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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Can you please tell us what you were doing when the crash happened? Does it repro(duce) if you repeat the procedure?
  2. FYI - It's relatively easy to save & load a set of tokens. This is what I used in Planetoid to save planets. private void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TryPlaySound(@"C:\Windows\Media\Windows Battery Low.wav"); using System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog svfd = new(); svfd.FileName = "Untitled"; // set default title // get last used path svfd.InitialDirectory = GetLastFolder(); // look for *.pln files svfd.Filter = "Planetoid Files (.pln)|*.pln|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; svfd.FilterIndex = 1; svfd.OverwritePrompt = true; // Show the filename extension svfd.AddExtension = true; if (svfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (FileStream stream = File.Open(svfd.FileName, FileMode.Create)) { Token.SaveTo(stream); } // show Ok message MessageBox.Show(this, "Dude, you saved an entire planet.", "What a hero!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // store path in case it changed. SaveLastFolder(svfd.FileName); // // ************** Cool little trick: put the saved filename into the plugin title! :) ******************* // Text = Path.GetFileName(svfd.FileName) + " - " + ActiveForm.Text; } else { // Wasn't saved - informal message to say so. MessageBox.Show(this, "You're probably like...'Whatever Man' but I should tell you that Planet wasn't saved!", "Whoa....Dude!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } Loading snippet.... using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(ofd.FileName)) { PlanetoidEffectConfigToken token = PlanetoidEffectConfigToken.LoadFrom(stream); InitDialogFromToken(token); FinishTokenUpdate(); }
  3. I'm not sure, but I feel Distort this should be able to do that.
  4. I generally say this whenever responding to a first-time poster. It is a polite and friendly greeting, which I geniunely mean.
  5. ^^ Effects > Noise > Median can also be used for step 8. Use a small radius and a Percentile less than 50%.
  6. Another method: Create a 3 layer image Bottom layer = solid white. Sharp black drawing on transparent top layer. Make sure it has thick lines. On transparent middle layer, render lines with ReMake's Line/Grid plugin Distort lines layer with MadJik's Sin Waves plugin Select black image from top layer (shift click with magic wand) Actvate middle (wavy lines) layer Effects Distort > Morphology: Ht 2, Wd 2, Mode:Erode Your choice of Blur to even out the transition (I found Alpha Blur and Average Blur both did a nice job). AA's Assistant also gave a reasonable finish. << Squint to see it!
  7. Try this plugin pack: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/18811-ed-harvey-effects-v-50-2022-12-24/ It has Pixelate (Hexagon) - run it over a random Noise filled layer.
  8. One further tip I find really useful: While holding down the mouse button to drag out a selection add the second mouse button & drag to relocate the selection. The second mouse button can be pressed/released as many times as you need while the first mouse button remains down.
  9. I had a couple of goes at writing up these definitions. The first attempt got so tangled I threw it all out. When I restarted, I asked Rick for his help and we collaboratively came up with the current text. We agreed about this: most users don't need to know much about resampling modes. Those that do will already likely understand the different variants. Hence the text is intentionally lightweight. It was, we felt, a good compromise. The documentation is always open to improvement. If you have a suggestion for rewording the Lanczos text I'd like to hear it. Edit: current thinking.....
  10. Duplicate the layer & set the top layer blend mode to Multiply. Merge down. Repeat.
  11. December Update Five new plugins this month, including four from the prolific frio and one from first-time author PackJC Color Vector Rotations frio Interpret one image's pixels as 3-dimensional vectors and another image's as quaternions (via Euler angles - each color component determines amount of rotation around each of the 3D axes), then rotate the first images pixels. HSLuv Hue / Saturation frio Provides access to Hue, Saturation & Lightness in HSLuv color space HSLuv (alternative to the classic HSV/HSL). Color saturation and brightness are more perceptully even in the CIELUV color space. HSLuv often preserves color details better. The plugin also implements the HPLuv and LCh(uv) color space modes: HPLuv is a more subtle and desaturated, but very perceptually even variant of HSLuv, and LCh(uv) is an intermediate between the other two and CIELUV. OpenPAA - (.PAA & .PAC) File Type Support PackJC Load & save support for image types *.paa and *.pac as used by video games ArmA & DayZ. Seamless Simplex Clouds frio Cloud type effect which adds the feature of seamless tiling. Seamless Voronoi Texture frio Seamless tiling effect which uses Voronoi tessellation.
  12. Direct link to the appropriate page: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/InstallPlugins.html
  13. Have you tried toggling the Antialiasing button in the toolbar? REF: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Toolbar.html#17
  14. Correct. I'm sure you'll get a lot of support in the Plugin Developers section if you want to code one up.
  15. Please use Google Translate to post your questions & comments.
  16. Unfortunately, @BoltBait's Object Shadow Pro has been deprecated. My apologies for the mis-direction. Try the same trick (isolate the outline on a transparent layer) then use the built-in effect Object > Drop Shadow
  17. Isolate the outline on a transparent layer then run @BoltBait's Object Shadow Pro with the Modern checkbox checked.
  18. As the author, you should be able to edit the first post yourself.
  19. I made it 64x64. It looks smaller than the rest because the image doesn't completely fill the canvas.
  20. Isolate the image on a transparent layer and run MJW / Red ochre Edge Shader on the layer. (there are many more options than I used for this demo)
  21. I doubt this is true. Why do you say that? I even know why it is called Psychocolor....
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