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Posts posted by snospmiS

  1. It sounds like u use the Gradient in the :AlphaChannel: Transparency Mode.

    Take care that the Gradient is set to :AllColorChannels: Color Mode and that only the Secondary Color is complete transparent!

    I hope this helps. ;)

  2. Somehow I can't see any images from the tut...

    It must be just me :?

    damn...=/ Are u still in Hong Kong? :? *cough*

    As a test: Are u able to see the yellow Orb with your banana in it? =D


    In this case, i used Photobucket...i hope it works >.<

    i know...the reflection isn't still very realistic

    i get to 1.2 draw a black anti alias circle and somehow you missed a part to tell us i get a white cicrle nothing more how do we make black I tried filling with blck and works but when i get to the invert colors i end up with a totally white image ??? and the center plugin doesnt work for me.

    You have to set the Primary Color to black (000000), then u can draw a black circle! =) And if u Flatten the image (Step 2.1) before inverting the colors, the image won't just be totally white. ;)

    If the Align Object-Plugin don't work, u should contact moc426 , as he wrote the plugin.

    Good luck! =)

    ps.: @ Paint_boy, Rec, FrEaK, Bowie, GangstaCrab and FireFly --> Thank u so much! =)

    Perhaps i'll upgrade my tut on how to put things in the Orb etc...even it's not that kind of complicated. ;)

  3. @ BB Thanks! =) I love the Alpha Mask-Plugin! ^.^

    I could see this getting sticky'd!

    Hehe...that would be totally phat! XD

    @ moc426 Thanks a lot! =)

    @ MadJik Thx! =D and yes...you're right, but in the end i got a bit lazy and didn't spent much time on the reflection...apart from that, i don't like the result of the Reflection-Plugin in this image =/ it doesn't look very realistic either and so i tried sth different.

    @ spongey437 Thank you! =) Nice Orb!

  4. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download the PDF


    (A large part of this tut got lost due to the forum update...I'm currently working on it >.<)

    -> m'kay...I recreated the main part of the tut...only the addition about putting objects in the orb etc is missing, I'll do that later...*sigh*


    EDIT by ASH: I have taken the whole tut from the old forum, and copied it here.


    After MadJik postet this image in the pictorium, Ash replied with a Photoshop Tutorial for Kiosk Orbs. Well...I took pleasure in the small orbs and tried to create one with PdN! ^^ Unfortunately, the Photoshop tut was a little bit tricky and it took me nearly two days (of the weekend) to get a satisfying result...so I decided to do a PdN-Tut on it! 😃 ...my first...chrm, chrm...

    What U Will Get!


    What U Need!

    Align Object Plugin - moc426

    Alpha Mask Import Plugin - Illnab1024

    Feather Plugin - BoltBait

    Right, so let's go!

    Step 1

    ...build the foundations.

    1.1) Start with an :CanvasSize: Canvas of 800x800 pixels [strg.] + [shift] + [R], background filled white (FFFFFF).

    1.2) :AddNewLayer: Add a new layer [strg.] + [shift] + [N] ("Layer 2") on which you'll draw a black (00000) circle. Use the :EllipseTool: Ellipse-Tool with :ShapeInterior: Draw Filled Shape ( :AntiAliasingOn: Antianalising Enabeled) and hold [shift] in order to draw a black, perfectly symmetric circle with 400x400 pixels.

    1.3) Now use the 42.png Align Object-Plugin (Effects -> Align Object...) to center the circle in the middle of the picture.


    -> [ click ] <-

    Step 2

    ...create an Alpha Mask.

    2.1) :Flatten: Flatten the image [strg.] + [shift] + [F].

    2.2) :InvertColors: Invert colors [strg.] + [shift] + .

    2.3) :SaveAs: Save the image [strg.] + [shift] + (file format: png) to create the Alpha Mask we’ll use later.


    -> [ click ] <-

    Step 3

    ...color the body of the orb.

    3.1) :Undo: Undo till “Flatten”.


    3.2) Take the :MagicWandTool: Magic Wand-Tool, set the Tolerance to 0% and click outside the circle on "Layer 2", then hit [strg.] + to :InvertSelection: Invert the selection, so you’ve selected the entire circle.

