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I Like Pi

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Everything posted by I Like Pi

  1. [*:2z1vsusp]Use color picker to get the shade of green [*:2z1vsusp]Add a layer [*:2z1vsusp]Type text using font in Ash's instructions (The correct font was probably discovered by using a service like whatthefont.com) [*:2z1vsusp]Layers -> Rotate/Zoom to match angle
  2. This is what I cooked up with GDI+. Lines with a width greater than 1 don't work nicely currently. This is not a codelab script and requires version 3.20. It currently has a few bugs, probably from mathematical inaccuracies. DiagonalLines.zip
  3. Cool effect! As you said though, the UI is really screwed up for small resolutions. Every time I moved the window or unfocused/refocused on it, it flickered a lot and the scrollbar appeared and disappeared. (Bug for Rick?)
  4. System.OutOfMemoryException You ran out of memory. PDN's design doesn't use memory very efficiently, but Rick has no plans to improve this.
  5. CodeLab wasn't intended as a full development environment. You're better off downloading Visual C# Express and the effect plugin template. Then you can create a GUI using the forms designer or the new property system in 3.20 beta. You can look at 3.10's source code or decompile Paint.NET 3.20 using Reflector for coding examples.
  6. GIFs are limited to a palette of 256 colors, so they are bad for photographic data but good for simple diagrams. JPEG is the best format for photos, unless you need a lossless compression (use PNG or HD Photo).
  7. GIF does not support partial transparency (called alpha channel). JPEG does not support transparency at all. Images saved as GIF usually beat PNG because they always use a palette of 256 colors (lossy compression), while PNG are usually saved with four full channels (RGBA, 32 bits/pixel) because this format is always lossless. However, PNGs usually beat GIFs if properly saved in palette mode (8 bits/pixel). PNG also supports RGB (24 bits/pixel) , grayscale (8 bits per pixel), and grayscale+alpha (16 bits/pixel) modes. The amount of bits used per pixel can be reduced by lowering the bit depth. Summary: A PNG with quality identical to a GIF will usually be smaller if saved in the right color mode.
  8. When another application overlaps a translucent window, switching to PDN causes a ghost image to appear. This isn't critical, but it's rather unusual. (Tested on version 3.20)
  9. You'll need to write a small .NET class that extends the Effect class and uses P/Invokes to call your native code. There's no published documentation for the Effects API. The best thing you'll get is the documentation in the source code.
  10. I don't see how storing plugins in AppData is violation of limited access. If you're on a limited account, the plugins can still only do stuff within your privileges, and the changes aren't system wide. It's like downloading any old exe file (like a portable application) and executing it without installation.
  11. Your effect seems to shift the image a little to the right. Upon examination of your code I found for (int j = y - 1; (j <= y + 1); j++) for (int i = x - 1; **(i < x + 1)**; i++) which I think should be (i <= x + 1). It would also be nice if you added a slider for the radius (which in your code is the +/-1).
  12. Ok, that's enough discussion about DPI. The bottom line is that OptiPNG discards DPI information (hey, its taking up space) and that this does not change the actual pixels.
  13. Thanks Rick! One little thing: The first reset button in the old effect config dialogs doesn't animate.
  14. Please don't use "just". Yep, just because it's XML doesn't mean its easy. Neither Firefox nor Opera have full SVG support.
  15. Paint.NET was designed from the ground up as a raster image editor that works with pixels. Supporting vector graphics would pretty much mean reprogramming PDN fro scratch. You're much better off using a dedicated vector graphics editor like Inkscape.
  16. You ran out of memory. I'm guessing that when you clicked undo, PDN had to load the history from the hard disk and put it into memory.
  17. Can you set the buttons' FlatStyle to System? It enables Vista's fade effects and makes the UI more consistent. Other than that, looks great!
  18. I like the simplicity of the current design. IMO, fancy designs/backgrounds/fonts detract from the actual content of the page (I like Gmail for the same reason). The only thing that needs improvement is the ads: they occupy half of the page! Also, note that it's not easy to convert a raster image and to HTML code.
  19. Although I don't see why you'd want this, you can do this by adding "C:\Program Files\Paint.NET" (substitute with where you installed it) to your path environment variable. Then you can use cmd>PaintDotNet.
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