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Everything posted by Jugalator

  1. When it comes to these things: MeasurementUnit.Inch.Ratio=bildp./tum MeasurementUnit.Centimeter.Ratio=bildp./cm I personally like "pixlar/tum", "pixlar/cm" more. It's a fairly common word in Swedish by now, and doesn't need any ugly shortenings. I wouldn't complain if "bildpunkt/er" was replaced elsewhere with "pixel/pixlar" too for consistency. Maybe "bildpunkter" is preferred by others though, just my opinion. --- As for "overlay", it's often called "överlägg" in Swedish. E.g. "video overlay" => "videoöverlägg". So "lägga över" sounds OK to me as it at least ties into that word. --- Some words didn't feel 100% right in Swedish to me: HatchStyle.LargeConfetti=Konfetti stort If keeping it like that and not reversing it to "Stort konfetti", perhaps add a comma for "Konfetti, stort" vs "Konfetti, litet". Also, LevelsEffectConfigDialog.InputHistogramGroupBox.Text=Histogram original "Originalhistogram" sounds like better Swedish to me? --- ResamplingAlgorithm.SuperSampling=Super Sampling ResizeDialog.AsteriskTextLabel.SuperSampling=* Super Sampling kommer att användas Couldn't this be "Supersampling" at least? (sampling is an actual Swedish word, as well as "super", so the whole word would actually be pronounced like Swedish) I don't like separated words in Swedish. Speaking of which, this one sounded a bit odd to me: LevelsEffectConfigDialog.SwatchOutLow.ToolTipText=Svart punkt resultat (dubbelklicka för att välja) "Svart punkt resultat"? For an unintroduced user, it may sound a lot like just "Black dot result". I lack the context to give a suggestion for this one though, just thought it sounded a bit strange. --- MotionBlurEffect.Name=Fartränder MotionBlurEffectConfigDialog.Text=Fartränder These effects are usually called "Rörelseoskärpa" in Swedish. --- OK, some of these are opinions so take them with a grain of salt if you don't like them at all. I haven't checked through the entire file yet, or tested this thoroughly "live" in Paint.NET.
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