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Everything posted by oma

  1. well I'm not sure why you called yourself a noob. your art pieces are fine. they show a natural progression getting more complex and detailed as you grow in experience. I like the Linkin Park wall the best. keep up the good work, soon and very soon my young friend you can quit calling yourself a noob, because you are not a noob you are an inspired beginner artist with lots of potential. I will be back to see how you progress, won't always leave a message , but I will be watching. ciao OMA
  2. love the colors of your sept 12 post ( butterfly). very pretty and extremely soothing to look at. keep up the good work ciao OMA
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks Janettsue, I'm not the best at tut writing as many of my images take long and many many many steps. but I do take screenshots and can pass on some of the little tips I run across, and better yet some of my blunders so others know not every image has to be a winner/keeper, as long as you learn something in the making of it, you've a winner image. I really learn a lot of what not to do in mine, and trash a lot if you could all see my wastebin at the end of the day... trial and errors and lots of play. ciao
  4. Hi just dropping by to see what work you've been doing? plenty of sigs and a few abstracts. I like that round gray and red one. That's so totally graphic. will be back again, won't always leave a message but I'm watching. ciao OMA
  5. @janettsue I love it! polar inversion! my fav! and @slamxcz the underwater one is fab only it reminds me of those jack frost icecrystals on the window on a cold winters day. very soothing. ciao
  6. have you explored this. paintbucket see where it says solid clik that arrow next to it. look for wide upward when you set your colors on the wheel use black as primary and then hit more and set the secondary to 0 transparency. fill with the bucket on a separate transparent layer. there are other ways using line plugins etc. I'm sure a troll tru the tut section looking at sig tuts will give you some ideas. personally I'm thinking this is very much over used in sigs. No I did not use it in my sig I used Ed Harveys Seismograph and releif. for the black outline frame. suggest you download Madjik plugin pkg the one called frame has the most options
  7. I was just going to answer this one. I think drawing the leaves is best I had a quick go ... remember this is unrefined but is something like this what you are after. its fairly easy if you want to contiune using the shape 3d plugin sorry I'm not too good at that one. perhaps ASH has some hints for you. ciao
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Gamer_World14 here as promised some more pictures from the making of the Indy picture This picture was done over many months off and on between other work. Anyone who was on the forum during those months can testify at the struggle I had. these two shots show just a few of the rejects and bits and pieces I kept. I actually started with the skull outline. I went thru maybe 10 or 15 different versions. My first attempts were using a font at a very large size. I hope you all know that you can type in a larger number than the 288 that is in the drop down text box. This method can work for some masks you might want to make. But I soon abandoned that idea as I could draw better to what I wanted myself using the line tool . This is one of the earlier rejects maybe around #5 or 6. I didn't really like the mouth or the way the jaw was just hanging there in space. so it was trashed. but I did like the teeth. On this one I was liking the shape outline more and it is just about the outline I finally went with I liked it because of the teeth but not the empty nose portion. Mainly I used this one as it gave me loads of room to work the eye area. I wanted that to just about scream at you run in fear! I had to learn to draw some convincing teeth. As you can see this is one of the first attempts. It was quickly discarded as it was way too cartoonish/halloween style. In the later attempts I figured out the teeth had to be done in two passes. As in top every other tooth on one layer and its shading done for roundness, then the other teeth to fill in the top. this was how I avoided the lines and gaps between teeth. Same for the bottom. Shading was done as per my basics faces tut on DA. Highlight white/light tan down the middle and along the edges with dark shade and blur. As those drips in the face attempt (one of my rejects) made this absolutely gross looking I had to come up with a better flowing look to the texture. It didn't all go to waste though its how I made those few little drips that run off the skull in the Indy picture and run down the steps. I dumped the fire background and developed a waxy look . this is a close up of the waxy texture. . Its been awhile since I've done any waxy work but it did have lots of blur and the use of majority. looking back at some old work there was a what looks like a multi gradiant bar in a polar involved. that's most likely the flowing motion part of this texture... Its how I used to make fire/flames in the older versions of this program. the Eyes were major umph power to look at on the original. So l spent a long time on them. Mine are not the same as the inspiration piece but I like them a bit more. In this next picture you will see the eyes beginning to have lots of depth. The veining was done with multigradiant bars, polar inverted. and bits and pieces cut and pasted. also this was done before we had bevels and such so they were drawn and shaded in by hand. there was releif or I think at that time I only had the plug in height to field. I can't remember as I didn't write it down but seems to me I used erode in there as well. I also had about 4 or 5 layers of different transparent circles for simulating the iris, and gave a small drop shadow behind the skull and over the ucky red insides. at the time I just painted a line around the eye on a layer underneath and gass blurred it. I wasn't used to using drop shadow at the time but that is what I'd use now on a duplicate layer. blurred a lot of course and dial down the transparency At some point along the way I decided I didn't really like the hole for the nose so I made one from another section of the waxy fire texture and shaded like I did the nose notes for Vista? on page 5 of this gallery. using the colors from the waxy texture instead of black and white. This is what the skull looks like very few changes from this version to the finished picture with Indy, I put back on page 1 of this gallery. I did actually use the waxy version not this dithered one in the Indy picture. But this gives you a real close look at it. I did use zoom and rotate under layers to get the different perspective, and just painted in the bevel portion. now you could use the plugin outline by Pyrochild that gives an option for angle. At the time this wasn't avail. hope that helps. ciao OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Crimson, thanks for the heads up on the text. Always has been my soft area. I'll try to make that a bit more vibrant. luckly all the items are saved individual as Png images. makes it easy for the ladies (and one gent) to point out what they want on their discs. and then I can help them cut and paste together with the computor. @nab thanks for the comment. perhaps you will like this abstract more no dithers) It's just some early morning playtime.
