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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks Janetsue I'm enjoying the extended Ram memory I don't get quite so many out of memory messages now. Not the same as getting a new computor but definetly much better speed wise. now I'm going to have to investigate what they mean when they say dual processor. LOL! @HELEN adding the starburst etc was the general idea I had. as you can see I've added more colors to lighten this up. not a real space scene I'm sure but still pleasant to look at in a playful way. When I get to the other planets then the depth will really start to be felt. @Crimson Thanks on your remarks about the crocus. I'm not sure I'm going to do much more to this picture. I was actually testing something, and this was the trial picture. I'm actually planning on doing it by hand on paper. I might come back to it, but not likely. The planet I added a few more shadows and find its a bit rounder. thanks glad you stopped by for a visit. @LFC4EVER well I didn't use 3d I used Lens and cut the planet out from there. I've added some shading manually with gassiaun blur now to make it a bit more rounded. I may still add more. I've added a few more stars not sure they look correct, you can see in my updated post above. thanks for the links I've had a quick run thru them. ciao all thanks for looking now back to the paint.net screen and work away on some more little planets.
  2. yes currently you 3.36 require net 2 but if I'm reading Ricks blog correctly he is recommending upgrading to 3 for the next version 3.5. of Paint.Net. QUOTE from his Blog "October 3, 2008 – 12:42 pm The features that I want to implement for Paint.NET v4 are easily going to take another 6+ months to finish. However, I really want to get the improvements I’ve already made into the hands of users (that’s you!). I’d also like to get everyone updated to a newer version of .NET (right now Paint.NET v3.36 only requires .NET 2.0). If I wait another “6+” months, then it will be almost time for .NET 4.0 and I don’t want to deal with two big .NET upgrades in the same short period of time — or worse, face the indecision of “release now or in another 6 months after the new .NET is out…”. ........................ you can read the rest here at this link http://blog.getpaint.net/ perhaps some one else can explain to us all how we check which net we currently have on our computors and how to upgrade to what Rick recommends. ciao OMA
  3. I'm glad you finally opened up shop. you really don't need very many images. its your knowledge that makes you so valuable around here. thanks for all the help you've given me . ciao OMA
  4. off topic Simon apparently if you attended the conference you could get the beta prebuild http://www.ditii.com/2008/09/25/get-pre ... t-pdc2008/
  5. love the pinwheel patterns especially #6 that pattern background is lovely! I've just have to ask how did you do this one? ciao
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this is a new one for me. I usually always stay away from the space scenes because of the darkness of them. I find its hard on the eyes. but this is my attempt. got the planet then with some advise from Nab I started the star field. I've moved the main planet to get a better focal point. the next step will be to add some smaller planets to give depth. and yes I know some of them stars are a bit ummmm not so good. but they might stay they might not, they might just be where the other little planets and space debrie will be going. LOL! and here I thought I was finished with this one just because Helen asked so nicely I've added the shooting star, another planet and some very subtle lens flares
  7. hello welcome to Paint.Net these would be added plugins here is the topic dealing with adding plugins viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023 read thru the whole topic page 1 to the end (26 pages.) and all questions re adding plugins will be answered. then go to these to download the plugins. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22701&hilit=powerstretch viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819&hilit=bevel viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21706
  8. very smart looking texture there. this has inspired me to try a space scape. first for me. lost on what to do. so I popped it into the hospital for a spoonful of wise comments from all you young fellows. ciao OMA
  9. my first planet / space scene. what's the next thing I need. and point me to the good tuts please. so far its 100% paint.net texture
  10. give me the link and I'll take a look at the texture. I love doing textures. EDIT actually have you tried #6 viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5462 ciao
  11. Janette Sue love that windmill. I like your little story book girl as well, maybe its the eyes that are throwing you off on that one. can't quite put my finger on why I think its the eyes, but they seem to drill right thru you. Do you know what I mean? very intense , wise beyond her years, I guess would be the correct term. sort of out of sync with the naive personally of the little girl? that's just a thought, not even sure that's exactly it. anyways just wanted you to know its always a great pleasure to visit your gallery. ciao OMA
