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Everything posted by oma

  1. lasso select yes I use that as well for flowers. You'll be seeing them soon in my gallery. just about done. wow! we are so on the same wave length this week. by the way I just love the last flowers you did. ! ciao
  2. ? you are not making your own 3d text? if you are you open image make a new layer and delete the white background. if you are using someone elses text that is on a white background you will use different methods (and this depends on the actual picture) wand out the background or cut out the letters etc. you best put a picture of what you have and let someone look and advise on the quickest and easiest method. ciao
  3. new image add a layer then go back down and delete the background white layer. you will be working with a transparent canvas at that point. also don't forget to save as > .png
  4. JanetteSue are you reading my mind! I was working on a rose just now! this is far superior to mine love the richness of the look almost like stained glass. tablet work? or mouse and line tool? well I'm back to my screen for some touch ups on mine before I post. love it, love it, love it. keep those great pics coming. ciao
  5. Moving pixels around and painting in and filling areas take a look at my gallery there are many examples of that!
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen that's so nice of you to say ... I've two items in the galleria and all you have to do to nominate any ones work for consideration is to hit that little exclamation (bottom right of each post) and tell Bolt Bait to look at the post because you reallly reallly reallly reallly like it, and think it is galleria worthy because....? . The team will take a look and say yay or nay. I'm not certain of the criteria but I imagine execution of picture, innovation and pleasure are factors. Bolt Bait I'm sure can advise on that. This piece is amazing! It looks to me like some kind of flowerfield, so maybe to take it further you could develop it into that? Also, what kind of techniques did you use to make it - i'd love to know!? well this is another of those do 5 things leave it for a couple of days and come back and push and pull buttons. here is what I started with (make sure you have a well shaded piece) I made these peaches/nectarines lots of shading gradient layers blended together using noise+ and blur. shaped 3d and duplicated layer moved top layer over to the left side made it smaller changed the color to a yellow version using edharveys color filp/exchange merged, somewhere along the line I know I did a seamless texture, I used a couple of distort>power stretches to pull it out a bit in some spots. then near the end I did a zoom rotate and as always somewhere along the line I did a polar inversion. @Welshblue this is what I think kissing the ex wife would be like. you make the choice colorful or dull and grayish. ! but definitely an X not something to do! and definitely puts the mind in a confused spin. ciao all hubby has promised to take me out to dinner and a show. I'm hoping to get in to see Indiana Jones .... just love that Harrison.
  7. good work on that glass box. Paint.Net 5000 now I'd love to be around for that one! ciao
  8. I love the giraff graffiti one. I could just picture that one on a real wall downtown would give some taggers a shake of their head for a bit. welcome to our forum love what you've done so far will be back again. ciao
  9. just stopping by to say hi! see you are working away on some nice sigs, and buttons. love the lady liberty one the best good choice ! very apt her light is the only spark of color. will be stepping into your gallery from time to time for a look see, won't always drop a comment but I'll be checking things out. enjoy the program. ciao OMA
  10. well can't say what I'd do better but have to let you know this one is truly wonderful.
  11. perhaps if you want to align to the 9 points upper left, upper mid, upper right, mid left, middle, mid lrightt, lower left, lower mid, and lower right most times I'm tilting it and looking for more precise placement....
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    glad you liked those. I want to do something more with "Semi Realistic" it has much more potential than just being used as a sig background but I'm just not getting the inspiration on extending this one at the moment. I've slotted it for the now in my future use file. ex -wife well let me think... I've got to have a vision of "kiss of the x" somewhere in my mind. That's something I'd like to work on. Requires a totally different attitude . Rips and spikes I'm thinking and the color of sadness at things gone wrong...now would that be done in shades of grey? and also green for serenity of things not being so disfunctional any longer. this will be one that is a hard one to get from my mind to the screen. ciao thanks for looking .
  13. nice one good and clean graphic. I checked your DA for the larger view even more impressive. ciao
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just a feel good pratice play session tonight. can't set my mind to anything real long or detailed. I'm definitley in a colorful mood today!
  15. wither put together a great tut for begginers viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21605 or http://eulogy-dignity.deviantart.com/ar ... e-71790584 after his video loads look along the top see file, edit, view etc. click layers. that is what you need to know about. before you continue I'd suggest you look at the whole video as well its excellent and will get you off to a great start using this program ciao
  16. you've picked a piture that's pretty easy this time around set your tolerance at 31% and use the wand tool and hit a portion of that white ouline around the flag. hit sissors tool up top line and then you have a flag cut out you only need to erase out the surrounds. for more difficult pictures you should use search as there is a great tutorial about cutting out images the easy way.
  17. saw that one I was looking more for the list that has something like hold Shift while rotating etc will contain it to certain angles and moving more than one space at a time left right up or down requires use of shift? or is it control? + arrow keys. that list I can not find and I know I've seen one. ciao
  18. you are sure? I can't recall this happening before. could explain why I always have to go back and clean up those pesky stray pixels..... so is there a current list of the shortcuts somewhere I've been all thru using search and can't find it. (so I know its somewhere real easy to find and I'm just not using the correct word) thanks
  19. so I'm having a brain sneeze here folks. holding control key down and hitting the arrow key with the move tool active after multiple hits of arrow key splits my image or shall I say looks like it will continue repeating my image as I move up the screen? Is this normal behaviour? I never noticed it before.
  20. just out of curiousity under properties what do you have the application extenison set to open this program with? ciao
  21. by newest do you mean this current one in blue you are using? that is my fav. the others tend to be on the dark side for my taste. (Its a eye not seeing detail thing I have) glad you are back with us working away. hope to see some more art work from you in the near future. Any full size pics in the works? I'd be interested to see what you do with a bigger platform. ciao
  22. Hi, welcome to the forum. I like your latest one the best, I can see you are learning more tricks. Keep up the good work. Have you considered trying you hand at a larger image? this might be the next step for you. I'll check in once in awhile to see how you progress. won't always leave a comment but I'll be in the background watching.... ciao for now OMA
  23. hey Grizzel don't knock the good marks your teacher gave this. Take them anyway you can get them. As to actual Celica sig/tag I like both versions, maybe just perhaps the blue one a tiny tiny bit more as I love color. I also think this is very good work not overdone like the majority of the sigs I see lately. just goes to show less is sometimes more. keep up the good work ciao
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    A new direction? Where should this be taken? Semi Realistic EDIT well as you can see I used this for my new sig. I'm still thinking on this one its a nice pattern and I want to take it somewhere but not sure.
  25. is this the golden boy? you might get more help if you let us know what direction you wish to take this picture. :wink: ciao
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