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Everything posted by trippdoctor

  1. Thanks! Also this is awesome ash your very impressing. http://0-ash-0.deviantart.com/art/Ice-cube-2-5-64064993
  2. I would wait for AMD to come out with there new CPU I believe they are going to making up to a 8 core CPU. I know they have a quad on the market right now.
  3. Ok now I just need to discover how you got round corners and it to blend like that. I still haven't made much if any progress on discovering how to make that wallpaper.
  4. well heres what i came up with in 15 minutes with my method.
  5. well I haven't tried I examined it though and looks like you used dents and 3 cubes one inside of each other and slightly different color am I even close?.
  6. Hey ash how did you make your Ice cube I know you used the 3D plugin.
  7. Remember the built in forum search doesn't work right now so give him some slack, but my friend you can use this search. http://www.getpaint.net/search.html
  8. What about C++ I don't want to learn a whole new language even though C# seems similar and mite be easy to change over.
  9. Heres what I came up with trying to duplicate the cubes. They are like glass boxes but still not the effect. Also ash your ice cube is wow again.
  10. Hmm I just noticed something links to the old forums don't work................ Such as the links to pugins in tutorial section. Which means tutorials with custom plugins will have to have each link updated........
  11. Well on a gimp forums I mite get an answer on how to do it in gimp but not Paint .NET.
  12. I think you can change the phpbb logo in the css part in the admin cp its like that on Invison I don't know about phpbb. Yea I was at the old forums going what the heck why is every thing locked.........
  13. heres the guys gallery, I found it funny how the preview of the aura blood looked till I downloaded it was actual pretty good but how dose this guy do some of these things like his golden glass and this wallpaper. http://programmerlord.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx
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