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Everything posted by DarkShock

  1. messy blob? I'll help you out, but what do you mean by messy blob? Maybe it's the text you're using?
  2. Sweet tutorial!!! Here's my result:
  3. Really? Aww....now you're going to make me have to build anticipation.
  4. Can you please make it a .zip file? I try to download it, but my CPU is having trouble doing it. It doesn't have any problems with the .zip file though. I'd really appreciate it.
  5. I was using GIMP the other day and I kind of like the Grow/Shink selection feature. Say you have a square selection that is 50 by 50 pixels. You go to the Grow selection and select how many pixels you want to grow the selection by. Say I increased it by 3. Now my selection is 53 by 53 pixels. Is that possible to put that feature into Paint.net?
  6. A few days ago I was in a hurry and I was editing an image and I didn't want to save it (I was just experimenting new things with the image). As said I was in a hurry and I tried to close the image and the usual "Unsaved changes" window came up asking if I wanted to save the changes. I hurried and I mistakenly hit "Save" when I didn't want to save the image in its current way. Will the Paint.net developers be able to make a confirmation window that asks if you're sure that you want to save any unsaved changes?
  7. There is no way to have the text justified though.
  8. Notice how Microsoft Word has four different ways to set up your text; align left, align right, center, and justified. Is it possible to make the text justified in Paint.net?
  9. How do you make a paintbrush like the one in this image: Also: does anyone have a paintbrush render that I can use?
  10. If its possible for the Paint.net producers. Can you guys actually add a brush tool to Paint.net and possibly a smudge tool? I'm just asking. It's also a possible request.
  11. you don't know who megan fox is? she was in the transformers movie. she's also the hottest person on the planet.
  12. did i ever mention how cool this tutorial is?
  13. Here is another one I whipped up:
  14. Thanks. I'll try that out. I tried to download the feather plug-in, but my CPU won't let me due to the dll extension.Nevermind. I downloaded the zip version you sent me.
  15. I have seen it. I tried do download it, but my CPU won't let be because of the dll extension.
  16. Thanks. I'll try that out. I tried to download the feather plug-in, but my CPU won't let me due to the dll extension.
  17. My computer won't download that plugin because of it's dll extension. is there any other way?
  18. Does it really take all that work just to do that though. There should be a faster, easier way.
  19. I've used Gimp a couple times and I've noticed that you can feather the edges. Is it possible to put that feature in Paint.net?
  20. I actually made the image on Paint.net, but I did the rain effect using Gimp.
  21. I have worked with Adobe Illustrator and I've used the fonts and I've noticed that you can put in a stroke (like and outline) for the fonts. You can pick the color for the outline and you can adjust how think the stroke/outline is. Will it be possible to add that feature to Paint.net?
  22. Here is my second result: It sort of looks like the sun is exploding.
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