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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. No problem here. Transient internet problems?
  2. I'll flag them as such in the next release of the Plugin Index. I take it that 'not supported' means they might not work in a later release of Paint.Net and you don't intend to fix them if they break?
  3. What - you've never applied Color Timming?
  4. Seen the Twain plugin? It's about the only plugin that has been written to expand the aquiring options. Twainable - Acquire from TWAIN sources v0.2
  5. Define 'trouble'.... What format are you saving in?
  6. @Djisves: The effect is part of Evan's plugin pack:Evan's Effects v1.1. I don't list the effects contained in plugin packs unless they have been released in their own thread. This is because it is just too difficult to keep track of what is in, or has been dropped from, a plugin pack. April update. Two new plugins have been added: Heightmap Wavelet Haar 2-tap There have been no additions to the list of filetypes. New entries in the Index appear between horisontal lines and are prefaced with the notation *New* In the pdf, new entries appear on a green background.
  7. I honestly don't know - but if you did then we Mods have been very patient with you!
  8. Tell us how you 'got rid of it'. Did you uninstall it or just delete the some files/folders? Depending on your answer, these resolutions might be good places to start: First, read this post ( http://forums.getpai...post__p__316684 ) and if applicable, try it. Second, read this thread: http://forums.getpai...tall-read-this/
  9. With a post count of 59 you should know by now that the Newbie Playground is a sub forum of the Tutorials section. This is NOT the place to post your inquiry. <Moved to GD&Q> Now in answer to your query about curved text, try Dpy's plugin pack: dpy's Pack
  10. OK, try Ed Harvey's plugin Extract Color. With it you can extract by channel. You'll find a link in this thread (which is related): Layers of colour
  11. The plugin should work on selections too. Are you intending on creating an image in Red Green & Alpha and using blue as a glow mask?
  12. See my answer here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21423-i-just-cant-do-it-please-help/page__view__findpost__p__351013
  13. Color Channel Mixer will give you a handful of channel adjustments.
  14. You want to isolate the table from the background? Try this: http://forums.getpai...ing-out-images/ This tutorial might be worth checking out too: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/12196-making-backgrounds-of-images-transparent/
  15. And a plugin Extract Color that automates the tutorial.
  16. All good suggestions - which you would be better raising in the Printer+ thread. (I always love it when a piece of software automagically makes an intelligent guess. Regardless of what it comes up with, it won't be what I want at the time )
  17. Read this thread carefully: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/692-install-update-or-uninstall-trouble-read-this/
  18. Not a bad effort! The transitions in the corners are perhaps a little abrupt, and the central fade just a little uniform for my liking. Try blending in a cloud layer to see if you can introduce some lighter and darker patches. That would break up the flesh toned area. As a subtle effect, the opacity of such a layer should be quite low. So how? Add a new layer & Effects > Render > clouds. Leave this layer above the others & try some different combinations of blend modes and/or opacity levels (press F4 for both).
  19. Here 'tis....,Speech Bubble. Why don't you ask in that thread if 'thought bubbles' could be added as an option?
  20. As Pyrochild explained in your duplicate posting, the plugin packs pinned in the Plugin Forum are considered the best of the best of the best ("Sir!" )
  21. (my emphasis) Have you got this file installed along with the other files? If you can't find it you'll need to download the package again as that's where you can find it
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