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Everything posted by Des

  1. Thanks for all the advice. I will check them out Des
  2. I solved it! Here is how I did it. 1. Create a canvas much larger than the proposed picture you want to use. 2. Create a new canvas the size of the picture you want to use (or slightly larger might be better). Draw a rectangle the size of this new canvas. Use a solid fill (bucket tool), e.g. Black. Cut out a square/rectangle from the middle the size you want. Save and close this canvas. 3. Open the image you want to use. Select all and cut it. Close the image without saving. 4. Paste the cut image into the first (large canvas) as new layer. Merge down layers if you want. 5. Open mask image. Select all and cut. Close this image without saving. 6. Paste the mask image into the 'picture canvas' as new layer. Move it around until the cut-out section shows the part of the picture that you want. Then set it in place. Not a very elegant solution. But it works for me. Thanks for your help. Hope it proves useful for other members. Des
  3. Thanks for the reply Myrddin. I had tried that idea. But the move selection tool moves the area I selected. What I want to achieve is to move the mask, and the transparent window around the picture. thanks Des
  4. Hi. I am a keen photographer and often use a paper mask to isolate interesting areas in a photograph. Is it possible to create such an idea in Paint.net? I was thinking along the lines of creating an opaque overlay with a rectangular or square transparent window in the centre. Ideally the the aperture should be of variable size. Any suggestions. Thanks Des
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