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Everything posted by oma

  1. thankyou very much for this plugin. It simplifies something that has been taking me quite a few more steps to accomplish. ciao OMA
  2. but it depends on your use of clouds., and what you combine with it. I used clouds in the texture of the buildings behind my camel. This sure doesn't look like just clouds. Infact clouds alone should seldom be used. That's just a starting point. ciao
  3. BTW, I'm starting to warm up to Polar Inversion. (Just don't tell anyone!) QFT just didn't want you editing that out and then denying you ever wrote it.
  4. no problem. I recall very vividly how frightened I was that I'd messed up my computer the first time this happened to me. Enjoy the program. @atchan you might like to change those capital letters in your title to small, its actually called shouting when you type all in caps. If your not sure how just click that edit button down on the bottom right of your first message. (you must be logged in to do it) ciao OMA
  5. always loved that Octagonal quad reshape. in fact use it very very often. I'm wondering where you thinking of ever adding more nodes? The mirror adjustments sound real interesting will be downloading today. ciao thanks for sharing your plugins with us. OMA edit: I just tried the mirror the one over the line is incrediable. I'm definetly going to use this often and even more often! Wow. Now I'm off to play with paint.net
  6. top of screen file edit view etc. clik window then windows reset.
  7. is it something like this you looking for? this is circle selection one layer yellow EDIT:: (its a semi transparent) over lay of orange and yellow radial gradiant noise + real low coverage and no color make a dup of that layer with the noise use stylize . edge detect set mode of the edge detect layer to additive. ciao
  8. hello welcome to the forum. You will no doubt be told to search and its a good habit to get into as many of these type of questions are answered every week. but as this one unless you know the tut writer called it Pleasantville you'd not find it too readily so here is the link viewtopic.php?f=36&t=26974&hilit=pleasantville
  9. well since you've not come up with a family friendly picture for example I'm guessing you would like the border is that what you are after? there is a frame plugin in Madjiks pkg. maybe you could explore that. ciao OMA
  10. sweet puppies. adorable. one thing I've found when you do cut out the easy way and the colors are real close. is to make two layers of your picture. bottom one the dogs and background as it is. then one over top of that color>solorize this makes colors that are close in value pop against each other. You will then delete this layer out after you've done you outline on a new layer. good luck on your project I'd be interested in seeing the final project. ciao OMA
  11. I actually found my info under control panel and settings general tab.
  12. thanks found it under systems not by right cliking start. I've Microsoft windows xp home edition version 2002 service pack 3 I'm guessing I'm going to be ok for Ricks updates. now I better go back and enter the info on the poll. ciao thanks OMA
  13. tell me how to figure out if I'm on xp2 or xp3 please and I'll answere this question . At least I know its xp. ciao OMA
  14. Mods aren't real bad here they just like us to keep the titles descriptive that allows better searching for everyone. now as to the plug in. not sure what you are after. if you know how to use photobucket to load an example here please do. It might just be a simple few steps and not a plugin. but for now I'm totally not sure what you are after. ciao I'll check back later in the mean time could you Look at the evil in the night in my gallery pg 1 the eyes of the skull something like that what you are after? its in several layers. OMA
  15. nice rather long ui only thing that its really missing is perhaps some reset to default levels buttons for entire sections. (I know there are the individual ones along side each slider) :wink: I'm going to need some example pictures on how this works. ciao thanks for thinking of us all and sharing your work. OMA .
  16. oma

    Gallery Tulip

    another scrapbooker ! love your work I think you are going to enjoy this program very very much. I did a texture cardboard tut that might interest you, and used it in a tag. ciao OMA
  17. and I thought your ride of choice would be a vintage VW.
  18. great work people.! @topezia I love that version of sismograf03. The colors are just poping off the screen. lovely. @peterpawn love the dragon see you've been playing with fractals. like the use in your sig as well. @jinxed welcome to the forum. I like the bird one a lot. second one ummm not so well, I think its missing a focal point. maybe use this as a background for something like your bird instead of the solid black? here is one I did in paint.net Blue Blue Glass the Switch
  19. along top line see where it says file edit view image etc. clik image clik resize uncheck maintain aspect ratio type in the pixel size you want. :wink: I'm thinking after you see how distorted it looks you might reconsider a bit of croping wouldn't hurt afterall ciao EDIT see Jake got here first. LOL!
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks everyone for looking at the self portrait I was working on. Yes I may do a full background on this picture but not in paint.net I'm currently working on a pencil sketch for the daughter for Christmas. I'll be doing minor adjustments to this sketch and adding background in the next week. No time for a paint.net version. Have to start my Christmas baking as If I need more cookies. from the lips to the hips WOW! (sorry for shouting but I'm real excited) I just noticed I hit the 10,000 + mark. Wow thanks everyone for looking at my gallery. so I guess this is my 10,000 mark piece,,,"yes it had to be polar inversion" Reflections of my Heart Ciao OMA
  21. what about if you just use the front end of the picture of the auto as if its coming into the screen.
  22. ummm not photo fill.... perhaps you best pop what you've worked on so far into the pictorium hospital along with the texture and where you want it placed within you work. if there isn't a plug in ....someone may be able to offer you a work around. ciao OMA
  23. you will be looking for photo flood fill.
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