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Mr Frojo

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Posts posted by Mr Frojo

  1. Paint.NET has never worked with openfonts. There wasnt some bug way back that let people use openfonts, and there wasnt some time that pdn supported openfonts, but Rick said, "Bye openfonts. Ill get rid of you just for fun." They have never worked. It must have been a different font that you were using or something.

  2. I always just center-click the links which causes them to open in a new tab.

    Once you get into the habit of that, you'll never have that problem again.

    Oh, and the way the links are now, it offers more options for the user. Think about this... before, if you wanted the link to open in the current window, you couldn't.

    Agreed completly. I used to be used to links opening in a new tab, but in this other site I go to, they dont. I middle-mouse-button all links from now, even if I know that they will open in a new tab. You will get used to it fast.

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