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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @007 Nab thanks I'm very pleased with my progress on this one. Like all of my art it still could be improved. I will have to work on matching my skill level to my expectations of myself in next picture. But it is nice to get back into really working on something challenging again. I do beleive I can actually see my improvement within this picture from past pictures.. thanks for looking and leaving a comment. ciao
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Camel picture is now completed see page 10 hope you enjoy.
  3. well I think I'm finished larger version in my gallery page 10 along with some of the shots from work in progress on this one. and and even larger one on DA very shortly
  4. yoooo that is just downright spooky looking. good job on the eye.
  5. well I can see you two haven't read the requests for features. I can not tell you how many times this one has been suggested. Maybe someday.
  6. check in my gallery there are a few screen shots. pg 10
  7. this one was a hand drawn scanned image I'd done. coloration was gradiants different combo's in various areas and the overlays and different blends. next I used noise+ no color the other two nubs at high setting and smooth. then the hair/fur is about 8 or 9 shades of 1pixel pencil on loads of layers and some at different transparency. last step was a color burn low transparency. it is still a work in progress background will be next item ciao thanks for looking
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this camel one and the ballerina one yes scanned images I drew myself. Sometimes when my hands hurt I can not manouver the mouse so easily to use the line tools, or I want to work on an item from my sketch pad. The fish scene and the flying island (once upon a time) straight line tools all the way. The Indiana Jones style one straight line tools and a billion layers and effects. so short answer a combo of ways, but everything is all my work, no outside photos, or renders. motivation ..... well that comes in bits and spurts. Often from a song I heard or a book I've read. Or a place I visit. in this case I'd recently been to the zoo, was currently reading a CIA spy novel called "The Camel Club" and had a catchy tune in my head by the Bedouin soundclash. Bedouin reminded me of deserts and deserts reminded me of camels. ciao OMA
  9. thanks I worked on him/her? a bit more this afternoon and will post updated screen shots very very shortly in my gallery. here is mini preview of the updated from my gallery.
  10. where did you get those values from?
  11. yes you can I use Photobucket.com and it works fine. ciao welcome to the forum.
  12. tourist love the plane when you iron out the settings I'd say its very worthy of a tut spot. Certainly one of the more impressive things I've seen in the pictorium lately. The face Janettsue is wonderful. Isn't amazing when you just give your self the freedom to just go for it, and to heck with the outcome, your work improves beyond your imagination. that face is just wonderful and I really really love the coloring and the eyes are so expressive. I'm getting back into drawing old fashioned pencil/paper lately, and here is my "IN THE WORKS STILL CAMEL" you can see some of the screen shots in my gallery and I'll be adding more to this sometime in the near future.
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    finally decided to do some old fashioned pencil drawing once again This first picture is my 3 legged camel. It was a very bad drawing. Very flat color wise. I did end up using it for practice on the face portion. The face is so expressive on a camel. I absolutely needed to redo this drawing with a better one with 4 legs as ASH pointed out the me. So after much work I have now completed the above idea into this picture .... a larger one will be on my Deviant art gallery very shortly Below are screen shots and such of the work in progress on this revamped piece. pictures across 1)this shows drawing in my sketch book (old fashioned pencil and paper) note the pencil HB kneaded eraser and tortillion. My tools of trade. 2) scanned into computor, this shows removing the white paper outside of the picture using adjustments brightness and contrast then eraser for the little stubborn bits, 3) in the process of giving this camel texture and color. wand various portions and add a gradiant, then wand other sections different tolerance. give a bit of noise+ and smooth. 4) now the last camel image on the right looks much better. I can start refining the contours on him/her? I think next I will need to figure out how to do individual hair texture. a lot of edge clean ups then some background, pyramids ? not sure ? EDIT: so updated work shots a duplicated layer with color burn this gives a darker richer color. and more definition to the hairs. Note I did not completely cover him in hair just along muscle lines and contours, a few strays off the edges and along the neck ..... just enough so your mind fills in the rest. Pictures from left to right 1) Aug 18 2008 rough in Idea for back ground (color needs work texture needs work and definitely the lines have to go and they need proper perspective drawing.) WOW! I've my work cut out for me on this one. 2) Aug 19 2008 settled on texture, color and the need to round off the corners of the building structures. still a long ways to go and some major ideas for additions and deletions in original background concept. just noticed I'm thinking the shadows are in wrong place for the camel in relation to where the light falls on the building ????? I better rethink that area! :!: :wink: 3) Aug 20 2008 now that's much better the shadow for the camel looks in correct position worked on the texture and the buildings some more added my pyramids and a couple of palm trees. the bark was a real nightmare on those trees. leaves do you see the fractal fern shapes. used releif and some fancy blends. 4) Aug 21 2008 cleaning stray pixels adding building decorations, rocks more sand work ..different tones and dips and smooths finished finally see top of this post. the very last touches were some cracked plaster. that's copy a section and paste in new layer ... releif with still active selection ...then smooth...then lower transparency on the layer. ect ect I'm glad you looked at all this hope some of it helps you in one of your own pictures.
