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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Janettsue I'm back, ready to get to work again. Just stuck for an idea..... think I better read all the posts and make sure I've not missed any new fantastic plugins, and check everyone's art work out. I did a quick run thru and see so many new people, loads of new talent to keep track of. ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I won't be around for awhile so thought I'd just leave you with a few abstracts to look at . ciao hope you enjoy! :wink:
  3. partial list...came about as a need...oldage and bad memory... I like to keep notes as reminders... you all were so nice and patient with me in the begginning I didn't want to frustrate you all with repeat questions. In my box I jot things down ...tuts I find interesting or little tips and ideas from others galleries. I've a wee cheat section also on textures I've made and and like the looks of. etc etc etc. when I'm lacking inspiration I reach my hand in the box pull out a card and proceed to build on that cards notes...if I'm real desperate for ideas I pull out a handful of cards and work all the ideas into a picture. this one particular plugin I'd marked down as I had no idea where it came from. it was included in someones pkg of plugs and didn't realize until well after the fact it was there. Still feel it might be jessies or curtis work its in my box notes just incase somewhere along the line this little stray gem gets worked on further.
  4. not bad maybe a bit too many lines a possible tilt of layer might help on this one. quite a while back I also played around with this concept I've put a few hints on my DA in this picture http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... e-65704032 If you look on pg 5 of my gallery at DA you will see a few others. maybe you might find some tips and inspiration. ciao
  5. REVISED have left both versions in the first post. ciao OMA PS that is nice cardboard you have there Ryan.
  6. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23885&p=168499&hilit=Color+Tint#p168499
  7. yes it does still reside in that sub menu. and like you I'm about 99% positive that this plugin came in a plug pkg. and I'm just about sure its one of Jessie C's this is why I prefer separate dll's guys. I've used it but it not often. haven't really found a use for it yet that I can not get from working 2 or 3 effects. ciao
  8. @LFC4EVER I've not done any pixel art and generally don't care for it but I do like very much your pyramid piece. @Rubrica I like the chess board as well. those type of pieces appeal to me maybe someday I'll try my hand at something like this. ciao edit first ever pixel art by OMA now that's itty bitty.
  9. further for Matt I'd personally make not so much contrast color for the background. but then again I like more subdued monochromatic colors especially in something as small as an avatar. or even just one eyeball on a more plain background.
  10. maybe you could do something like the hulk eye tut viewtopic.php?f=15&t=25081&p=197333&hilit=color+eyes#p197333 that could maybe get you started. myself I'd do a selection of the face and use color tint at default or a bit lighter to get the first facial tone. the stitch lines well just a line tool maybe similar to the hulk eye tut you could tint the lips real dark blue or something. ciao
  11. Hey Matt are those eyeballs? Ok guys let's get this fellow started any ideas for helping him?
  12. can you perhaps just put what you've done so far in the hospital . Give a brief outline of steps you've done and where you want it to end up. That's the most constructive and productive way to learn. You see we want you to become a pro along with everyone else. ciao OMA
  13. I'm sure it would be more satisfying to make your own. The guys here for the most part are real nice, no biting is really allowed. and there are a few people that will guide you thru things. and always there are tut's and tut's and tut's galore for sigs that can be modified for avatars. pick something and try to do a bit yourself and then pop it into the pictorium hospital for some help on improving your skills. welcome to our forum and I will check into the hospital with bandaids and spoonfuls of medicine ... later to see who has been kind enough to give you some assistance. Remember read the rules the size is listed there for sigs and avatars
  14. simon is that one you sent me? if it is I should mark it down on my card system. ciao
  15. I've had this plug in I'm sure since May of 2008 and maybe even Feb as far as I know it wasn't one given to me for test purposes. I generally mark that stuff down in my little file box and see nothing there next to the plugin name other than a add date. ciao OMA
  16. here is a pantone chart. open your color wheel clik the more button using the hex value there beside each color you used you can cross ref to the pantone colors. http://www.kb3kai.com/pantone-colors.php
  17. nothing there I see Simon that isn't avail to all already. :wink:
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks for the "Ola wave" I hesitate to put it in the tut section as its just basics, my own fish I do much more work on textures and shadows etc. here is an example of the type of texture I generally start with. You will see much more precise placement required but I'd never be able to explain how I do this and get the shading in the correct spot. Its just a natural instinct and I just can not explain it. have a good look at this one and then compare against that one in the galleria "Baby whale little fishes" it is just one of the textures I used on that picture. and yes it does use polar inversion " But please Remember everyone polar inversion is an effect tool not a picture!" MY very fav all time effect.....and Bolt Bait is now groaning as he sees mega polar inversion pictures start to flood the pictorium.
  19. Thanks exactly how I'd have done that as well. Very much the same method I use when I draw faces and most of my fish. I also suck at 3d plugin and am always on the lookout for odd shapes done with it.. . Your line drawing is very impressive, and you have managed to capture the exact shading required. Once again lovely work all around in your gallery.
