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Everything posted by oma

  1. thank you ASH ! exactly what I need. I always do better trying to work from an actual article or picture. I've just saved those pics and will be going to town this weekend on a hopefully much better version of my glass slipper. mega mega thanks. edit I'm thinking I'm on the right track now just have to sort out the steps and color placements before 3d and solar. create a better mask and 100 other steps.
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    attempting the glass slipper 30Th or so attempt.... 1st posted in hospital needed more shading and a postive light source. I added back side of the foot portion of the shoe to make it more 3d looking and some subtle shading in foot portion. tried to feather the back portion of shoe but it disappeared when I did so. :?: Cinderella sure has a skinny long foot. still not 100% pleased but at least I finally learned to do an alpha mask.
  3. am I even getting close to a glass slipper? PS: you would not beleive me if I told you how long it took me to figure out alpha masking.
  4. if you look under the tut section this one is there. under files as top use save as. and the little drop down box to change to jpg. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6440
  5. Wow! last day for entries. I don't know about you all but I just had a look at the submissions. What's with the black black submissions? You read that story book to a little child and you'd be up all night treating nightmares! Hey don't mind me I'm just shamelessly plugging my own submission
  6. Now that gradiant mapping is working again for me. There is an easier way of doing this and I've a few more screen shots to take and a bit of typing and tweeking on revised version.
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'm having a lovely day. Peaceful and calm. Went for a walk this morning just to hear the songs of the birds. "Hedge Row in the Morning" This is closer to what I was originally after, the colors are more true to the time of my morning walk. The sense of walking from dark to light is a better indication of my overall mood at the time. I still think I'm off a bit, but have come a bit closer to capturing the feeling of hope, faith and wishfulness of that moment. I'm pleased with it at this stage, and think any more rework will be overwork.
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    :wink: I entered, not exactly what I'd been working on, but the glass slipper was eluding my efforts to render properly. large size is in under LAOTW contest. here is a wee thumb size. here is another I worked on this weekend. I love how its turned out. larger version is in the abstract art section. "Where do Fairies live?" and not content to leave that Fairies on alone I just played and came up with this one larger version on my DA. you can find link to my DA below my sig
  9. how are you going to use this fuzz ball. random on screen or in some sort of symetric order. if in symetric entire page you could possibly make one and then photo flood fill the page. random dots different sizes can be done this way how about you make one with the just the fuzzy on transparent layer save as a png and use as a brush to add to the random circles.
  10. I say stick with the tried and true method of voting. Can;t say a tournment is necessary at all.
  11. not sure what you mean. maybe try running toon plug in. on what you have so far. That's one of Bolt Baits plug ins from aways back. It gets it down to almost just lines, but there is quite a bit of shading in the bottom asphalt area. since its just for coloring in, I run a quick eraser over the asphalt area and drop in a white layer underneath your picture to take care of those bits. this is what I got after running toon on the above picture and then doing a real quick swipe out with the eraser for the asphalt. if you wanted to do up properly you'd take a bit more time and care.
  12. I wanted to make a glass slipper but its turned out blahhhhhh even with all the help I received. So back to the drawing board I went. With my many years of reading story books to children, and grandchildren...and hearing the words just one more pleaseeeeeee. I came up with my favourite of every book. :wink: no stocks all paint.net
  13. why don't you do the big bad wolf in the woods from Red Riding Hood? that seems to fit.
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this one is called "Enchanted Polar Inversion"
  15. @arcane_depiction welcome to the forums, see you've been rooting around the tut section. That is definitely the best way to learn. I like your rose, you've done a fine job on it. Personally I tend to favour softer colors but that's my choice and perhaps not yours. Anyways as I said welcome and I hope to see some more fine art work from you soon. ciao OMA so here is my abstract for the night ..... we seem to be on a polar inversion kick lately, Rick must just be gritting his teeth, but I just had to add one as well. I love Polar inversion. this is the Thumb. larger version on my DA Gallery . and also my Paint.Net Gallery on page 7"" links are below my sig
  16. I've had good luck doing this with the old toon plugin. change to black and white and doing several layers at multiply. that might suit your picture if other pencil method doesn't work for you.
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @topezia thanks doing a few minor touches on the bible cover will upload perhaps later today or early tomorrow. anything special you wanted to look at closer? or want explained?
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "Something more powerful"
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    when you feel an "Inner Peace"
  20. I'm liking what I see you all posting. and polar is my all time favourite plugin. here's one I worked on today. called "When you feel an inner Peace" larger one will be in my gallery here on Paint.Net forum (see page 7)
  21. @topezia real nice i like that "brolly" especially that little part where it folds over. look forward to seeing what you do next . That picture is shaping up real well. here is one of my flowers all 100% pdn
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    perhaps I could. not sure how to do that now, after 7 pages. of course you could always just use the link under my sig to my DA account. They are almost all in my gallery there. There are even some older version pieces you might find interesting. ciao
  23. next one I'll try that. I'm thinking I drew this incorrectly to make that change on this one. definetly need to coax hubby to buy me flowers, so I have a live one to draw.
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @LFC4EVER yes I realize it now. I'm a bit tired so not likely to go back and change at this point, perhaps some day. I think it was when I tilted the layer back I should have done each petal layer and shading separately, but the number of layers just was too many to take a chance I blew it. @ZizOiz thanks I'm still learning, but I can see improvement in my work in that regards. ciao
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