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Everything posted by ronio

  1. CJ thanks, that is very helpful. Yes I used the internal search engine. It appears to suck I guess.
  2. CJ thanks, that is very helpful. Yes I used the internal search engine. It appears to suck I guess.
  3. Would somebody be willing to write a quick Andy Warhol tut for a newb? I found several tuts on the inet for PS, but the commands just don't work the same. Was surprised to search here and the only real hit was to a Ed Harvey effect called color flip, but there was no explanation on how to use it. thanks in advance ronio
  4. Would somebody be willing to write a quick Andy Warhol tut for a newb? I found several tuts on the inet for PS, but the commands just don't work the same. Was surprised to search here and the only real hit was to a Ed Harvey effect called color flip, but there was no explanation on how to use it. thanks in advance ronio
  5. This is a great tut. Question: How can I wrap text on the circle so it looks like it was printed on a ball, rather than flat text that doesn't really belong?
  6. Help, what I'm I doing wrong? Whenever I try add add a new layer from file it takes my original (background) layer and resizes it to the new layers size? So after I get everything size back right and try to add in my second photo, whammy it does it again. Now this time the first image has been scaled down to a thumbnail on this new canvas size. This looks like an awesome tut, I'm hoping to use it to create a photo collage on a 4x6 to mail out for Christmas. ~ronio
  7. OK, I was working on a drawing that contains about 15 circles. I now realize that I need to delete the 5th one made. I can't figure out how to select it and delete it. I always tried using the History window, however, it doesn't allow me to delete just the 5th one, it goes and deletes the 5th + everyone created after it (6th thru 15), this is just not acceptable. TIA, Ronio
  8. So is adding animated GIF functionality directly into PDN on the road map?
  9. I would recommend that you look at the way Microsoft Picture IT does this, it is awesome, simple and lets you see the rule of thirds. I was really hoping to find an "all in one" tool with Paint.Net, but for now I guess I'll have to keep juggling between Picture IT & Paint.Net.
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