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  1. Thanks u all for the help and answers...but: It doesn't make any sense - i can't control propotion of locking Well that's exactly illustrates the difference between crop and cutting and rotating selections. In the way you discribed i need to manage three additional steps. 1) create image from copy (paste into new image). 2)rotate it back to horizontal position 3) resize the size of canvas to croped selection or to select the active part of image only and create new one from copy (paste into new image). Thank you SSPhoto! - your words was exactly what i was trying to message here. I hope that the cropping possiblities will be enhanced in the future version of photo.NET then i'll be tottaly in this product and i think not only me but others photographers and people who processing photoes.
  2. ok then point me please at least to the place were, in RTFM is written how can i create selection with exact proportion of the image i open? or in the proportion of 3x4? Also i would be very appreciated if someone could then explain how to rotate the selection and only then do the crop? thanks in advance
  3. yes, in the way how it is made now in photo.NET, it is very simple and totally unusable... what i tried to say previously is that the functionallity of cropping is not enougth satisfied for people who works with photoes. I see that crop is related to selection. How can i change size of selection when i already made selection? How can i change size of selection with propotion e.g. 3x4 when i already made selection? How can i rotate selection when i already made selection? If there are some possibilities to rotate selection (which i didn't find) - how do i get the croped selection be rotate automaticly to horizontal position? I mean that until this basics functionality are not realized properly it's not possible to use the photo.NET as normal photo redaktor IMHO ... actually i would like to hear any comments from developers side of photo.NET what do they think about this suff?
  4. Hello fellows, I just downloaded the Paint.NET and find it very attractive and amazing. However some things was quite suprized to me. One of them is that crop possibilities is very poor in paint.net. I'm workining with photoes a lot, and i know that many photographers using crop tool very-VERRRRY often. And in photo.net "crop" is not even in the tools panel!!! It took me a while to understand how the crop is working in paint.NET and i found it not so convinient. I'm wondering is it possible to make separate crop tool with posibilities to rotate and adjust or defuct the size of croped area with mouse? also by locking crop area e.g. with propotion like 3x4 or original image size... I guess/hope you all understand what i'm talking about - the way how the crop is realized in photoshop. thanks in advance!
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