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Posts posted by becauseilearn

  1. Exception details:

    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the registry key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Paint.NET' is denied.

    It isn't Paint.NET. This is saying that you do not have sufficient authorization to access the registry under the account you are using. If you are running as an administrator, you may have to go to that key and set the permissions manually.

  2. I think the first thing I did that was halfway decent was this:


    I am in no way as talented as almost anyone in here (and it would be awesome to have 1/10 the talent of Ash or Oma or, well, almost anyone else). I also wrote a tutorial on making something that might look like bamboo if you squint tightly.

    I think the amazing things people do here should be taken as things you can do once you learn how. Not as unattainable heights. I mean, the ones who do these amazing things are also writing tutorials on how to do them.

  3. It looks like some process is trying to write to protected memory, based on my possible mistranslation of the error detail. Since the lines below it note a few instances where it is working with fonts, I suspect that there is a corrupt font package on your system. I could be completely wrong. If you recently placed some new fonts on your PC, you could remove them and see if the problem goes away.

  4. if i download this 3.31 will it erase all the plugins i had for 3.07?

    No, it won't erase them. However, some plugins have been added to Paint.NET itself and the program will disable them. And there are some plugins that might work now that won't work under 3.31. I believe that those may also be disabled.

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