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About vlamo

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi, next Czech translation... Paint.NET v3.35 Please unzip PaintDotNet.Strings.3.CS.resources file to the right folder (default C:\Program Files\Paint.NET) Zdarec, dalsi cestina... Paint.NET v3.35 Rozbalte soubor PaintDotNet.Strings.3.CS.resources do spravne slozky (standardne do C:\Program Files\Paint.NET) All the best! Vlamo PaintDotNet335CS_by_vlamo.zip
  2. Hi there, Czech translation to Paint.NET v.3.22 is now available I would like to warn the visitors from Czech and Slovakia to write without diacritical marks. Something was wrong with these pages and the result is completely screwed the design of messages with diacritic :shock: . I have partly corrected my reports and partly deleted them, I cannot edit the strange reports, that´s why I am asking you for that because of understanding not to have to decode the messages by the DaVinci code... Kind regards, Vlamo ================= Zdarec palec, a je tady dalsi cestina pro Paint.NET, tentokrat v3.22 Chtel bych upozornit navstevniky z Ceska a Slovenska, aby psali bez dikritickych znamenek. Neco se se zdejsimi strankami delo a vysledkem je naprosto zmrseny vzhled zprav s diakritikou :shock: . Svoje prispevky jsem dilem opravil a dilem smazal, cizi prispevky vsak editovat nemuzu, proto vas o to kvuli srozumitelnosti zadam, abych nemusel zpravy dekodovat sifrou mistra Leonarda... Hojas, Vlamo PaintDotNet322CS_by_vlamo.zip
  3. Hi, I am sorry for the delay but I was ill. Awarness for future: ANY version Paint.NET search on this website http://cestiny.idnes.cz/pp/paintnetcz.html The newest version is on my own website firstly, cleverer one will find it by themselves (I don't publish it on purpose). Best regards, Vlamo ========= Ahoj, prominte mi malicke zpozdeni, byl jsem nemocen. Upozorneni do budoucna: JAKOUKOLIV verzi Paint.NET najdete na strance http://cestiny.idnes.cz/pp/paintnetcz.html Nejnovejsi verze byva nejdrive na me osobni strance, ti chytrejsi si ji najdou sami (umyslne ji zde nepublikuji). Mejte se, Vlamo
  4. Hello, I've translated the PaintNet 3.01 into the Czech language. See http://cestiny.idnes.cz/pp/paintnetcz.html Please unzip PaintDotNet.Strings.3.CS.resources file to the right folder (default C:\Program Files\Paint.NET). If there is still not appropriate version, wait a few days. I cannot affect the fast of issue. It is up to editors. Have a nice day, Vlamo
  5. Hello, I've translated the PaintNet 3.01 into the Czech language. See http://cestiny.idnes.cz/pp/paintnetcz.html Please unzip PaintDotNet.Strings.3.CS.resources file to the right folder (default C:\Program Files\Paint.NET). If there is still not appropriate version, wait a few days. I cannot affect the fast of issue. It is up to editors. Have a nice day, Vlamo ====== Ahoj, pÅ™eložil jsem do Ä
  6. Zdarec, nizsi jazykove verze 3x "chodivaji" na vyssich anglickych 3x, ale nemusi odpovidat text, cili muze dojit k zamene, zpravidla ale ne nebezpecne. Doporucoval bych radeji vzdy par dnu pockat na cestinu, pripadne nainstalovat novou verzi, ale pamatovat, ze text nemusi vsude odpovidat. Stahovat lze taky z me stranky nebo ze stranky cestiny.cz. Hoj, Vlamo
  7. Hi, I've translated the PaintDotNet v3.0 into the Czech language. You can download translation file here: http://cestiny.idnes.cz/pp/paintnetcz.html Please unzip PaintDotNet.Strings.3.CS.resources file to the right folder (default C:\Program Files\Paint.NET) Have a nice day, Vlamo
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