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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen yes this is how I do things I'm not that proficient at 3d shap plugin and it seems more like actual painting, and drawing this way. ciao thanks for looking and leaving a comment.
  2. nice gallery see you will be doing a little scene for us all with little people. one suggestion you might try running those people across the screen in stead of one under the other. the trick is after the url don't hit enter and do not leave a space. if you hit quote on this message you will see how I spaced them.
  3. no problem good images they are truly creative.
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    hope you could follow that. it was done quickly between baking bread and making pickles. ciao gotta run the supper goulash is just about ready and I still have to make the homemade noodles/dumplings yet.
  5. love both those images! those poor gingerbread men. They look like they are hurtling thru space. the second one is very zen like. I truly love this style direction. ciao OMA
  6. well isn't he a pleasant looking little fellow. glad you were able to figure that out with the aid of the link I gave you. don't forget you want to be saving him as a .png so you have no green background. It will be easier to insert him into your town. ciao OMA
  7. @ Janettsue thanks.... glad you liked the color on this one. @Crimson I put in my gallery the mini tut on doing a similar flower. have a look and if you have any questions let me know. ciao
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    for Crimson and anyone else that wants to make this flower once again if you have any questions let me know .... I know I'm not much of a tut writer. open new file and add a transparent layer now get rid of your white layer (I left it here so you can see what I'm doing.) you should be working on a checkered background. If you are not then you need to review how to get rid of the white background hint...make sure your white background layer is the one shaded blue in your layers window and hit the little x along the bottom of the layers window. so you have transparent layer. you are ready to work. using oval tool draw a filled shape in medium purple color click anywhere outside of this purple oval and control I add another transparent layer and use a darker shade of purple and a white paint brush something like this. leaving selection active (marching ants) gassiaun blur at 55 merge it down over top of the medium purple layer. its now 2d made 3d looking. make 3 layers the same way changing the angles on each. (medium purple oval add layer do shading and merge) I like to put in a drop shadow on each of these three sets , when I do a drop shadow I usually make another copy of the layer and apply the drop shadow plugin with the save image box unchecked. this gives a black image then I adjust the transparency down using BoltBaits transparency plug in (in his pkg) then I merge the drop shadow and the picture together. This way gives me a bit more control over the way the shadow looks. now merge the three sets of three ovals and their drop shadows together use the move tool click anywhere on the picture. take the bottom nub and just pull it straight upwards squishing that bunch of grape shapes into long flower shape duplicate the layer and under layer> use flip layer then just use your move tool and rotate each of these two bunches into a semi sideways v shape leave a bit of room in the middle. for darker shaded layers latter. you need to make two duplicates of this layer now. (3 in total) so now we are ready for a stem add another transparent layer use the line tool around 15 pixels wide or so use the plug in bevel under selection (this one is also in Bolt Baits plugin pkg.) clik and drag the layers to the size you want. position your 3 flowers along stem making them smaller and smaller along the stem. I found that it looked a bit skimpy so I just duplicated the flowers again and made them darker using contrast. if you like how it looks go ahead and merge it all together. and add a drop shadow it will be a flower on a transparent background just use save as and make it a .png. hope you could follow that PS if you go look at that bird I did again you will see this is much the same way I did the chest feathers. (loads more shading of course but same method) PSS I'm looking at this flower now and thinking it wouldn't take much to turn it into wheat?
  9. oma


    claire did you notice when you put the top paper layer on you cut off the top scallops? If your original png image from your friend is missing that portion, I'd just go ahead and run a band of blue line with maybe a texture on it across there. that would tie in the blue of your letters ciao OMA
  10. :wink: http://www.19.5degs.com/element/836.php here try this one. In Paint.Net of course! its all possible just using the pencil tool. ciao and welcome to the forums look forward to seeing some little folk running around in your gallery soon. :wink:
  11. no Janettsue you are not alone in this manner of working I've often as many as 4 or 5 files going. both abstract and realistic images. very nice compilation you have here. puts me in mind of those wonderful scrapbook papers. the expensive ones!
  12. hello mas93 welcome to our forum. love your art work and look forward to seeing more from you in the near future. Keep up the good work and hope you had/have a good holiday. ciao OMA
  13. very good start for your gallery .... welcome to out forum. I hope you have lots of fun using this program. Look forward to visiting often to see how you are doing. ciao OMA
  14. @Crimson did a version just for you of this one. large version in my gallery. perhaps this new version is more to your taste!
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Thanks Welshblue quote from Crimson in the abstract forum. so I'm working right this min. on a variation of this one called " Girl " ... "Your Kiss is like poison"
  16. oma


    nice one Claire. good use of outside props. thing that might also help give some dimension is some drop shadows. There is a plugin for that in the program. ciao OMA
  17. wallpaper is stitch. let me do a better version of this flower (or darn near better close looking flower..no two of my drawings are ever the same ) I'll break it down to simple steps and put in my gallery as soon as I can. so watch for it in my gallery, its not quite tut worthy but it will teach you the basics of the method I used for the birds chest as well. ciao PS>> :oops: that flower started out as my very sad looking bunch of grapes
  18. oh oh oh! what wonderful pictures tonight. Crimson that glass is making me thirsty. and Worldnewser I love the fruit! in fact so much I needed to try to make some myself. not as good as your orange but I'll get it
  19. loving this ! very realistic looking. I'd like to know how to do those fruits! thinking on the rim of a glass of ice cold lemonade... ciao
  20. thank you simon for that qualifier. I'd never even think of something looking like this. might turn me off totalllllllllllly!. :wink: all I can say is I'm glad lostcowbot isn't Rick. or is he? the number of people sporting two and three ID's around here is scary
  21. thanks now sit back try to deconstruct it. tell me what you see in there. I'll start you off polar inversion but of what? rosaces? beveled rosaces? do you see some radial blur? do you see some shape 3d's, and multiple layers of the same things? There is a lot going on but everyone of you is capable of doing this type of abstract art.
  22. woooo Simon usually I'm for functionallity over pretty UI's but man that is too stripped down plain jane! I find it rather odd looking! (psst psst....Rick don't please!... as Oma begs on her knees!) I can just envision the questions about how in the world does that work from the newbies, and even some of us old hats.
  23. I took a liberty using ASH's design with the addition of the little boxes upper corner or the ability to drag the box bigger or smaller which ever the program designers can incorporate. those would be my wishes
  24. then just a little drag down arrow making the box smaller or larger now that I'd go for leave the style alone except maybe I'd prefer ASH's placement on opacity. leave it floatable and don't anyone dare suggest losing the hex portion I'd have to personally jump thru the screen and strangle you. :wink: ciao
  25. NO NO NO! and I'm shouting here when I do pictures I need to be able to get in close and have my tool bars real close to the work area for max details like how I've magnified this at 200% note everything I used and needed for the pic details was real close floatable is best method. if anything how about a move arrow that I can drag down smaller and larger for the actual box ? I don't even know if that's possible .
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