    3.3) Take the :GradientTool: Gradient-Tool on :RadialGradient: Radial, set the Secondary Color to black (000000) and the Primary as you wish (i chose red (FF0000)). Now start the Gradient on "Layer 2" with a left click on :CursorXY: 400,400 and take it to :CursorXY: 0,400.


    -> [ click ] <-

    3.4) :Deselect: Deselect [strg.] + [D] and use the 43.png Alpha Mask-Plugin (Effects -> Alpha Mask...) to soften the edges. Browse to the .png image we just made in Step 2.3.


    You can additionally give the circle a :RadialBlur: Radial Blur (Effects -> Blurs -> Radial Blur...) at about 4 degrees to perfectly soften. 😃

    Step 4

    ...create the "metallic circlet".

    4.1) :AddNewLayer: Add a new layer [strg.] + [shift] + [N] ("Layer 3"). Afterwards, just do the same like in Step 1.2/Step 1.3, only with a white circle -> Use the :EllipseTool: Ellipse-Tool with :ShapeInterior: Draw Filled Shape ( :AntiAliasingOn: Antianalising Enabeld) and hold [shift] in order to draw a white circle with 400x400 pixel. Again, use the 42.png Align Object-Plugin to center the circle in the middel of the picture.


    4.2) Go to :RotateZoom: Rotate / Zoom [Ctrl] + [shift] + [Z]

    --> Angle: 0,00 | Twist Angle: 90,00 | Twist Radius: 75,00 | X Pan: 0,00 | Y Pan: 0,00 | Zoom: 0,95x


    4.3) Select "Layer 3" and move the circle with the :MoveTool: Move Selected Pixels-Tool downwards, so that it fits with the red circle. (Of course, you may could do this in Step 4.2 with the Y Pan of the :RotateZoom: Rotate / Zoom)


    Step 5

    ...create a second Alpha Mask.

    5.1) We gonna create a second Alpha Mask, we'll need later. Due to that you should blur the white circle a bit. Add a :GaussianBlur: Gaussian Blur (Effects -> Blurs -> Gaussian Blur...) at about 2 pixels and 44.png Feather (Effects -> Feather...) it a bit. (Amount ~ 1)

    5.2) :InvertColors: Invert the color [strg.] + [shift] + of the "Background" (thus he should be black), make "Layer 2" :Properties: invisible 10 and :Flatten: Flatten [strg.] + [shift] + [F]. Then :SaveAs: Save the image [strg.] + [shift] + as a png-file, so we can use it later as an Alpha Mask.


    -> [ click ] <-

    Step 6

    ...back to the "metallic circlet".

    6.1) :Undo: Undo till "Invert Colors".


    6.2) Go to "Layer 3", select half of the image (400x800) with the :RectangleSelectTool: Rectangle Select and delete.


    6.3) Select the outside of the "half ellipse" with the :MagicWandTool: Magic Wand-Tool (Tolerance 0%) and press [strg.] + to :InvertSelection: Invert the selection.

    6.4) Now set your Primary Color to white (FFFFFF) and your Secondary Color to black (000000), take the :GradientTool: Gradient-Tool on :LinearReflectedGradient: Linear (Reflected) and start the gradient at about the middle of the ellipse and draw it till the end of the circle.


    -> [ click ] <-

    6.5) :EditCopy: Duplicate "Layer 3" [strg.] + [shift] + [D], :Horiz: Flip it horizontal and 45.png Merge layer down [strg.] + [M]. Now use the 43.png Alpha Mask-Plugin to soften the edges, browse to the Mask we made in Step 5.2.


    6.6) Repeat Step 4.1: :AddNewLayer: Add a new layer [strg.] + [shift] + [N] ("Layer 4"), use the :EllipseTool: Ellipse-Tool with :ShapeInterior: Draw Filled Shape ( :AntiAliasingOn: Antianalising Enabeld) and hold [shift] in order to draw a white circle with 400x400 pixel and center the circle with the aid of the 42.png Align Object-Plugin in the middel of the picture.

