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About stevec

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Thanks a lot --but I do have to state my probable inability to carry this out. While I am 100% certain that this would work, and I greatly appreciate the quick reply, I wouldn't know where to begin entering these commands! My experience with Paint.net is limited to pretty basic cutting, cropping, resizing, a little bit of retouching and the like.....The common stuff on the menu bars.... So any further hints would be so helpful. I'm willing to learn -- just need a bit of help about where to start... Thanks again, Steve
  2. I need to take two identically sized and shaped images (they happen to be labels) and divide them both into 48 smaller square pieces -- a grid 8 across and 6 down. I tried manually cutting the image(s) into rectangles and cutting and pasting, but its real hard to get the pieces to be the same size and I haven't even tried it for the second image! Please to help! Thanks a lot. Steve
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