  20. look under effects>photo that's where sharpen is. but you might want to check out this plug in I often use it as it gives much better results. local contrast enhancements find it here at this link. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22660
  21. Oma shakes her head in wonder. How on earth did you do those earphones. did you use 3d shape? I demand you tell us all the settings you used for the different components :!: stunning work
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    yes 3d shape is a plug in that takes awhile to master. I'm still fiddling with it myself. Most things I just draw and shade without using it. simplist and easiest thing is to just play, just open a new picture, and run the effect on a layer of color/gradiant/texture anything at all. Use the defaults for cylinder first, try moving the x y z little dials . gives you the idea of how things move around. set those back to default position (0) and then use the camera angle box. you will see it at a glance what that's doing. myself I would leave the light alone until you feel more confident. . The boxes for the sizes of height, width etc are good to fiddle with. But really the best way to learn it is not to go into it to make a picture , just play with it until it feels natural. Most people are frightened off by so many gizmo's and gadgets and bells and whistles. Just do one thing at a time and work your way thru all the different parts. So you are saying I can make a cylinder now ... OMA used that in her fish, Topezia in her pen, so what can you make? a weiner dog? a body of a butterfly? a submarine? PLAY TIME for HLNL!
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Quik real min tut to make a small fish. start with a nice texture. shape 3d sphere at default i like to start with a circle just because I like to bulge sometimes but in this case i just used the move button and dragged down the top nub to make a squashed circle. also using a squished down circle gives some more interesting texture swirls.. I like to make two the same just in case I mess up.... beleive me I do that often. from same texture a cylinder at these settings put a little twist on the ends you are going to make several duplicate layers move them apart and right clik and swivel so the are not all straight up and down merge them all together this is the basis of the top fin the fin at the end of the tail and little gills etc etc can you see the pieces ( each was done on a separte layer so some could go forward and some behind ... notice the little covering for the gill thats just a copy of the body squished down circle and the bottom fin a bulged out circle squished a wee little bit. and what about the tail two body shapes real small with the top cylinder fins real small tucked in behind. make an eye and an mouth this is what it looks like now just use the move button and drag it down real tiny. copy and paste into different layers remember the farther away they are the less transparecy and the smaller they are. here is a png image you can right clik and save and import into your own picture as a small gift from me. That concludes this really very simple mini tut. Let your imaginations run wild the more texture and colorations ususally the better the fish. @Topezia I'll just do a few pics up shortly to explain what were speaking about the releif and transparecy perspective for the small fish via PM"S. So check back later tonight, hopefully I'll get a chance to do something for you, and it will be here at the bottom of this tut.
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    well the blue fish has been a long time in the making so I don't really know how to explain. I start off with a very rough loose line drawing and a texture I like. I must have started this about 2 months ago and left it for weeks then worked for a few mins here and there. so from what I can remember in this case there were about 4 or maybe 5 layers overlays at different opacity for the skin. I generally just go by feel on things like this and can't rightly recall in what order I did this but there was a layer of pinky purple light and a layer of blue and a layer of another blue Ummmm looking at the close ups and what I remember I know one layer was bucket filled spheres and overlayed with bucket filled diagonals. the diagonals I'm about 99% sure I stretched out. similar to how I did the cardboard tut. I did remember doing one semi transparent layer of shingles overlay very light transparency. You can see that in the tail close up below. As I said several overlays , at different transparencies in areas and multiple blend modes between the layers. I used the power stretch part way up the tail to get that ridge.To get the tail fins stretched out I used the selection rectangle and pulled and then cloned in any odd bits as required. Can't recall but looking at the tail section I'm sure I also used buldge somewhere below the tail to get a curve. I don't think I used Octagonal/quad reshape, but I often do when shaping items like this . I also used clone on giving the tail some thickness. You could use outline and erase away some bits but I just painted them in where I needed them with clone. the nose portion I'm sure I used point wrap to make the cone shape. and the fins along the back and the gills and the other balance fins are all the same. shape 3d cylinders several dup layers. then there was the shading in layers over top of that fish to give highlights, using plain old gassiaun blur and transparency adjustments. just like in my basics I showed on making faces. http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... N-73435203 << That is the most important part I think, I just gave that fish dimension and made it more 3d! for the finishing shaping I used loads of clone and plenty of eraser to get the curved feel. Mostly it was just by eye a minor adjustment here and a bit there until I was satisfied with the sense of movement. Here are a few close up of the fish from when I was about 3/4 finished, perhaps you can see some of the things I mentioned above. Very sorry I didn't keep more screen shots during the making of the blue fish. It really was just a calming therapy piece I was doing for my own enjoyment. I didn't really intend to share this one, but I am glad I did now, as its brought some pleasure to others as well. pg 9 #2 as you can see he is still pretty ragged around some edges and it was at this point where I did the the majority of the last refining shaping. Using selection of circles and deleting them. and a bit more powerstretch and cloneing. here are two real close ups so you can see the texture and shading. ADDED I was looking at this and just remembered when I did the fish as I saved it I used 8 bit dithering. That gave a bit of specklly before I imported it into the cavern background and the cut and paste of the little fish. The method of getting some fish back behind the rocks and some in front is similar to how you make rings interlock. good old cut and paste.
  25. did you save capture as a png? with transparency. you will need to open picture suggest capture first then under layers along the top import second picture from file. that should get you started. suggest that you use the eraser and get rid of some of those stray black pixals around your figure first. just zoom in and erase them out for now they will show up big time and spoil all your work if you don't take the few mins to do that in this case unless you knew it was under layers when you used the help F1 button you'd probably have searched for ages. here is the info read this it might help you out a bit more. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/LayersMenu.html
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