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Everything posted by oma

  1. sehr gut! :wink: very simplified version. you may wish to play around with different equations. I just added at the end a quick picture of where the equation can be adjusted.
  2. tut is back up simplified form .
  3. love the baby with the laser shooting eyes, only thing that might make that picture just a tad better would be to crop it in a bit tighter. I find that blue object and what appears to be a post in the background distracting from your central subject. Other than that everything is pretty striking. great start to your gallery. ciao OMA
  4. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Sound Wave you will need to install the jitter plug in and the equation plug in. for those of you attempting your first multi layer project quick Beginners review +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Setting up your layers" open new image 800 x 600 1) control + A and then hit the delete key you should have a checkerboard background. This is what is meant when someone tells you to start with a transparent background . name this layer A 2) add another transparent layer :AddNewLayer: and name this one layer B 3) under effects>render>equations I have marked the places you need to change the rest leave at the default settings, " remember you also should change color to white at the spot I indicated". hit OK 3) after you have made the equation on layer B make two duplicates of this equation layer :DuplicateLayer: twice...... for simplicity sake rename them as layer C and layer D time to layer check ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Apply the Jitter" 4) you will now use effects>distort. jitter on each equation layer. BUT at different settings. layer B layer C layer D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Apply motion Blur" 5) On layer D only effects>blur>motion blur +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Background Layer A bucket fill with black +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ image flatten ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sound wave picture ============================================================== ============================================================= change up.... make a bit different...... use a different equation ....... change any of those red numbers have fun.
  5. well you are working with a 2d program you realize. we have a 3d plugin by MKT but you still have to do some drawing. I did a camel. in my gallery (link under my sig) I rough drew that one by hand and scanned in. I've also done the ballerina in my gallery. but those are straight draw yourself and refine within this program. Ash did Angelina Jolie with 3d but if you are just starting out with this program that's going to require a lot of work on your part. have you tried searching the tut section yet. I did one on palm/ leaves, Ash had done one on grass/fur texture. check my camel picture it has sand and rocks if that's what you mean let me know. I'm sure there is a section in textures of stone 101. As I said last post. depends on your drawing skills, it will also depend on how much effort you put into it. suggest you start with some of the tuts. ciao
  6. I use Irfanview. and I also remember ASH mentioning this on http://www.fookes.com/ezthumbs/ those may help
  7. depends how good are your drawing skills? you've got multiple things to watch for. lighting, tones of color, perspective etc etc etc. might help us all if you were to give some clue at what you wish to draw...
  8. check your pm's there is a little mini tut there for you. ciao hope it helps.
  9. now that would be classified as a matter of opinion. I liked the dreamy hypnotic quality of the original by @Kemaru but having said that the auto adjusted would be how I would continue with this one into a morphed abstract. ciao great work everyone! its just a little box I've been doing. liked the complexity of the pattern on pattern on pattern. I love the cream and black tiles.
  10. not enough for a tut so quick walk thru open new picture bucket fill the page with black add a transparent layer change your primary color to white use the plug in sin curves viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22085&hilit=Sine if you have or the one called equations viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22521&hilit=equations with in this one you will have to set the color inside the plugin. I seldom use it so not sure how to set the black line curve to white. you may end up just wanding that and bucketfilling with white. use the jitter plug in by Pyrochild (if you don't have this download his pkg. an excellent well written set of plugins.) and then motion blur. merge the layers together
  11. do you possibly hae a bigger picture? or a link ? I can't make out much of the texture. ciao OMA
  12. well that's one explosive gallery you've started there. I like your version of the explosion. its very good. ciao OMA
  13. love the new abstract, playing around with brushes. That is very classy looking. ciao OMA
  14. nice to see you working away at this gallery again. Love the pumpkin, and jack o lantern you added today!. ciao OMA
  15. lovely gallery, I especially like the skate board sig and the ferrari of course! ciao OMA
  16. welcome to the forum. suggest you get yourself familiar with the search function with in this forum. its so useful. since you are new I will direct you to a good plugin by Tanel viewtopic.php?f=16&t=26350&hilit=red+eye ciao
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    wait till I get this computor smoking. Demitre added this morning for me a new 2g ram . used to be only 512mb :wink: lots of layers in this one as its trying new techniques. some will be kept for final version loads are unchecked at the moment as being so so maybe maybe not ways of doing things. now that I would love. perhaps someday. I've got it down now to about 5 layers for a petal and there might be a little mini tut on the petal after I finish the picture. . ciao and thanks for looking.
