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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks I'm honored you liked this so much. I better add all three versions to my DA sometime later today. did you find the starfish? That little monster took me forever to figure out a great texture and when I reduced it down all the detail went oooooph! Maybe I'll have to do a different picture and feature the starfish and maybe I'll attempt an octopus (I came across a good suction cup method when working on the starfish)
  2. did you loose the votes Mike? who won this one? :?: and are we onto a new theme yet :?:
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thank you very much Janettsue. this was a fun one to do. forced me to clean up and finish a number of little projects I'd partially completed.
  4. did you write on a new layer (transparent)? change to text? and change your primary color? what font are you using? make sure there is an @ symbol in it. if you could post a screen shot of when you are starting to type your text maybe we can get a few clues as to where you are going mis step. ciao
  5. like that bacon :wink: just having my first cup of java this morning and finally finished off my "Swim Deep" picture large one in my gallery on PAGE 9 also a few in the works shots are there as well :oops: just noticed some stray pixels under the tail of the large fish so its back to the drawing screen to fix that up. any other suggestions for repair or additions while its being refined. I'm trying to get a good texture for a starfish but coming up blank. :!: well this I certainly hope is the final large one up in my gallery page 9 along with all the other hits and misses on completing this one.
  6. since I don't have a web site I didn't try this. This link is a photoshop tut. After a quick read thru I beleive this can be done in Paint.Net program. You may have to modify a few steps . try converting over this tut in this program. http://www.absolutecross.com/tutorials/ ... rent-gifs/
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Crimson I've done a bit more work and added to above post still much to go on this piece I think...but not sure what . I am now more pleased with the color and the cloudyness of the water, and the wee fish from my previous underwater picture tell me it still needs more. so off to put on my thinking cap.
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks Jannetsue and ASH. The Danger one was an exercise in textures. and Crimson thanks for the message on my polar inversion pictures. It has been my favourite effect from the very start of using this program. I've not posted much lately....been super busy. But I have been working away a little bit at a time in the background on this item it is a 'WORK IN PROGRESS" could use some suggestions. added a few of the little fish from previous underwater scene I did awhile back. (Its in the galleria if you didn't see it.) now I'll work on some other type of small fish needs much more yet. per Crimsons comment I added the little fish very lightly in the background to suggest more cavernous depth and did a real color switch to make things jump and stand out. ciao edit :oops: just noticed some stray pixels in above around the tail will have to say I'm not 100% on this now back to the work screen it goes. !!!!!! edit again well figured the star fish out and added the gold colored fish I'd had tucked away on the to be finished projects. :wink: the end result is below. just added the star fish in this one and finally got the gold colored fish done correctly. here is the latest per @Topezia comment below will try to work on retaining the blue of that large fish but when I do a color match since its on several layers its hard to keep separate. will work on it see if its possible. it would take me about 50 or so cut and pastes to get the under and over portions of that fish back to blue so I'm not attempting that now. but just because you like the blue so much Topezia I'll give you the picture before color match and photo adjustments So I finished revamping this for those who like the blue fish but also the murky background.
  9. @topezia Oh my goodness I just love the humor in your reply great images you have going there I just love the little ladybug. and the eggs are just the way I like them. Sunny side up. few strips of bacon and a slice of toast and I'll be all set.
  10. try this one viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2227&hilit=shadow
  11. thanks no offense taken I just marked it down on my little card system of tips and tricks. I'll be needing this on the next pencil sketch conversion I do. thanks again :wink:
  12. gee Nab I don't consider myself a noob but I never knew this could be done. thanks for the tip. did you list that one in the tips and tricks because you should its a great one. thanks
  13. thank you. word of advice when doing abstracts. start with an idea, and use your colors and effects to convey that idea. Very rarely when you go to a museum and view abstracts are there ever canvasses that are almost exclusively black. (not saying there aren't any but there are not many) Black is the absence of color, the absence of life within a picture and should be used to enforce/enhance something lighter, it should be a foil for the central theme, and seldom the central idea. edit PS artwork should never be boredom it should be viewed as an adventure at expanding your ability to express thru shapes and color. :wink: anyways welcome to the forum and I'm going to be watching your artwork progress as I think you have loads of potential. ciao
  14. wow! I find it a bit dark... guess my fairy princess had too much nectar wine. not too bad but what does it represent? or is it just a bunch of effects one after another. an abstract should convey at least an emotion.
  15. If a fairy princess came to dine, would you serve her cakes and candy and nectar wine? :wink:
  16. actually Mike I'd be interested in that. I have a few fonts I use for lace making that I hit and pick at keyboard until I get the correct one.
  17. I sure hope it didn't take too much time away from our version 4 to fix that cutuffall up. As you can guess I really don't care what color the background is or what theme you use as long as its not black. :wink: I enjoy what ever you put up there for us Rick, its a fine program and I appreciate you sharing your expertice and time working on this first class artwork program for us all. ciao OMA
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks everyone. some quiet time tonight....well not really I'm hiding from the noise in my office. "Distance"
  19. I don't have the beta version downloaded yet but knowing pyrochild they most likely are. He is one of our most responsible plug in writers. If you run into some problems it might be because you still hold his old common effects dll in along with the new one. remember he updates that when new plugins are added or tweeked as required. so always check you have the most current in with the effects.
  20. I generally use frosted glass effect. under distorts. not sure if its a standard effect or if you need to add on a plugin. several layers bits of color and the frosted glass tends to work not too bad. ciao OMA
  21. I've done a few you might check out these http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... N-73435203 viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21909 also I did a nose few clues and steps on page 5 of my gallery in the pictorium
  22. excellent as a webding user I appreciate this will make it vastly easier for others to use these symbols more often.
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "DANGER" I'm having a grandchildren over load!
  24. Hi I don't use gimp so not sure what exactly this does. any pictures/screen shots of the actual plugin in use? ciao
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