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Everything posted by MiguelPereira

  1. Great tut really even beeing improvised i think it's really good one that should almost definitely be stick'd huge thanks Tanel
  2. I agree that PdN rocks but shouldn't this topic be in the overflow? be careful or it will get blocked
  3. what is it exactly that you want? cause the clouds effect fills the canvas with clouds it wont give some clouds in the sky go here for help in the clouds effect if you want some specific effect or render be a little more specific please post a pic of what you want
  4. this is awesome huge thanks madijk EDIT: If possible i think that this plugin should be sticked
  5. I have this image and i want to remove the extra color in the corners, but its too similar and i cant get to select it. i thought that i could replicate the elipse but i dont know how... I made this one when i was playing around with PdN and i want to replicate the effect and enhace it please help me. I'm desperate I have it in a higher res but it will be the same.
  6. What about (please don't kill me or something, i know you have already much else to think) a slider that would size the rays by percentage compared to the other color rays. for example on your blue yellow ray image, this would allow to enlarge the yellow rays and thin the blue ones. It would depend on the amount of rays and the lenght etc... so that would be mostly a work of %
  7. you forgot the feather on the baby. if you didn't I would say that it'd look better if you did, but you're Madjik i don't wanna get in your way
  8. oh ok then! already casted my vote i'm cosidering participating in the next one it depends on which theme will be
  9. well we have (as far as i read this thread) for the next MSC - a widget clock - google - getpaint.net - winamp and the other ones that were left out on the MSC #1 I think, instead of keep trying to decide here, can't we make a poll? So that when July arrives we can start on it
  10. no prob i just had some flsahes of ideas and i've enhaced the work i'm thinking to post half of the work when it is done, cause it'll be a way to save it Half done already
  11. yay thanks for support i'll be posting it sometime afterlunch [00+GMT London]
  12. i already knew that that it was to be that away but yeah i agree it looks like this now that tut is really good i'll try and put the sepherize effect in it
  13. yeah you were right i just fliped the shadow layer think that a tut is doable? at this point i mean i still have to tune some things regarding the reflection
  14. i've updated with a new one. see above oftopic - you can call me Miguel
  15. It's still WiP but this is what i got update guide me from here please
  16. say how that was my first idea but i can get it to work yay i got it
  17. i'm going to see the radial blur source and see if i can change it to just put the image rounded there's no tut to make that isn't?
  18. No problem So others can read both Good job BTW! thank you, this was my first post to help PdN foruns, and everyone else
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