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Everything posted by oma

  1. I don't do much Manga art but are the shoujo sparkles those ones you see around female characters? if so then you can get some good effect like that using Madjik plug in called sparkles. It is part of his pack. action lines, this also works well down the sparkles to low and number of vertices to low. combine with a bit of motion blur. action lines or that radiant star burst for speed use lightrays and give a twist. hope that helps. if you have a more specific problem upload the image you are working on into the image hospital in the pictorium and an example image of what you wish to acheive. ciao OMA
  2. oma

    Oma's gallery

    LFC4EVER is refering to the picture on previous page. called "Living in a prism" . Lordy Lordy LFC4EVER are you asking me to break David's rule #7? Quote of David from the tutorial rules section... a must read, riveting and insightful view on proper tutorial procedures. 7. Think HARD before posting a tutorial that includes Polar Inversion or run the risk of being mocked. let me think on this. ciao OMA in the mean time while you hold your breath here is a little one I like a lot "This one is called "Just a moment in time"
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no fractals at all. totally paint.net nothing brought in from outside this program. I started with a blank canvas. You will see the about 1/2 way picture in the abstract portion of our pictorium. as to how to make it. Hint: I'm known for using polar inversion. Another Hint: and there are multiple layers and layers and blend modes. Yet another Hint: tiles and semi transparent layers, and seamless texture. ciao
  4. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Helen and Topezia. I'm on an early morning roll. Finished up the poster type art I'd been working on. 100% Paint.Net 100% Feel good vibes from this one. Make sure you read the title folks. "Living in a prism" not Prison! Its an abstract, meant to make you think, wonder, ponder. What would it be like to live inside a prism? Would you see wild colors? light bouncing off walls? your reflection multiple times? Its a piece to make you contemplate the total unknown. comments please!
  5. Hello welcome to the forum. I see you just joined today and our tut section is getting a much needed overhaul. here is the link that you might find helpfull. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26982 EDIT I just had a look at that link its pretty hard to follow I'd suggest go to my tut on Palm Leafs. the first steps explain how to get the transparent background do your picture /writing and use save as and change file extension to PNG.
  6. @cjmcguinness nice one, I left a message on your DA but thought I'd also give you a note here. I really like this one. Its one of those that just resonates with a lot of strength and power. lovely work, hope to see you around more often. ciao OMA this is one I've been doing thought I'd share with you all. I think the shiny fans will enjoy this one. "Just because its pretty"
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    just a fun piece "Mushroom Lane"
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Well thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed. thanks topezia I finally broke down and wrote a decent tut. but see they've moved things around on the tut section. wouldn't you know it. now not only am I old but my tuts in the Legacy section. i guess I better get my head around writing another tut. wonder what would be a good one. well thanks so much, you are welcome to come to my gallery any time I'll even let you in free. Actually some of my older works are over on DA and the link is under my sig. Its nice to see another grandparent here. Its a great place to keep the mind sharp, these young ones certainly keep one on their toes. ciao all thanks for coming by my gallery.
  9. not sure if anyone will do a tut on this as this type of thing has been covered many times in tuts. but here is a quick recap of how I'd tackle it. I'd make two layers of the same picture. use the cut out the easy way tut. and cut out the portions you want color changed on. here is the link how to do that. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4841 then use color balance and scoot the yellow up another tut you might adapt is the Pleasantville viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4196
  10. read this one viewtopic.php?f=12&t=26720&hilit=watermark more specifically this is the post that explains watermarking I must hastily draw your attention to this statement from the plugin's first post: Unlimited I tell ye! and this is the plug in they refer to. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=20403
  11. Hi don't worry about not being too good when you first start out. You've mastered the major idea already. Practise Practise Practise. I will look forward to coming back and having a wee peek at how you progress. I won't always leave a message but I am watching. ciao have fun with Paint.Net
  12. they were zip files, did you extract them ? make sure they are in the Paint.Net effects file. and another thing to try is to close the program and then start it up again. Some plugins require a restart of the program.
  13. symetrical pouch using nothing more than paintbrush, and the flips under layers and alignment plugin. a layer for each item and a duplcate . Not everything requires a massive reworking of this program. you have to put a little effort into it. the head portion you must watch the far right bottom of your screen and make sure you start top and bottom dead centre. ie 800 wide picture then watch the first number is at 400 to start and finish of one side. nose is just a circle and I did use the align plug in for that.
  14. I'm making an assumption that you mean feather. are you working on a separated layer? it requires transparent around the item. and no active selection anywhere on the layer. try that first. ciao
  15. ahhh then its an even better picture. You've learned something, and you have the knowledge to perfect those highlights next picture. don't agonize and try and try to correct this one.move on to the next and apply what you've learned from this one. That's what makes good art. The ability to learn something within the picture you've just done, the ability to see where you can perfect it and the knowledge of how to achieve that look with less effort. I'd say an A++ project completed.
  16. @Welshblue as both Drill and Crimson said excellent job on your adaptation of this tut to making very realistic looking leaves/grass like texture. beautiful job so far. look forward to seeing the finished project with the flowers. ciao
  17. you are very welcome. I'm glad I could help. This turned out to be a truly lovely picture. ciao OMA
  18. as Ash said in the pictorium viewforum.php?f=26 read those rules at the top . you are allowed one pictorium gallery to post your items to. generally everyone sticks to this program made items with in the pictorium... its Paint.net after all :wink: , but most of us also have DA accounts (check the bottom of peoples sigs there's ususally link) for other art made outside this program by the person. ciao OMA PS clik the links under my sig.
  19. :oops: Oh my goodness , how on earth did I miss looking at this wonderful gallery before this. :?: :?: amazing pictures, my fav you ask.... I can't decide . I didn't get the big bird vote for nothing love them all! keep up the great work and I want to see more!!!!!!!! ciao
  20. you are welcome. welcome to the forum glad you joined us. hope to see some of your pics soon in a gallelry. ciao OMA
  21. without seeing the picture I'm not sure the best method. there are several ways of doing it. if you use the magic wand and hold down the shift key and clik on the black you may get all of it. This type of step could involve adjusting the tolerance level a bit down wards. or there is a plug in called color to alpha that has a reverse (invert alpha function) that should also work. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22215 I've also used a few times one by BoltBait strip primary color depends on the picture but one of these three should help you out. Or at least get the number down to a managable level where you do them manually. best bet post a link to the picture and describe exactly what you want to do. edit depending on the picture another method could be to use the black and white under adjustment and then brightness and contrast this may limit the areas. ciao
  22. actually started with Kaleidogen by Madjik. there is shape 3d 1/2 sphere. some bevels, and some majority. among other things. I've gone well past this point and have some lovely wings. I'm just drawing the little fairy right now....and not having much luck getting her little arms and legs looking dainty. had a wee peek again about 5 mins ago and she looked like a fairy on steroids.
  23. thanks I tend to agree that's why its still in the idea/ concept stage. currently working on a picture and want to incorporate a fairy. :wink: to make the picture look convincing I need some real special wings.
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks helen... I finally finished this drawing. I don't often get so antsy to finish a picture, but this one was making me jumpy. I like to usually savour the process and draw it out. But I am very pleased, with the final results. There are some areas I need further drawing practise on, such as forshortening leaves. The bottom ones need to have a more come towards you feel. So I've things to study and work on. That's how I judge if its a good picture or not, it leaves me room to grow as an artist, and I know what to work on...so its a real good picture in my opinion, even if it did make me antsy. well if I've inspired you to make something then I am very very very happy. look forward to seeing what you come up with. ciao
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