  10. slamxcz that is one great first post. have you a gallery set up yet? I'm off to search for it now if you do. ciao OMA here is my Sunday morning play. sorry folks no explinations on this one it was just play. the large size is in my gallery.
  11. that's just because I used too little of a canvas for the blur easy fix. and no its not been requested. I'm just trying to cut my teeth and make better tuts. maybe I'll do a mini version for my gallery. If its popular one of the mods can always ask me to move it over to the tut section.
  12. Thanks Ash had to do it in two passes of the motion blur. just redid that layer for the handles? is that what they are called? anyways here is the newer version... is it ready to be discharged from hospital? can I make a tut?
  13. extremely nice gallery so far. tip on first one. make a circle selection just a tiny tiny tad bit smaller than your circle(fisheye lens) invert selection (control + i) and use radial blur real real low. that ought to clean up the edge a bit. ciao OMA
  14. a tad dark maybe some of the highlight shadow recovery plugin. other than that its not too shabby looks like one of them posters that say something profound "Liberty for all before we sink" PS: just about have this down to a simple tut just need the jaggie stage taken care of I already feathered twice used both of the feather plugins,
  15. first thing to try is to close paint.net and then reopen. generally you see in the first page of the plug in the path required. . if it says effects>photo> that means you must click on effects scroll down to photo hover over it and see another box comes up. put your cursor over the one within the photo menu you want to use and click. same with the other effects.
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    called "Evolve" I'm liking this one very much so I'm putting a full size version on my Deviant Art gallery if anyone wants to look at it closer. follow the link in my sig. ciao
  17. this one is called "Evolve" as usual larger version is in my gallery "who said Oma was all sweetness...?"
  18. Yes! this is so very sophisticated excellent very graphic in nature. I'm off now to see if you've started a gallery, if not then you should. ciao
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Jannettsue its needing some clean up work and some embelishments. not sure what the digi crowd is into these days. will be checking some twopeas in a bucket pages out and see what I can work up from scratch to add. ciao thanks for looking. EDIT... done a clean up of the previous one and will be working on several variations on a theme tonight didn't want to do too fancy its just a matter of scanning pictures from the senior ladies and cropping and pasting. just supervising that will be a task and a half, but the smiles of accomplishment on their faces will be a real pleasure. ciao all
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    sorry no party balloons. here is a concept piece I'm working on for a slide show presentation I'm doing at the senior centre next week. I just have to pop in pictures 3 to 4 ratio on a top layer mats and then flatten . would make a great digital scrap book idea. the paper is total digital made in paint.net (no scanns!) and yes I know the mats are a bit ragged and not finished looking this is still concept stage. think I need more embellishments to it yet. actally here is the paper portion it makes a nice abstract that would be more than suitable for a card cleaned up version for use at seniors home slide show. now just 20 or 30 more variations to go. ouch. why oh why do I volunteer my time to so many projects? Oh I know its to keep the wee souls busy and feeling productive. We are working on making discs for them to give the family at Christmas. ciao
  21. try vignette under photo or gradiant blur might be a good option. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=20884 or one of jesse chun plug ins viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22919&hilit=focal+point
  22. King kong! and your airplane. in the same picture. so funny, so cute, so good. thanks for the chuckle. ciao
  23. ummm love those two pieces. kind of reminds me of some of my abstracts. back when I was trying to imitate the fractal drawings. I left a few of them at my Deviant Art site. and a few notes. :wink:
  24. everyone deserves a bouquet of flowers for posting such nice pictures lately ciao
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