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Everything posted by moc426

  1. Updated, performance tweak, let me know how this performs.
  2. I did rotate, there is always some line there. I wasn't complaining I used the blur to do what I needed, plus median blur rounds more since its not constrained to a 5 value.
  3. Ash I saw that, but I don't know if its rounded corners, I thought it did like a bevel. Reason I didn't use it, is it made a outline or some line on the bottom, see below.
  4. This plugin is so cool, here is an example with it... edit: the dots could be done better to give it a more realistic look but this was a quick edit on the dots. edit2: added a median blur to give it rounded edges, this thing is too cool
  5. :shock: :shock: :shock: This is very useful, someone needs to translate it and update the interface to English. Btw, it runs good for me unless I use a big image and set AA on and the higher the value ... but wow.
  6. Thanks. OK, this is fixed. Go get the latest build: http://boltbait.googlepages.com/feather
  7. Your welcome. barkbark00, has performance improved or still the same.
  8. Bolt, can you change the name, it says feather2 in my blur menu.
  9. When I post the source later, I will have you fix it Or at least spot the problem. If I get vs 2005 I should be able to debug it better and work out the issue.
  10. I don't use curves much but this is very nice indeed. Saving and loading is a nice feature for those who do use this a lot.
  11. Yah thats what I meant about the preview not working. Try clicking the same Button again, it should fix the preview. i.e. if you did top, click top again, it will render it correctly the 2nd time in the preview.
  12. I can't get a png to load on a button. This normally works in c# but in pdn, the dll doesn't load the image. Any ideas? pdn does not crash so the image is referenced correctly, when it is not, it crashes when the effect is run. this.leftButton.Image = getIcon("AlignPlugin.Icons.left.png"); protected virtual Image getIcon( String filename ) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();; Stream imageStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( filename ); return new Bitmap(imageStream); }
  13. pdn splits the image into small rectangles and runs them in parallel, you are having it run thru each pixel of the entire image, every time it calls the render function on the smaller rectangle. I believe that is why its performing slow. You can draw on the target surface directly. Look at the source code of some plugins posted here, and you can see how its done. The render function includes 2 parameters which are RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs. Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(srcArgs.Surface.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); // Loop through all the pixels for (int y = selection.Top; y < selection.Bottom; y++) { for (int x = selection.Left; x < selection.Right; x++) { ColorBgra* srcPtr = srcArgs.Surface.GetPointAddress(x, y); CurrentPixel = *srcPtr; // you can use the current pixel and then set it on the target or destination surface // and then set the target surface pixel to the that, this is just copying the pixel over. *dstArgs.Surface.GetPointAddress(x, y) = CurrentPixel; ....
  14. this is pretty cool. but it does it based on the canvas size, if I do a selection it draws inside the selection but based on the canvas size so it draws the piece that would normally go if it was drawing on the full canvas. And yes it is slow, I think if you post your source code, you can get some help on it, I THINK you are doing a for x then for y loop and thats why it is slow. And yes if you can move it in render, it would be better, don't need another submenu for one item.
  15. Tile reflection runs good speed for me, but I have a dual core 2 duo and 4 gigs of ram, dents on quality 5 runs slow, its not that bad really but compared to how fast the other stuff runs, it is slow.
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