    6.7) Go to :RotateZoom: Rotate / Zoom [strg.] + [shift] + [Z] and apply the same values like in Step 4.2, excepting the Zoom:

    -> Angle: 0,00 | Twist Angle: 90,00 | Twist Radius: 75,00 | X Pan: 0,00 | Y Pan: 0,00 | Zoom: 0,81x


    6.8.) Select "Layer 4" [strg.] + [A] and move & stretch the white ellipse with the :MoveTool: Move Selected Pixel-Tool in such a way that it looks sth like this:


    6.9) In order to soften the edges add a :GaussianBlur: Gaussian Blur at about 2 pixels and 44.png Feather it a bit. (Amount ~ 1)

    Step 7

    ...we need some reflection.

    7.1) :AddNewLayer: Add a new layer [strg.] + [shift] + [N] ("Layer 5"), go to "Layer 2", select all and copy [strg.] + [A] & [strg.] + [C] and paste it in "Layer 5" [strg.] + [V]. (Yeah i know...duplicating layer 2 and moving it up would amount to the same thing. :roll: )

    7.2) Take the :MagicWandTool: Magic Wand-Tool (Tolerance 0%), select the outside of the circle and hit [strg.] + to :InvertSelection: Invert the selection. Take the :GradientTool: Gradient-Tool on :LinearGradient: Linear. Set the Primary Color to white and the Secondary to complete transparent.


    -> [ click ] <-

    7.3) Start the gradient at about :CursorXY: 400,225 and draw it till :CursorXY: 400,400.


    7.4) Use the 43.png Alpha Mask-Plugin to smoothe the edges (take the Mask we made in Step 2.3), also give the circle a :RadialBlur: Radial Blur at about 4 degrees.

    7.5) Select the whole "Layer 5" [strg.] + [A], take the :MoveTool: Move Selected Pixel-Tool, grab one of the edges from the selection and squeeze the circle (holding [shift]) to 600x600 pixel :RectangleSelectTool: Bounding rectangle size.


    Center the small circle a little bit below the top of the big circle and go on with the next step.

    7.6) Take the :EllipseSelectTool: Ellipse Select-Tool and draw a circle (holding [shift]) with 400x400 pixel, then take the :MoveSelectionTool: Move Selection-Tool and squeeze the top of the circle down to 400x300 pixel. Take the selection with the :MoveSelectionTool: Move-Selection-Tool and place it centered above the big circle, so that about a fourth of the circle is selected.




    7.7) :InvertSelection: Invert the selection [strg.] + and press delete. After that, soften the reflection by adding a :GaussianBlur: Gaussian Blur (about 2) and 44.png Feather (about 1). Turn the :Properties: Opacity of "Layer 5" [F4] to 240.


    Step 8

    ...a vitrine for the Kiosk Orb.

    8.1) Go to "Layer 2" and use the :EraserTool: Eraser-Tool in order to delete the area around the edges from "Layer 3".


    8.2) :EditCopy: Duplicate [strg.] + [shift] + [D] "Layer 2" and :Properties: name it "Layer 2.2". 24 On "Layer 2" erase the top part of the circle and on "Layer 2.2" erase the bottom part of the circle. -> 25

    8.3) Go to "Layer 3", take the :MagicWandTool: Magic Wand-Tool, turn the tolerance to 69%, select the area outside the metallic ellipse and hit [strg.] + to :InvertSelection: Invert the selection.


    Go to "Layer 2" and hit delete.

    8.4) On "Layer 2.2", just do the same like in Step 7.6: Create an ellipse with 400x300 pixels and place it at the top of the circle in such a way that it fits with the reflection.


    Press [strg.] + and hit delete.

    44.png Feather "Layer 2.2" with a value of 5 and add a :GaussianBlur: Gaussian Blur at about 2 degrees.


    8.5) :AddNewLayer: Add a new Layer [strg.] + [shift] + [N], :Properties: name it "Layer 4.2" and :Down: Move it down between "Layer 4" and "Layer 5". 29

    Afterwards repeat Step 1.2/1.3: Use the :EllipseTool: Ellipse-Tool with :ShapeInterior: Draw Filled Shape ( :AntiAliasingOn: Antianalising Enabeld) and hold [shift] in order to draw a black circle with 400x400 pixels and center it with the Align Object-Plugin. Smoothe the edges with a :RadialBlur: Radial Blur at about 4.


