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Everything posted by oma

  1. per the rules they don't usually give support to old versions. but I can not see why that wouldn't work. It would be really fiddly to get the exact size. much much much easier in the newer version 3.36. suggest you take the plunge and upgrade, you really don't know what you are missing out on. so many changes since that old version, and new plugins that work super! ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thank you kelly, I hope you can see some of the steps in those work in progress shots. how my pictures morph and twist and turn. I did some final steps on this pineapple (above) I still might redo a bit of the yellow and red coloration on the pineapple skin. I'm not sure as I'm quickly loosing interest in this one, but I don't like to leave it partially done. :wink: :wink: Maybe I'll go have myself a wee break, maybe a glass of nice red wine put my feet up and think about it. ciao
  3. yes that's the best way, when you do a tree you only need to bend a few on each branch , too much and it will look like a dust storm is brewing up. :wink: I think in this situation less is definetly better than more.
  4. perhaps you could modify this tut to suit what you are after viewtopic.php?f=15&t=23329
  5. Is there a smilie for the hip hip horay! this is very very well done. . ciao
  6. boude I like it but think it requires more time and more depth to be a challenging abstract. here is my work on lights and shadows just clearing my mind (of distractions) before I work on a project with Helen. ciao hope you enjoy
  7. you do know there are always workarounds. the bars plugin you have can be used, but it is better to upgrade. the way to use the one you currently have is to rotare the layer using the right mouse button until your leave is at an upright angle, or just draw the leave in an upright position. but really strongly suggest you update the plugin you will open many new avenues for your work to progress in. ciao look forward to seeing how you make out with making a leaf. OMA
  8. you need to update your plugins manually they do not auto update when you updated the Paint.Net version to 3.36 here is the link. to Pyrochild"s most current plugin pkg viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21706&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
  9. lovely work! and yes I do think you are improving. just a heads up you might like to put your name , or something like Midge's gallery in your title, makes it easier for people to search for your pictorium pictures. not sure how, you open your gallery go to your first post and use the edit button lower right side. I'll be back soon to see how you are getting on with your art. ciao keep up the good work.
  10. that's called an addiction! but yes know the feeling. life tends to get in the way at times. ciao
  11. oh those little ladybugs are just so precious. I simply love them. and the baker carrying that cake yummy .... reminds me of the movie Ratatouille. Great drawing skills! I certainly enjoyed this visit to your gallery, worth the price of admission, will be back again...soon. ciao OMA
  12. yes there is an old plug in the the manual way is what I often use as well. seems you have quite a bit more control doing it that way. depending on where you want the shadow it could be just a matter of rotating the layer and stretching the canvas nubs beyond the picture edge. if you look at the work in progress shots of the pineapple in my gallery that's what I did there.
  13. note I used the phrase "what you can currently set" As Myridin says perhaps in later version Rick will be changing and adding more preferences. In fact he did recently have a thread asking which preferences people would like to see. Although I can not recall if the primary color choice was mentioned.
  14. that ripple also is sort of like what you get in the glass blocks larger size and stretched. you may be able to adapt that . or possibly some sin waves + another distort plugin. EDIT scrap that note it doesn't give what I was thinking. sorry for confusion.
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no pressure as you can see I seldom write tuts. If I get a chance and can simplify some of my work you all will get the scooted down version.... if not "c'est la vie". Since I write so few tuts it is why I put up work in progress shots. You can perhaps recognize some of the steps as I go along and see the actual changes those things make within a picture. Then try them within your own works. I'll always try to answere all the questions I get asked, but sometimes I just don't remember what I've done. I push, pull and flip effects so quickly and so often within a picture, add that I work on two or three pdn's at the same time, copying from one into another then back again it is sometimes next to impossible to explain. ciao
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    :wink: If I can possibly scoot the pinapple down to a beginners level I will, but don't hold your breath. ciao
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    those leaves should be good I chopped those from the actual picture inspiration piece.! I'm going to draw my own before this is considered finished. I'm still in the design stage on this one. jury is out on if this piece makes it beyond the trash. i noticed about the second one. i meant the first one. lol. there now I've added some I started to draw myself now you can pat me on the back about them. these ones are mine. not traced but line drawn. thanks for the comments on the gallery. drop by often I'm always adding things.
  18. line tool see where it says style along the top you can set arrow heads, flat style, rounded etc with those drop down boxes. the middle is also changeable. get used to using that help button within the program. most of the things you are asking are answered there. might save you some time if no one is on the board at the moment to help you. ciao
  19. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/Toolbar.html read this down near middle of the page it explains what you can currently set as preferences and where to find the change spot. along the top under file , edit etc see that paintbrush it says tools clik that the first one is about default preferences. that's where you can chage ciao welcome to the forum
  20. no typing for me either. you have to be able to spell correctly and I'm probably the worlds worst at spelling.
  21. thanks blooper this might be beyond beginner level though. Stryker has only 8 posts and the question sparks of new program user. but great answer for those that are a bit further advanced. Actually its going into my little card system. ciao all
  22. wow! the God's have spoken! a mod posted here.! actually you should like my pineapple as well and my lettuce they use your plugin. bet you can't guess which one? when I refine those pictures and get them down to beginners levels steps I'll consider doing as some tuts. But that has to wait...too much to refine...and need to do some other things this month. ciao
  23. stunning are you using tablet? or just straight line tools. very very well done especially the clothing wrinkles down the side of the body, super convincing!.
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    those leaves should be good I chopped those from the actual picture inspiration piece.! I'm going to draw my own before this is considered finished. I'm still in the design stage on this one. jury is out on if this piece makes it beyond the trash. EDIT have now replaced them with my own version
  25. oma

    Oma's gallery

    work in progess shots. not quite there but just about. NOTE: picture one the inspiration from a comment about pineapple leaves in my Palm tree tut. NOTE: picture two refining the skin texture. NOTE: on picture 3 work in progress shot... the leaves I did not trace them people I use line tool and drew them out. If I had traced them they would be more accurate. :wink: but I think they are looking good so far. note on these one's I'm not using the releif step as in my tut on palm leaf. this gives more of a painted feel to them similar to the way I've done the pineapple. I'm working towards an oil paint feel to the end picture. NOTE on picture 4 work in progress shot. That skin is now too yellow and looking too smooth. that's what was the final area that needed more work. I took a break, had a glass of wine and put my feet up to contemplate this one. So.... The glass of red wine paid off. I finally finished the pineapple. It could possibly be a bit dark but think I'm going with this version it looks just a tad more realistic to me. . ciao
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