  12. @zzz92 I like the minimalist feel to that one. here is one from the other end of the spectrum. Your piece is the color of the rainbow, mine is near black and white. Your piece is so minimal and this one is complicated curves and curves within curves. enjoy it is called "Whisper that to me one more time"
  13. you might try searching for the "share your script lab files". there are two avail. edit :oops: that just gives the crumpled effect just re read your post. not sure this can be done. although didn't Simon have some sort of plugin for avi files? OMA
  14. winter break, well that's not too far away. thanks for replying. ciao
  15. Pyrochild I know you are busy with school work load, just wanted to check if there are any plans to allow multi layer scripts in near or distant future? It was an idea I know was tossed around back a few months ago, just wondering if anything ever came of it. ciao OMA
  16. its an often overlooked plugin but very effective in certain type of situations. I've a few other little gems that use this same plugin when I've a bit of time I'll do a few little pictures in my gallery. :wink:
  17. I make mine very similar. on step 9 and 10 I do step 9 then rotate the entire image 90 degrees and do step 10 then rotate image back -90 degrees. merge them two layers and erase out a few of the lines so its not so cross boxy looking. notch down the transparency at that point after step 18 I would do one more duplicate layer of that on the top one render>dithers and dial down the transparency then merge and save.
  18. i think so. I'm doing a test run working with a much smaller size 6" square and 2" and 4" will have a quick print off at old wally mart tomorrow or next day to compare the quality and clarity of import and paste. I know wal mart isn't the greatest but if their mediocre printing can give me decent results I'll be fine once I take the larger version to a quality print shop. Its certainly a good thing I'm used to using about 5 or 6 PDN's at once, and switching and copying and importing between multiple open files. ciao thanks all. I believe I'm a go on this one. now to just hammer out the ideas in my head to individual pdn's and how each shall be crossed and combined together. wish me luck.
  19. just checking I've got this correct. if I have background at 24 " 300 dpi. I can import a 18" 300 dpi with no lose of clairty as long as I do not stretch or pull or manipulate it beyond the 18" square radius. same as if I want to import say a sphere shape/triangle shape odd stretchy thing I made at 9" x 9" as long as it 300 dpi and it stays the same size within the larger 24" canvas? does that make sense?
  20. another question re my large art commission piece. I've decided to go with 5400 x 5400 18 x 18 '' at 300 dpi this gives me the option of downsizing it to the 12 x 12 or putting flat dab in middle of just a straight 24 x 24 background. first discussed here viewtopic.php?f=12&t=27326 now this question I'll need to do in portions to accomidate all the layers and not overextend the memory. if I do a say 9 x 9 portion at 300 dpi and pop it into the original 18 x 18 layer. will copy and paste effect the dpi? or is it better to save the 9 x 9 portion as a png. and use layer bring from file? do either of these methods retain the original 300 dpi. ciao OMA
  21. so I'd have to make it at 12 in x 12 in as well? seems very large. I know if you have a 4x6 picture you can up the size when you have them printed, is this not the same? I seldom do anything when I develop pictures other than hand over the film to the printer. sorry for being so dense on this but its just not clicking with me. ciao OMA
  22. better check the legacy tuts first. There are some cell coloring ones there already. ciao OMA
  23. So guess what I've received a commission for an art piece. (abstract) ! I need to get this one correct first time round as it will be printed on canvas/some sort of plasticy filmy material, at the local photo finisher. the size is 12 x 12 but what dpi should I use to get the best clarity. The young gum snapping teenager at the shop just said ""well its like a picture ....I guess"" I'm sure my friends here that do photographic work will certainly have better info for me than that. ciao OMA
  24. there is multigradiant plugin which can give you radial or square or linear gradiant. there is option to go up to 20 colors. or are you trying to find an easier way of making a 3d ball? we have 3d shape plug in. if those don't work for your application then you will have to very specific in exactly what you are working on and what you wish to acheive. enter your work on the picture so far along with a link or picture of what you want to end up with ...in our pictorium hospital. ciao OMA
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