    8.6) On "Layer 4.2", take the :GradientTool: Gradient-Tool on :RadialGradient: Radial and :AlphaChannel: Transparency Mode. Draw the gradient with the right mouse button from :CursorXY: 400,400 to :CursorXY: 0,400.


    -> [ click ] <-

    8.7) Go to "Layer 2.2", take the :MagicWandTool: Magic Wand-Tool, set the tolerance to 56%, select the oustide of the top, press [strg.] + , go back to "Layer 4.2" and hit delete.

    8.8.) Go to "Layer 2", take the :MagicWandTool: Magic Wand-Tool, set the tolerance to 0%, select the oustide of the bottom, press [strg.] + , go back to "Layer 4.2" and hit delete.


    Step 9

    ...some reflection on the glass.

    9.1) :AddNewLayer: Add a new layer [strg.] + [shift] + [N], :Properties: name it "Layer 4.3" and :Down: Move it down between "Layer 4.2" and "Layer 5". Move "Layer 2.2" :Up: Up between "Layer 4.3" and "Layer 5".


    9.2) Use the :EllipseTool: Ellipse-Tool to create a white circle (300x300) and center it with the Align-Plugin. Select all [strg.] + [A], take the :MoveTool: Move Selected Pixel-Tool and stretch the side from :CursorXY: 0,400 to :CursorXY: -50,400.


    9.3) Center the image with the Align Object-Plugin, select all [strg.] + [A], take the :MoveTool: Move Selected Pixel-Tool, grab the bottom of the selection and squeeze the height from 400x800 to 400x650.

    Change the :Properties: Opacity from "Layer 4.3" to 80.

    Change the :Properties: Opacity from "Layer 4.2" to 125.


    Step 10

    ...the bottom part of the Orb wants also a reflection...very last step.

    10.1) Go to "Layer 2", take the :MagicWandTool: Magic Wand-Tool (tolerance 0%), select the outside of the bottom and hit [strg.] + .

    10.2) Take the :GradientTool: Gradient-Tool, set to :RadialGradient: Radial, Primary Color white and Secondary Color complete transparent (like in Step 7.2). Now draw a gradient from :CursorXY: 400,450 to :CursorXY: 400,600.



    Adding a few Drop Shadows and reflections you should get sth like this:


    As you can see, the central difficulty was to get all smooth but however not to blurry...hope u like it! 😃 and yeah...my english isn't quite perfect x)


    As a few users asked how to put things in the Orb, i'll gonna upgrade my tut a bit. ^^

    Step 11

    ...adding some Drop Shadows.

    As far as u did all the steps down till Step 10.2 u should received sth like this:


    11.1) Now, go to "Layer 2.2" and add a Drop Shadow. (by Crazy Man Dan ) Offset X = 0 ; Offset Y = 1 ; Blur Radius = 3 ; Color = black

    11.2) Go to "Layer 4" and add a Drop Shadow. Offset X = 0 ; Offset Y = 0 ; Blur Radius = 0 ; Color = black

    11.3) Go to "Layer 3" and add a Drop Shadow. Offset X = 0 ; Offset Y = 0 ; Blur Radius = 0 ; Color = black


    Step 12

    ...sth for sale x).

    12.1) :AddNewLayer: Add a new layer [strg.] + [shift] + [N], :Properties: name it "Layer 4.1" and :Down: Move it down between "Layer 4" and "Layer 4.2". Choose an article for your Orb (for instance such a bottle: ) and paste it in "Layer 4.1". Of course u have to take care, that the background of your article is transparent.


    Experiment with some reflections (Reflection Plugin by Boltbait ) and shadows for the article and the Orb and you'll get nice results! Have fun! 😃


  5. Very nice tut! I love your gems, they just look awesome!

    I tried for nearly an hour but just ended up with this:


    Not quite happy with it...=/

    How did u get this great glowing shadow? oO

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