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Everything posted by oma

  1. clik the paintbucket now look along the top see it says tool and picture of your paintbucket look over to the right there is a spot that says tolerance 50% just run your cursor from the right to the left and see it goes down to 0% since your picture is solid colors just set it at 0% this is an interactive tool done by wither that you really should watch. answers basics like this along with many other newbie questions. Really I think you should watch it, its wonderfully done for new paint.net users. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26971 ciao
  2. I could be wrong but I don't think there is a way to add more. you could possibly check out some of the Ed Harvey plugins. You might find his Atkinson halftone and Floyd Steinberh halftones interesting. Also among the latest additions by Ed a series of Halftones (dots/lines/cross etc.) these you can manipulate size and angle. ciao OMA EDIT: sorry forgot the second portion of your question. work around would be to try photo flood fill, it may work for a png image you create yourself.. ( do up your screentone on transparent background, and save as a png. (suggest no more than say 50 pixels wide,so you get small areas covered by multiple tone.)
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    unfortunately I didn't make it to the art show after all. Drove three blocks from home and saw 3 major accidents. First turn off I turned around and scooted back home. I added a shooting star and another planet and some lens flares just for you. :wink: (page 16) by the way did you make that planet in the link? or surf the net for it. I love the written sentiment. ciao OMA
  4. oh I like that very much. you know it kind of reminds me a bit of fur? wonder what a few twists would give. :wink:
  5. first make sure you have the most updated version of paint.net second the most updated version of the plugin. third are you sure you are using the same outline each time. there are several effects with that name. are you sure its pyro's outline that's not working or is it Boltbaits? as those kind of problems seem very similar to the bugs that were fixed in BoltBaits plugin. :wink: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819
  6. do it in layers. use this as you background layer. wand the sky area add a transparent layer :AddNewLayer: set the colors you wish for the cloud area on the color wheel effects>clouds go back down to the background layer wand the mountain area apply the effect you wish here. personally if you are not too familiar with the program an easy one would be to just under effects> noise set the color down to 0 for the green grass on the bottom layer your original picture wand on portion of the green grass hold your control key down and wand the other portion. add a new layer. do you effect you've chosen for the grass on that new layer. (hint check out the tut section for ASH's tut on grass/fur) The black road just leave it as it is. that's a real simplified version of doing a picture. Truly suggest you check and try a number of the tuts out. Even if they don't relate to this picture they will help you become familiar with what all this program can do and maybe provide inspiration. ciao OMA PS just also thought of the tut ASH did I beleive its called sunset that should be great for your sky. a bit more than just effects>clouds.
  7. excellent. I just love it when someone manages to take a basic tut to new levels. This shows you all have grasped the power there is in this program. @cazaron excellent use of the tut and wonderful additional effects ciao
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Great abstract! I'd crop the left side of it a bit though - the color difference in the top left corner and the line, kind of makes the abstract look less clean. Nice use of Polar Inversion and Polar Transformation. :wink: yes those lines came from the bevel frame. I'm going to pop this back into paint.net add a regular border then bevel that will take out the lines top left and bottom right. and just for your info no Polar Transformation. just Polar Inversion and a few other effects. :wink:
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen I really like that shooting star idea. now how in the world will I tackle that in my own style. :idea: I'll work on that likely tomorrow. today after lunch I'm off to an art show. Thru the blizzard no less. should come back with a million ideas so many pictures to make and not enough time. oh wooo is me. PS I have a larger version of that one on the previous page if you want a closer look
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    this is where I'm at on it. stuck as how to get more in. :?: :idea: :?: :idea: :?: :idea: :?: http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o234 ... DREAMS.png
  11. oma

    Oma's gallery

    no you are not mistaken, there is almost 99% of the time a polar inversion somewhere in about 99% of my pictures. sort of my signature effect. :wink: often well well hidden. but this picture is a bold in your face polar inversion. :wink: use the effect wisely folks think of it as a tool not a picture. ciao
  12. you are very welcome look forward to seeing it used in a picture. gotta keep them all guessing. :wink: ciao
  13. very nice love how the sword is coming along. ciao OMA
  14. two different things . this tile does it with the curves and my glass slipper is similar to the steps in this tut. quite a few more steps viewtopic.php?f=15&t=20691
  15. @Peterpawn looks like he/she's been playing with tiles+ :wink:
  16. well there is a plugin called rounded rectangle has a color wheel so you can change the box color, it can do circles or squares. you can change x y dimenions of the box and x y position of the box. and then type your text on it. but i find just drawing my text boxes and typing far quicker than fiddling with the x y positions. but you might give it a try. both would be the same number of steps as far as I can figure out. perhaps Ego Eram Reputo will come up a better alternative for you. ciao OMA
  17. what do you mean background white. ? you want white text? just change the primary and secondary color around. or you want a white outline around the text use outline plugin. (but that requires a additional layer. )
  18. function keys f1 will bring you to the help files. and there is always search within the forum most questions have been answered numerous times here. ciao and welcome to Paint.Net
  19. open your photo leave your colors at primary black secondary white add a transparent layer use selection tool and draw where you want the box (rectangle/circle whichever you wish) change to paintbucket tool right click inside the box to fill with white. best to add another transparen layer for the text type the text merge the text down to the rectangle box. when you are satified all is in correct position under image flatten and then save your photo. if you need semi transparent box you need to open the color wheel hit the more button. addjust the sliding bar bottom right for transparency 255 is opaque decending numbers gives transparency. hope that helps
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    "it all started in the pumpkin patch"
  21. I don't use one. would like to have one though. for now I use line tool , a few more nubson that line tool (hint hint Rick) and I'd not be wishing for a $ tablet $ ciao OMA
  22. try increasing the view size where it says window to something like 400% or more then try moving.
  23. @topezia love it love it don't stop there keep going. try ... this dup layer, flip dup, polar off the edge with maybe clamp to edge, set to additive or screen toggle the transparency. you are onto a great abstract. @ABP welcome to the forum. great start ! ciao
  24. this indeed would be nice but for now the work around I use is select the layer I want to isolate and control + a and then paste into a new image. that way I can see exactly what I'm working on, make my modifications and then paste the layer back into the original PDN. hope that makes sense. ciao
  25. you need to explore the items under layer especially the rotate and zoom swivel that round x ball shape upper left. by the way that's a nice layout you have there. are you running HO scale? second question I know has been answered before but for the now I couldn't find it using search either. so a quick one start with a transparent background (open new image control + a and then hit delete) change your primary color from black to white. type text under object > outline actually when hubby did his windows on his layout he used that clear acetate that you do overhead transparency's and raided my scrapbook supplies for sticker letters.
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