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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    This image was in the hospital thanks for all the help everyone. It has now been sent home with a big bandade and a bottle of asprin. I've sharpened and highlighted and made the changes recommended. I'm now considering it finished and will tackle a harder piece next go around. I still need to perfect those color streaks and highlights. Not quite the same as doing peoples faces. I wanted to use fracture blur but still not sure its the correct thing.... more practice needed.
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no tut. but if there is something specific you want a tip on doing let me know..... before I forget what I did most of my work is by feel the number of layers is because I make small little changes here and there on separate layers. and always bits and pieces of pixel work and clone on individual layers incase I want to back up out of them.
  3. miguel think you are on correct track. maybe some erode and a bit of fracture blur ?? @Ash the brush strokes.... is that dents stretched? like them but the petals are too symetric and uniform for a true flower. this is my revised version tilted layer a bit back and close up, added the highlights and lowlights that gave a bit more thickness to the petals. still not 100% on the centre. perhaps I'll leave that for next attempt. I'm considering this attempt done (larger version in my gallery) I will tackle a harder on next go round.
  4. love the texture look of that last abstract. It looks exactly like a batik fabric. I can just envision a tribal woman carrying a basket on her head with this type of cloth draped around her in a shawl like manner. stunning. .
  5. make the pattern in a square save as a png. and use photo flood fill.
  6. been trying for ages to get more realistic flowers but still not there need some help how do you make the petals appear to have a bit of thickness but not chunky looking? as they are now they have no substance, they should be thicker than paper!
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    a technique trial/ practice. I've uploaded just because I think it's pretty. :wink:
  8. Now that is a sweet, sound to my ears. Gotta love the plug in guys. ciao
  9. @SABrown are you suggesting you might add tube ability? you do know that requires rotation feature. if so I'm off over to your brushes plugin and seconding this request. ciao
  10. I like your latest wallpaper. really fun and flirty looking. ciao
  11. pick a book up. draw what ever the title suggests. Don;t have to read it just use the title as a starting point.
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'm Canadian Pippa hubby is a Swab.
  13. nice work on your gallery Pippa. look forward to seeing plenty more from you, you've a classy style! ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Lionhearted I'm going to expand on my St. John's Bible page and submit to http://www.saintjohnsbible.org/educator/create.htm I feel it will be a very spiritually rewarding experience to create something.
  15. read these tuts. for the first one in your examples you can also use in connection to this glitter tut some of the effect sparkle by Madjik. you will also have to use an outside gif maker read the second link , that explains how to get the motion. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3070&hilit=glitter viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2492
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    you did! did I break a rule! thanks for the looky look in my gallery. :wink:
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this one I've had on the back burner ever since I saw an amazing exhibit at the art gallery. The Saint John's Bible a modern interpretation of old world style illumination of pages. This link shows about the bible. http://www.heritageedition.com/about.htm It is even more impressive to actually see the pages. Very spiritually moving. The use of gold leaf is awesome and the ancient style of using egg yolk just make the color jump off the page. I strongly recommend if you have a chance to see this exhibit anytime you all take it in, even if you are not overly religious. This bible undertaking is destined to become one of the greatest major religious art piece of this century. I'm not exaggerating either it is truly great. My piece holds no where near the amount of icon imagery of Donald Jacksons lovely art illuminations, but it did inspire me to do this piece.
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes 100% paint.net. I didn't keep track of number of layers as there was a lot of merging but must have been around 30 or 40. That's what I generally average on a work like this. the frame is a combination of various text and 3d metal tut with some color balance and curves+. drop shadows etc added. the inner mat is three layers one solid, one stitch and one I think was noise. stray pixels were added and erased as I felt required. found this one very theraputic artwise to do. Challenging of my art skills, are always my favs. thank you for the comment .
  19. topezia just did a good one in the Pictorium you can find it under Image Umberalla Realistic Images page 17 and she explained the steps further down the page to me. ciao
  20. Welcome to our forums. I'll be checking in once in awhile to see how you are progressing. What I see so far is not too shabby, there is real potential here. Keep up the good work, it is obvious you are have fun using the Paint.Net program, and like to experiment with different styles and colors. That's great because this ability goes a long way in making yourself into a wonderful versatile artist. ciao
  21. glad you finally came and joined us here on the forum. I see you are a movie buff. great job on the wall-e and Indiana Jones style sig. In fact I like all your art work. Good assortment, and lots of experimentation. look forward to seeing you add more fine art to your gallery ciao
  22. I like what I see here in your gallery. It is definietly on my watch list. keep up the good work! very fine indeed. ciao
  23. like the first one....love the second. welcome to the forums hope to see some more fine art from you in the days to come. ciao
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks zizOiz this one is called "The need for a tranquil moment" At the moment all I want is a hazy hot day sipping lemonade at the riverbank. I'd really like you to look at this one full size on my DA if you have a moment to get the feel of the textures and subtle shifts in color http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/art/The-need-for-a-tranquil-moment-88356031
  25. @Crimson you must post on the days I'm usually off line, I'm not sure how I missed this gallery before, but have to say it "Rocks" great glass pieces, kind of reminds me of some of Verns older art pieces. Excellent, I'll check back often to see what else you come up with. ciao and thanks for the lovely artwork you've shared with us all.
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