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Everything posted by toureasy

  1. Thanks Rick. That did it. I downloaded the two packages, and did the following 2 commands to install them: dotnetfx.exe /T:H://Paint.net//programs//dotnet_2_0//x86 /C netfx64.exe /T:H://Paint.net//programs//dotnet_2_0//x64 /C where // is a backslash Then I rebuilt Paint.NET, and the build succeeded. Thanks.
  2. WARNING: Long post, contains text of a BuildLog.htm When I compile Paint.NET on my PC, I get the following error: error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Making setup packages ..." in Setup Config. However, the build got far enough to create the following 4 files in src\\Setup\\Release: PaintDotNet.msi PaintDotNet_3_0.exe PaintDotNetSetup.exe PaintDotNet_3_0.zip ( contains PaintDotNet_3_0.exe) I don't know if these are the only files that go into the Setup\\Release directory, because it seems to die while trying to add PaintDotNet_3_0_WithDotNet.exe to the ZIP file, which it says doesn't exist. Below is the contents of the src\\Setup-Config\\Release\\BuildLog.htm log, which seems to contain the text of the error. Thanks in advance for your help. - Brad src\\Setup-Config\\Release\\BuildLog.htm: *********************************** Build Log Build started: Project: Setup Config, Configuration: Release|Win32 Command Lines Creating temporary file "h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config\Release\BAT00001036403756.bat" with contents [ @echo off if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" set COMPRESS=/DCompress echo Settings some last minute MSI properties... call "h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config\\SetMsiProperties.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNet.msi" if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" echo Signing MSI ... call "H:\Paint.net\src\signfile.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNet.msi" rem Ensure that the NSIS stubs have a UAC requireAdministrator manifest md ..\BuildTools\Stubs copy ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\* ..\BuildTools\Stubs\ call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\bzip2 ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\bzip2_solid ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\lzma ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\lzma_solid ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\zlib ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\zlib_solid ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml echo Making installer ... ..\BuildTools\makensis /DRelease %COMPRESS% MakeSetup.nsi if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" echo Signing installer ... call "H:\Paint.net\src\signfile.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNetSetup.exe" echo Making full installer ... ..\BuildTools\makensis /DFullInstaller %COMPRESS% /DRelease MakeSetup.nsi if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" echo Signing full installer ... call "H:\Paint.net\src\signfile.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNetWithDotNetSetup.exe" echo Packaging things up... set PDNAME=3_0 pushd "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\" copy PaintDotNetSetup.exe PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.exe "H:\Paint.net\src\\BuildTools\zip" -9 PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.exe copy PaintDotNetWithDotNetSetup.exe PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.exe "H:\Paint.net\src\\BuildTools\zip" -9 PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.exe rem "H:\Paint.net\src\\BuildTools\zip" -0 PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_All.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.zip popd if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError goto VCEnd :VCReportError echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Making setup packages ..." exit 1 :VCEnd ] Creating command line """h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config\Release\BAT00001036403756.bat""" Output Window Making setup packages ... Settings some last minute MSI properties... Executing SQL command on PaintDotNet.msi: UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = 'ALL' WHERE Property.Property = 'FolderForm_AllUsers' A subdirectory or file ..\BuildTools\Stubs already exists. ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\bzip2 ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\bzip2_solid ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\lzma ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\lzma_solid ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\zlib ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\zlib_solid 6 file(s) copied. Making installer ... MakeNSIS v2.11 - Copyright 1999-2005 Nullsoft, Inc. Portions Copyright © 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib). Portions Copyright © 1996-2002 Julian R Seward (bzip2). Portions Copyright © 1999-2003 Igor Pavlov (lzma). Contributors: nnop@newmail.ru, Ryan Geiss, Andras Varga, Drew Davidson, Peter Windridge, Dave Laundon, Robert Rainwater, Yaroslav Faybishenko, Jeff Doozan, Amir Szekely, Ximon Eighteen, et al. Command line defined: "Release" Changing directory to: "h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config" Processing script file: "MakeSetup.nsi" Processing plugin dlls: "h:\Paint.net\src\BuildTools\Plugins\*.dll" SetCompress: off Name: "Paint.NET SFX" InstallDir: "$TEMP\PdnSetup" SilentInstall: silent Icon: "..\Resources\Icons\PaintDotNet.ico" VIAddVersionKey: "ProductName" "Paint.NET Setup" VIAddVersionKey: "ProductVersion" "" VIAddVersionKey: "FileVersion" "" VIAddVersionKey: "LegalCopyright" "Copyright âŒ
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