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Everything posted by Hope

  1. wow very realistic result! im going to try it!
  2. your avatar lit your sig on fire :O *gasp*
  3. all these new creative creations are very very good
  4. well thats exactly wat i didnt do! blur it. and i also used glow on the different layers i like ur avatar btw. great animation
  5. my try at this great and easy fire tutorial: might be my new sig
  6. this tutorial is great and lots of results my try: used the kaleidoscope to get an interesting shape in the middle
  7. my go at it: got the original pic from google URL:http://www.carbodydesign.com/archive/2006/01/25-skoda-roomster-concept/Skoda%20Roomster%20Concept%203-lg.jpg
  8. @barkbark00: i like that bones font that u used for your paint.net picture..oh and captain underpants is so cool!
  9. reminds me of school ahhh which i dread! but i like ur picture!
  10. that is a good looking bird and ur sig is awesome!
  11. @boyke046: cool pic! u look like ur standing on a record!
  12. that is really great it sorta looks like a theatre exit that has been flooded or some cool building!
  13. the use of ink effect: my try at coloring a black and white image:
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