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Everything posted by oma

  1. easier put your picture on bottom layer add a layer use paint bucket to fill that layer at about 100 alpha opacity of pink select gradiant tool just above the drawing screen set it to Radian Gradient. change from color mode to transparency mode like this right clik where you want the transparent part babies face drag out to the edges. ciao
  2. love the christmas tree i'll have to try copying, its very relaxed looking but super beleivable. ciao
  3. perhaps try a different font and also toggle that smooth to sharp in text. sometimes things like that work. also you could try toggling the aa off.
  4. do you mean paint the layer black? or do you mean change the brush color to black? ciao OMA
  5. thanks David the concepts I understand but sometimes its the words used ie padding or div that make me stumble. this I guess will come as I ask questions. just amazes me sometimes I actually can just about follow along what all you computor whiz kids talk about.. EDIT I did notice if you use the right tab at the end of a line it sets it on a new line down. An example would be in my pictorium gallery opening spot (page 1) under the picture where the first title Abstracts starts. I typed the picture name and brief explination followed immediatedly with " right/right " enclosing the page number <=== (in the [] of course) I expected that it would run along even with the description not be on line below. ciao
  6. explain please. does this mean you've set the width ?
  7. EDIT: I'm having a real moron day today. sorry everyone. David mid way down the page. http://www.thevbgeek.com/misc.php?do=bbcode what happens when you change the j to full word justify?
  8. thanks actually I'm only possibly using it for page numbers. so no long paragraphs I promise.
  9. yes I am actually :oops: don't know my right from my left test EDIT of course it works " thump" as I hit heel of hand to forehead :oops: :oops: so simple
  10. ok thanks will try that to see if it works EDIT: nope doesn't work.
  11. I know I can use the center like this in my gallery but is there a similar one for left justification? I'm working on my index finally oma
  12. jake my vote would be a resounding yes. very smashing looking.
  13. sounds like you did all the cut out work and then saved as a jpg instead of a png. just recheck that first. ciao
  14. actually when I do my line drawings I use a separate layer for each line. and only merge them all together at the end. when I'm totally happy with the results. That way i can go back and delete out any I don't think are correct and add in a new layer with a redone line. get used to working with layers. They are a life saver when trying to do line drawings. in Paint.Net. ciao
  15. thanks Janettsue currently I'm redoing my tips on faces tut. so should be done in near future. I was just asked by e mail or was it PM can't remember about the teeth I'm going to post in my gallery a bit on that for now and will move it over to the tips on faces when I get it up and running. . ciao
  16. oma


    lovely ASH I like the women's face in there took me quite awhile before I saw that! wasn't until I took closer look at DA to see how you had done the refractions i can now see the 3d box shape. wonderful use look forward to a tut on this one. i think it can definitely be modified to a flower :idea: in one of my abstracts. ASH you are incredible
  17. jannetsue that is remarkable. Reminds me of those animated type of Christmas cartoons. simply amazing. line tool? or tablet? well here is my contribution to the realistic images pictorium. passable likeness? I think I've turned back the hands of time here. better than a facelift :wink: oh yes straightened and whitened my teeth, gave myself fuller and blonder hair.
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Janettsue, Welshblue and Kemaru. as you can see in above edited post I've now started to add facial features. There is still plenty to do on shading. about the hair. well actually it is just washes over the pencil drawing. :wink: i did do a couple of extra layers underneath and motion blurred that was to fix up around the bangs area. ciao staytuned for future updates. :wink:
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Crimson, its a passable likeness for hubby and myself, I do see quite a few flaws. not sure I'll correct here on this copy but definetly on the one I'm giving to my daughter for Christmas (original pencil drawing). I may re scann for this site then, at that point I'll decide to color or not. It was just a keep busy thing while I've been confined to bed rest. AS IF I actually rest. the facial features I'm not even going to attempt tonight , maybe tomorrow. I'm back to bed now and will do some reading before lights out. nighty night everyone PS Boltbait I'm 1/4 way thru that book "Atlas Shrugged" you should have warned me it was soooooooooooo many pages. :wink:
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    if you mean in Paint.net perhaps when I feel up to sitting at the computor for a stretch. Might just be in semi transparent washes though. I've something in mind for this in my index. and not that crumby sig I've on first page of the gallery right now. that totally isn't what I'm going for. if you mean with colored pencils I have to wait , my Christmas wish list has a box of over 100 prisma color. LOL! ciao
  21. hi welcome to the forum. don't worry you didn't delete that color wheel and layers. They are just playing hide and seek with you. see along the top of your paint.net screen file edit view etc. clik on the windows if you clik on the reset windows (top one) you will be back to normal. ciao OMA
  22. oma

    Oma's gallery

    sorry I haven't posted much or commented or replied to any posts lately. Been a bit under the weather. I did manage to do a pencil sketch while I was laid up in bed. Always amazes me I can actually take the things I've learned within this program about art and apply it to actual drawing. anyways peek at what I've worked on and I'll be using the pencil sketch of myself for my index at the beginning of this gallery when ever I get around to it. PS looking now at the two pictures side by side I see my jaw line isn't correct in the pencil drawing so that's going to get fixed. PSS picture was taken on a backpack trip on the east coast. after the comments about coloring this in I've decided to do that and will consolidate the work in progress shots here. when I put the two side by side I noted I needed to fix the mouth. moved lips a tad closer together and darkened corners a bit. I actually think where I've gone off on this picture is in the tilt of the head. I'm still a beginner so getting the tilt just seems so foreign to me. but I'll work on that next picture I do. for now this will have to suffice PS Kemaru I darkened the lips. I'm now at the near finish stage just darkening some shading , lighting other shading etc etc. current status of this picture I had a message on DA that I should try to trim down the neck a bit on the above picture . I've worked on this today (loads of layers and some shading to repair doing it ... but the results although subtle are just a bit better . At least he didn't tell me I had a fat head. joke get it. fat head .... as in air between the ears. Arty if you read that above don't be mad it's just my way sometime English phrases strike me a hilarious. So now that I've modified it I've now used that update slimmer OMA picture as part of my opening intro of this gallery page 1 for full size just have to add the typed index of this gallery now. Yea! another project almost done! oh I just realized after looking at that full size I used too much color burn in final the shadows on the face are tooooooooo stark will have to fix that.
  23. like it! even with the clipped shadows LOL! I actually tried to find your gray beard picture to do a sketch but alas search didn't reveal it. :wink:
  24. things you check. 1) do you have latest version of paint.net? 2) are you using latest version of the plugin? this problem has been fixed. solution go re download BoltBaits plugins to latest version. if those two things are done and you still have this problem the correct place is to post this is viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22819&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=90 ciao
  25. jake2k that is fantastic. type of tablet? type of computor system? oma
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