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Everything posted by rasengan105

  1. :?: DA downloads works for me. But then i had two versions. Had to remove old dll. :wink: when I downloaded the custom brushes plugin it starts downloading to a "temporary file" ,where you cant save the dll then it opens the dll with notepad.
  2. make a zip attachment of this plugin or zip the dll because downloading the dll alone from dA leads to nowere :?
  3. hmm check if you have plugin load errors because its doesnt work in ver 3.30
  4. Save target as I cant do that. I doesnt let me save, It just downloads.. to a "temperary file" which is nowhere so can you just zip the dll?
  5. can you zip the dll? It downloads to the temporary file which lead to nowhere :?
  6. rasengan-105's Gallery you can find awesome stuff 8)
  7. hmm... equations can make fractals 8) ...maybe :?
  8. that mandrebrot/motion blur technique can be used to make auroras :wink:
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