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Everything posted by oma

  1. like the latest colored tube actually I like everything in your gallery its hard to pick a favourite. I'm watching you! ciao OMA
  2. actually did you traditional paint that kincaid one or do it in a computor program? i meant to ask before but forgot. its truly exceptional. ciao OMA
  3. its very nice you should really start yourself a gallery in the pictorium for your art work. we are allowed one gallery each there. It will be where everyone heads to check the new artwork by our members out. posting here in the general discussion group could mean it gets lost in the shuffle and you receive no comments. Look forward to viewing your artwork in your gallery ....hint hint. ciao OMA and PS welcome to our forum.
  4. oh I like that pink button. what did you do differently from the blue one? add some white highlights and you have shinny. pretty! ciao OMA
  5. well done nice gallery! I truly love your sig! ciao OMA
  6. glad you finally joined us in the pictorium and started yourself a little gallery. look forward to seeing more artwork from you. ciao OMA
  7. love the new glossies (but check your red one. you left some stray pixels, I can see where you moved it) I really like how you added the highlights in the sweet little girls hair. makes it just seem so much more alive. keep up the good work and have a wonderful Christmas. (I forgot to let you know I loved the picture you sent me of the cottage, it truly does look like a Kincaid ) ciao OMA
  8. what if you added a layer select your oval and use BoltBaits Bevel with both colors selected the same. ie both white than run on about a 40 or 50 that might work you could then dial down the opacity if required. also have you looked at Madjiks plugin gradiant blur? that could be another option depending on exactly what it is you are doing. ciao OMA
  9. Janettsue that snowman is adorable! certainly puts me in a festive mood. ciao OMA
  10. oma


    . It is equal to -40 degrees celcius with the wind chill here today so I can't say its much of the weather here for boats right now, but I do enjoy fishing from a boat in the height of summer. did you draw this boat? its excellent if you did. not sure of the reflection maybe it should be less opacity? and a little closer to the boat? just my opinions I'd have to look at some pictures of boats in water to check that out. nice picture though and I love the colors. ciao OMA Edit found a picture of what I mean about the reflection http://www.flickr.com/photos/mellangatang/2769053587/ see how it runs along touching the entire length of the bottom of the boat and is just sort of the colors with no details.
  11. when you use the search button the term you need is pleasantville and you will find a tut on what you wish to do.
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks its showing promise. I love the colors and the swirls just need to develop a bit more control. :wink:
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    agreed it is AA off naturally. and that's what I'm trying to get a hold on so when I use the plugin I'll know where to place the jaggies to suit the picture. I often take plugins and just push the envelope with them. Some of my best experimentations. ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    not a twist in site in this one and droste does not have aa. its an experimentation to test the bounds and limitations of the plug in. ciao OMA
  15. #1 did you make a new transparent layer to draw your cut out lines? it sounds like you didn't. and actually you should have posed this question on the same thread the tut is. that way the tut writer has a better chance of seeing your question. so keep that in mind for next time. good luck.
  16. Helen she is such a sweetie. love her hair but think maybe you should be having some highlights in there, especially around the crown . that will give her a bit of movement. ciao OMA
  17. sometimes I isolate the portion to be changed (copy and paste to new image) then copy and paste an area I like colors of and make another new image and save as "skin tones" then just use color match by pyrochild on the portion needing changed. doesn't work every time, takes a lot of practice to get correct portion to color match from. paste back in on a new layer and smooth. ciao OMA
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    another abstract. I spent the day clearing up and finishing quite a few pieces I'd on the go. this is an experiment using droste. I love the way it turned out. :wink: Promise
  19. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Kemaru this picture has now been dubbed " Cherry Buzz" great name. :wink: ciao OMA
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thank you I'm glad you enjoy my gallery I was just sitting here finishing off a few little pieces I've had on the go for awhile. this one was an attempt at abstract flowers in a painting style. hope you enjoy "" I need a proper name any suggestions ""ciao OMA EDIT new name submitted by Kemaru "Cherry Buzz"
  21. well I beleive there are three types of people in this world. stupid people that never learn from mistakes theirs or others intelligent people that learn from their mistakes and geniuses that learn from the mistakes of others and don't make the same. I'm thinking I'm a genius. :wink: if I ever figure out this book that is.
  22. thank Simon now I'll know who to pester when I finally buckle down and write a plugin. ciao OMA
  23. just adding my 1/2 pennies worth here. I really don't care what language you all write plugin in just as long as they work , and quickly with the minimum of errors. would it be possible that when you write a plugin show in first post the language used VB.Net or C# .. mainly just to satify my curiosity. I'm still trying to learn from this massive tomb of a book on my desk, about code writing. ciao OMA
  24. you're welcome. look forward to seeing the finished project in your private gallery in the pictorium. (then I'll know what the heck a tribal tattoo is LOL!) ciao OMA
  25. no extra nodes sorry. I wish they had that as well. for shaping these are some I use there is the Octagonal/quad reshape matt plug in. there is Tube oblique there is power stretch there is point wrap. lens sometimes helps. often I just select and pull the nodes (rotate your image as required for even stretch) I use all of the above ciao
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