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Everything posted by oma

  1. well I think actually I'd use ASH's version, just for the transparency sliders position alone. I happen to be like Leif. I move the windows around a lot, turn them off and on constantly. and like the ability to not have them docked in one spot. but that's just me... I use the program a exclusively so have no photoshop feature bias and find the color window works fine as it is. @ loscowbot that just looks terrible from a picture making standpoint. clutter clutter clutter. and hard on the eyes to boot. ouch the white background is something I'd find extremely distracting. OMA
  2. good one void. That has the feel of Christmas Paper! not sure what you used there but I like it but then again I've always had a soft spot for textures. here is one from me If you were to imagine what an angel kiss was like. would it be soft and fuzzy, or bubbly and complex at the same time? here is what I think "Angel Kisses" look like. hope you all enjoy
  3. Ok that explains it. thanks as I said its not a must I've my work arounds that work just fine. ciao OMA
  4. . as far as I can tell this plug in writer hasn't been around for quite awhile. checked and looks like last time he signed in was April 2008. if you can't get this one to work try the one by Bolt Bait its in the stickied portion of plug ins. title is Selection Tools-Feather, Outline and Bevel. ciao OMA
  5. oma

    Oma's gallery

    ha ha ha funny yes it would be easier the way you mentioned but I slipped in a white layer under the original and flattened by mistake. yes I do make those... often. so the fix from old picture to new meant bigger eyes..... more area to cover not a lot of work at all just cover up with more feathers and tell you all it needed a more fierce expression LOL! ciao sending you angel kisses from OMA now this is no mean old club hammer.
  6. Hex values? or will this mess up your UI box. its not necessary but I use them almost all the time when I'm working on my pictures. (Although I do keep a cheat sheet next to me with the RGB values) and can get by very well with using those if not possible. once again I can not express how great this plug in is. It makes my glass work and water work almost mallable to what ever shape I'm going for. simply super. thanks mega from the picture making bunch! ciao OMA
  7. second these requests ... if possible...know you have your hands full on the codelab thing but would love to see these in future releases of this plugin ..... along with the ability to type in the exact hex colors for the higlights and shadows. @Curmudgeon the work around I've been using for your second item is to rotate the layer with right click run plugin and then re rotate back again. and I use transparency plugin for the opacity that way it doesn't wonky up when you merge layers.
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @starrueyed thankyou for the nice words about my art work. My favourite pieces of mine are also my abstract forms and shapes. This one you mentioned "Inner Peace" was one I did when I was quite ill. It was a calming to my soul picture. I've a few others of this nature on the go at the present and they will eventually find their way into this gallery. glad you enjoyed that one. @heythere..... love that name.... Thanks for looking thru my gallery and leaving a comment. @topezia....well what can I say. your remarks are always spot on. You force me to be a better artist all the time. Love the constructive critique...keep it coming....if I can fix the picture you comment on I will, if its impossible because I've flattened the PDN or deleted it, well I make note for next picture. you will see I tried to fix those eyes in the jungle bird. (above) hope I did well! ciao everyone off to work on another picture........
  9. ahhhh Michael's I know the place well. They have a small fortune of my $. I must look out for that book it sounds interesting. I know you did more than color as I see loads of shading and bevels. are you thinking of translating this style to one of your own drawings. it is very trendy looking. ciao
  10. welcome to the forum. see that you are off to a flying start with paint.net, working madly away at sigs and such for the now. I don't often comment on sigs (I'm not the best at them) but wanted to just drop by and let you know I do look. ciao
  11. great gallery .... you know I watch you over at DA but couldn't let this gallery go by with out a thumbs up no make that two thumbs up. great work. ciao OMA
  12. along the top windows > reset windows. :wink: ciao
  13. worldnewser you have been busy! the olympics one is good, but I Love the rift manipulator and the planet is super. I went over to your da account for a better look and the rings are spot on. very very good. tourist why did you call that one dogbone? That is very stylish looking. I just think it is so creative. great great great job. must be the night for birds. I had thought I was finished earlier this evening but something was nagging at me about my last picture....so I went back and reviewed it. now I'm hoping I'm done any comments or further additions to this one? please post them in my gallery that way I can find them when I make next picture. thanks as always thumb here larger version in my gallery pg 11 along with screen shots
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    something new A lovely Jungle bird here are the work in progress shots. I had this version and thought I was finished , but something didn't seem correct. so I stepped away for a couple of hours and realized that beak still wasn't cutting it. and the face wasn't expressive enough. close up of face before and after ! so I think I'm done any more changes ? after reviewing topezia's remarks about white in the eye, I had a look at quite a few bird pictures. correction was done using pixel painting as this portion was already flattened on my PDN. had to wiggle with the feathers around the eye portion as well .... but definietly agree it is much much better ....Good eye Topezia! so now here is final version ..... I hope!
  15. oh sweet mercy that bevel plugin is simply awesome! like manna from heaven. thanks thanks thanks OMA
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Topezia and Helen thanks for the comments glad you liked that one.
  17. # of nubs selection would be lovely and if Max means a tapered end for a line I'd like that as well. and if its possible I could most likely find a use for the dash and dots idea.
  18. Hi I noticed your avatar the glass N (the one laying down) awhile back and meant to leave a comment. that is extremely well done and I like it very very much. keep up the good work and lets see you around here more often LOL! ciao OMA
  19. I'm seeing the beginnings of a wonderful dragon with this one LJXD. the use of smudge in this one is a good addition.
  20. Hi Bill welcome to the forum. love the rain one. there is something about rain that just appeals. look forward to seeing more artwork from you. ciao OMA
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    If you mean the plaster textures.... not too long I added a brief explination in near the bottom of my post on previous page the actual walls are clouds two layers and releif and I think it was color burn or overlay low transparency. depends on the colors. Thanks Kat glad you found these pics to your taste. makes my work worth while. ciao
  22. Oh Taika these are so cute. Simple and pleasurable to look at. Keep up the good work and welcome to our forum. will be back to view often. ciao OMA
  23. nice gallery so far. my fav goes to the floating island so far. I just think it is so very graphic. good work ciao OMA
  24. oma

    Kat's creations

    excellent gallery so far. love your color choices! very very vibrant without being primary colors. keep up the good work Kat, you've certainly got the knack for using this program to good advantage. ciao OMA
  25. you might find that some of the older tuts have been replaced by newer plugins and the tut maker didn't really need to leave the info up there. or like me my photo bucket went over limit and I had to delete something out. old tut that was seldom used or new picture in my gallery? einy miney miny moe which picture did you think would go?
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