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Ha Ha Ha I did say I had to re draw this one. I'd been to the zoo took some kodak's and then proceeded to pick the only picture where the camel has that weird stance. The back leg is actually hidden behind the front two. I was 3/4 way thru before I realized he looked weird, like he was standing on 3 legs only. I've some better quick sketches and pictures from the zoo the other day, one of them will work its way into the next Paint.Net attempt. Promise I'll pick one where all 4 legs are visible.
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    well I'm back on track ideas ideas ideas I've finally picked a topic for my next attempt at drawing sneak a peek have to re draw work on background etc etc. but the idea is now there ..... great feeling after such a dry spell creative wise.
  16. awwww so both your pictures are not the same size! load them one at a time into paint.net under image you find the resize. check what the size is on each. personally I'd make a choice of the smaller size. resize the larger one and start again. or drag the nub down in size on the larger one with the same move tool.
  17. do you have an image from the net somewhere of what you are trying to accomplish. or even a link to something similar you want. That might give us all a fighting chance at helping you achieve what you are aiming for. :wink:
  18. in my pictorium gallery I did a mini book tut with pages that have torn looking edges. you could possibly try that out. the link to my gallery is below my sig. it should be mid way down page 1 or even easier use the lasso similar to how I did the very easy version of the corrigated cardboard tut. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24255&hilit=corrigated+cardboard ciao
  19. I see big bird :!: OMA (I recieved the ""big bird award 2007"")
  20. tourist love the A&W that is such an icon in Canada. 50th aniversary for the popular drivein restaurant this year. you captured it perfectly. ciao OMA
  21. I'm making the assumption both pictures are same size and feet are in the correct direction and size etc. even if they are not you can most likely get a good looking picture. Try this first and if you still need assistance post both pictures in the hospital along with your attempt We will help those who try to do it themselves... with tips and further tricks to better their attempts. that's the best way to learn. :wink: So here goes a real short version of photo manipulating. the most important thing to remember is you need to work with layers so open the picture with the feet you want first in paint.net go to layers and import from file the second picture with the sky. select the drag the sky picture up you should be seeing some of the feet picture in there now and loosing a portion of the sky on the top picture. if you need to drag the feet across a bit sideways to line up. notice the layers box off to the side of your screen. clik on the layer that shows the feet picture should be the bottom one and use same move tool and drag it sideways. you try that first it will get you familiar with layers let us know how you made out and as I said post the first two pictures and your attempt in the hospital viewtopic.php?f=26&t=22617 for further bandages and spoonfuls of medicine from the people here. Welcome to the forums. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Topezia glad to be home sleeping in my own bed once again. Had a good time staying at my sisters recuperating but home well its still the best. I feel I promised you something but for the life of me I can't find where and what I promised to explain. let me know by pm and I'll get to work on it while I'm at a loose ends creative wise. Stuck for an idea that appeals right now. Better reach in my little box of tricks and pick out some cards for a practice session on something until the creative spirit hits me once again. ciao
  23. search button "you will use the term wet floor reflection. " it is by Madjik. ciao
  24. Shiny, check out glass button tut, or chrome/metal tut. Wrinkled, I remember someone made a wrinkled paper, couldn't find it via search. Somebody help. For another kind of wrinkle... viewtopic.php?f=12&t=20096&p=96689&hilit=wrinkle#p96689 @ASH perhaps you are thinking of a script lab by barkbark00 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22766
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