye tut I see in there somewhere? :D

    actually both the bed and the black masks r both started out with ur shape3d tut on eye.........i later did some more operations on them to get the masks first....if u see the masks have some special shine of light blue..........i later used cylindrical and some more distortions....then later i again took the initial eye and again used distortions to arrtive at the bed

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