  18. make a duplicate layer and on the bottom one use some motion sharpen (Madjiks pkg.) might give you some directional highlights. maybe you have to do that more than once. ? OMA
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks Helen but I'm sure its not dead on. It is my first attempt at crossing over some steps I do manually in colored pencil work to paint.net. having a dickens of a time metally translating those steps to a computor program. Thanks Kat, that's nice of you to say. Although personally this is the learning piece for some new techniques, it is great practise. and what I learn on this one will go into future works. thanks for leaving a comment. thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it so far. It still is pretty ragged so needs loads of work maybe another stab at it from the start.? thanks you for leaving a comment. I enjoy when someone leaves a message they've been by to look. do you mean the white edges along the petals? or the purple veins down the centre of the whiter petals? I'll upload the inspiration picture just as soon as I get my scanner working this morning. you will see that crocus have 6 petals three light 3 dark each petal is spoon shaped and there is a defined ruffled white margin to each petal. ciao back soon with inspiration pic. will edit this post and add. OMA edit here is the inspiration piece note the veins are not symetrical in any fashion on this type of flower. I've used paintbrush. bars would not work for the larger centre ones, I might try the bars idea for the smaller edge ones. It is definetly much easier to do this flower by hand in pencil. I'm sure I went wrong on this when I tried glow to simulate what would happen when you used Bestine and cotton swab to blur the inner petals. I've not figured out Paint.net equivalent to that manual step of drawing. yet! still working on that... also added a quick attempt at another method of doing the purple veins in the white petals better or worse?
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    latest abstract "Just a moment in time" .................. added it above.... leave this as a place marker please for another work I've got on the go. :wink: meanwhile leave me a few comments on the crocus. I know by the count you all are looking. so what's up? no one want to comment. Promise I don't bite. ciao OMA :wink:
  21. "just a moment in time" larger version now in my gallery page 16 .
  22. you are actually in the incorrect portion of the forum. this is the part where the developers of the plugins ask coding questions. but as you are new I'll give you the link this should help you out. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023 Note a mod is going to either lock this or more likely move it for you. good luck and hope to see you open your own personal gallery in our pictorium. ciao
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'm not sure why I'm thinking of spring flowers, winter is just around the corner here in the frosty north. but this is the start of a new picture for me Spring Crocus. Inspriation piece my work in progress shots (#7793) (#7812)(#7848) (#7860) very near completion just need some more dark shadows and shading (#7872) I've done some very minor changes but feel reluctant to spend any more time on this one now. It should really be redone entirely from scratch using the things I've learned. I'm not sure I will redo same picture maybe another flower using some of these methods. thanks for watching the progress of this one. So here is the finished flower as far as I'm taking it. Not an exact to the inspiration, but passable in my opinion. Its been a good learning piece, and has challenged my powers of observation. Truthfully if I do this flower again it will be as a colored pencil drawing, and not as a computor generated picture. Good old traditional pencil and paper rendering of a flower.
  24. I'm not taking a shot in the dark here make sure you have the absolute latest update of BoltBaits plug in for feather. This looks very much you are using old version. Rick had updated the Paint.net program just as Bolt Bait was updating his feather. Rick changed something that caused Bolt Bait to have to re update. It is a known issue that has since been fixed. ciao
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