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About -Expiration-

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Nice try, stalker.

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  1. Actually, Aeonix will be starting the next LAOTW tomorrow, I believe.
  2. Thank you Bob. You as well, carazon. However, there is no tutorial on how to create the effect in my sig, as I converted a Photoshop tutorial in order to create it. It consisted of many layers of clouds set to different blending modes. I'll try and make a tut if I have time, but high school just started a few weeks ago, so I may or may not have the time to.
  3. If aeonix really wants to host the LAOTW that much, then I'll turn it over to him. It's not that big of a deal to me.
  4. It's nice that you're entering competitions and such, but: 1. The deadline for this competition is already over, the next one should be starting soon. 2. At least one of your stocks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivatives license, so technically your creation is kind of, sort of ... illegal. :o
  5. Actually, I was talking to Mike on AIM, and he asked me if I wanted to host the LAOTW. :o He also stated that Max Power won the last competition (#4).
  6. To get rid of a solid colored background, just hit: Magic Wand, Click on the solid color background and Delete (Clear Selection) For more complicated images, you might want to use Alpha Masking, or search for Cutting out Images the Easy Way. However, as of right now, PDN does not have an advanced render effect for lighting and lens flares and such.
  7. This post is in the wrong forum. The title clearly states that this forum is for tutorial publishing only.
  8. If you want others to actually be able to see the image on the web, flatten your .PDN file, go to File > Save As, and save as a PNG. Then upload it to Photobucket/Imageshack/your image host of choice.
  9. Someone's discovered VECTORTUTS. I think. :wink: Nice looking battery thing you got there.
  10. David was also temporarily ... "hospitalized" for 2nd degree* burns. *unconfirmed
  11. Thanks Crimson. I just finished doing a quick color job on it but at the moment, I am too lazy/tired to upload and post it.
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