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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. RE: f9, not a bad idea. It has already raised and considered (along with f12 - the other candidate):
  2. Yep, got that. I haven't yet written a filetype plugin and wasn't actually intending to . I was thinking of just opening the datafile and reading the contents to the canvas. I suppose I should give a filetype plugin a go...,
  3. Posting inappropriate images is a stupid thing to do. This forum is a family friendly one and images of that nature are forbidden. <locked>
  4. I could have a look at this for you. You should know that Paint.net plugins cannot resize the canvas. So any plugin I come up with would simply be an import tool to get the data onto the current canvas. For exporting the data again, the only plugin which comes close is this one Image to Code. Would that work? I'd need a couple of examples of the matrixes to play with. Also...., 1. Is the matrix size always going to be 257x257? 2. Is the data always 8-bit?
  5. Some more explanation of the last two posts: The pixel grid doesn't become useful until you zoom in to a point where the individual pixels are clearly visible. The grid becomes visible when the zoom level is set to 200% (or higher). Paint.net documentation: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ViewMenu.html
  6. The link is broken, but I'm glad you have got the hang of it. Try it a few times with slightly different settings to see how they alter the final image. MadJik's suggestion to work at a larger size is a good one. It's always easier to shrink an image that to enlarge it.
  7. This is the first link I get when I do the search: Like I said, easy!
  8. This plugin may help: Kerning Assistant
  9. The link was out of date. I've edited it in the first post. The link takes you to BoltBait's plugin pack which has a number of effects in it (including the flame one needed for this tut).
  10. http://searchpaint.net/ + "grunge text" (without the quotes). Easy!
  11. Follow these two links & download the plugin packages from each: BoltBait's Pack Drop Shadow, Color Accent, Gradient,…KrisVDM's plugin Pack BoltBait's plugin pack has the excellent Bevel Selection effect that would be easy for you to use to create highlights and shadows. KrisVDM's plugin pack contains the Drop Shadow effect. This will allow you to add more shadowing around the logo for extra depth. To learn how to install plugins, try this link: http://www.boltbait....lingEffects.asp Step-by-step: First I'm going to teach you how to separate the logo from the white background: 1. Open your image 2. Select the magic wand tool & change the tolerance in the toolbar to 34% 3. Click on the white background and press the delete key. 4. Now create a new layer :AddNewLayer: 5. Move it below the existing layer :MoveLayerDown: 6. Select the fill tool :FillSelection: 7. Right click anywhere in the new layer to fill it with white. 8. Return to the logo layer (click in in the layers window). We need to smooth out the edges! 9. Go to Effects > Blur & click Gaussian Blur. Change the radius to 1. Not brilliant, but it will do (Mountnman's suggestion would work better - I'll let him explain it ) 10. Save the image as a *.pdn Now the logo is separated from the background. Let's apply the bevelling (assume you have installed the plugin and restarted Paint.Net since the installation) 1. Open the image you created above if not still open. 2. Click on the layer that has the logo in it to activate that layer. 3. Select the magic wand tool and click anywhere in the layer that is not part of the logo. 4. Invert the selection with CTRL + I (effectively this selects just the logo bits). 5. Now go to Effects > Selection & click on Bevel Selection 6. In the top three RGB boxes, type in 188, 153 & 255 respectively. This is the highlight color. 7. In the lower three RGB boxes, type in 47, 23 & 104 respectively. This is the shadow color. 8. Press OK to commit your bevelling to the canvas. Nice 3D look right? Time for some drop shadow: 1. With the logo layer selected (active) but no selection active (press Esc to make sure), go to Effects > Stylize & click on Drop Shadow 2. Change the X & Y Offset to 2, then change the Blur Radius to 3. 3. Tone down the shadow color by typing in 127 to each of the RGB boxes, or just slide the right color bar indicators up to around halfway up the gradient filled indicator. 4. Save your image as *.pdn (doing so preserves layering information). How does that look? Here's a before\after comparison:
  12. Nope, no pre-made templates that I know of. If you have already found the collage tutorial, that's the best place to start. There is my humble Polaroid Frame plugin that will throw a frame around an image. Another option might be Mosaic Maniac Collage Paint
  13. If you're talking about Simon Brown's Editable Text plugin then you should post this question in the thread related to that plugin * Here * . The text tool itself does not allow text to be edited once committed to the canvas, so I doubt you mean that.
  14. May update One new plugin this month: Reverse Colors -Selectively reverse the values of any of the RGBA channels. Also flagged as new is: Perlin Texture - Creates brilliantly colored patterns Perlin Texture appears as "new" because it had been missed from the Index previously . Apologies to @MadJik for the omission. There have been no additions to the list of filetypes. As usual: New entries in the Index appear between horisontal lines and are prefaced with the notation *New* In the pdf, new entries appear on a green background.
  15. MadJik the Magician. Awesome blend! (Edited your post to link to the image - it's a little oversize )
  16. Confirmed: the profile photos have been disabled. The error message you're getting is not related to the filesize, it's a default error message because the forum has been told not to accept profile photos. Sorry about the confusion. At least you know to stop trying now.
  17. All other apps won't recognize the *.apng format. That is the extension Simon gave it so that it wouldn't conflict with the *.png file extension already in Paint.net. Try renaming a copy of the file to *.png and opening it with your browser (assuming you're using something fairly modern).
  18. You might want to post a beta in the Plugin Developers section - get some free testing!
  19. Once you have cut out the image of yourself (using either of the links that Mountnman gave you), resize it to the required dimensions. Next SAVE AS..., and select the file type PNG. You need to use a file type that supports transparency if you want to overlay a background and have the background show through. GIF and PNG support transparency, JPG (as in your link) does not support transparency.
  20. Layers > Rotate/Zoom. More>> http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/RotateZoom.html
  21. Translucent areas are selectable, just like any other region. Try the magic wand & adjust the tolerance on the slider in the toolbar until you get the area selected that you want. You can add regions by holding down the CTRL key as you make selections. CTRL + C will copy the selected areas.
  22. Avatars and signatures have size restrictions and file size limitations. Check that your image is not too large in dimension or filesize. If you're trying to upload a profile picture: these were switched off a while back and only briefly enabled when the forum had a little hiccup recently. They may have been turned off again. I'll check for you.
  23. himself22 speaketh the truth. The horsie is missing it's head! No filters or clever techniques are going to be able to bring that information back. You're going to have to either make up the missing info, or graft another image of a horse into your photo. You could cut your losses and crop it.
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