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About QArkhan

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    MMORPG, Firearms, Digital Art

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  1. Could you give an example? I start with the base image I make a mask per the tutorial I perform the tutorial steps, sometimes having to fiddle with the size of the median and gaussian blurs and end up with a gloss map I put the gloss map layer above the base image layer, set the gloss map to OVERLAY and adjust the opacity to my liking, to get something like This works well for metal, plastic, cloth, anything that might have some shine, reflections or sheen to it. You can edit the gloss map if it puts highlights that are inconsistent with lighting, etc.
  2. One thing I have used this tutorial for is "gloss maps" Instead of using TEXT, use an image, or part of an image. When you have finished with the chrome steps (you might need to fiddle with your median filter and gaussian blur amounts depending on the size of your object), Place the "gloss map" on top of the image in the correct location and set the gloss map layer properties to OVERLAY. Adjust the layer transparency to your liking. It works very well to put a sheen onto things that should have them. I've used it on armor, shields, cloth, anything that needs some gloss or shine added.
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