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Everything posted by oma

  1. Hi Fulldraw welcome to the forum. like Leif said you should probably change the name of your thread to include your name. That way those of us that search out by name various pictorium entries will find your new work quicker. I love the two images you've posted so far. very well done. It took me a moment to figure the reference to fob nation. Are you interested in Archery, or Missiles.? look forward to viewing more and more art work from you in this gallery. ciao OMA
  2. I enjoyed :wink: looking at it all. great gallery Mike. ciao OMA
  3. check your pm's you were on the correct download site, you just downloaded the incorrect ones. you downloaded the ones above the paint.net one. remember read that very first line Kris has there. it says the one is a must for any of the others to work. OMA
  4. :idea: maybe he used the line tool with rounded edges? :?:
  5. I think Mike is correct. go back and download from Kris the dll's one thing to watch in Kris work after you unzip the file is to remember he is one that requires the extra dll Vandermotten Paintdotnet.dll as well as those like vandermottendropshadow.dll etc. must be in your effects folder. I also think his are one set you need to turn off paint.net and restart your computor. ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    you are more than welcome. have a great day....and year.... ciao OMA
  7. always make sure you have the latest version of paint.net first, and the latest version of the desired plug in. Also note some of the plugins involve having two different dll's in your effects file. Off hand I know pyrochild requires two, and so does drop shadow. There are most likely others that do as well, but it will be most likely mentioned in the first post. also some plug ins require you to turn off paint.net and then restart, before they show up in your effects menu. its best to read this post viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023 I recommend reading the whole thing. most questions about the how to install are there. if you have specific questions about individual plugins you should ask with in that plugin thread, that way the plugin author has a better chance of catching your question, correcting any little bugs or directing you to the correct answer. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks Helen, if you look closely I also made those ceramic angels on the tree many many moons ago. hand carved mold ( had lots of help from the teacher) and poured slip and then fired and painted and then refired similar to raku work. They are very lovely and don't show up near as beautiful in pictures. You don't get the luminousity and tranlucents sparkle in the picture . one was masterful color by arlene Steinberg. Real advanced for my skills but still alovely hardcover book with many tips and exercises in colored pencil drawing/painting. Hopefully I'll master some of these things in the coming year. At least that's the goal. :wink: and another was Readers digest learn as you go guide Sketching school. Its a much looser sketching style, I'm not sure I like that style but there are a few things I want to try out using ink and pen in combination with water color pencils. I think there are several things I'm going to attempt to translate over into my PDN style. There is another one upstairs at the moment...so not sure of the exact name, its by Lee Hammond about portraits in colored pencil. This one I beleive is my favourite of the three, its easier to understand and not so advanced as the one by Arlene Steinberg. All in All they are really good books... my art section of my home library is growing by leaps and bounds. ciao OMA
  9. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Oh Kemaru its great, you actually are coming along real well in PDN. you were able to look at something and recognize what effect would achieve that look. yes it was Crystallize. several layers of a white frame different crystallize settings and several gassiaun blured of the same setting. (My grandkids call this my Mrs. Clause outfit I wonder why?) anyone recognize the red cardinal I drew from my deviant art pages? here is the framed version hubby and kids gave me this year. The stockings are empty. didn't receive more than a lump of coal. just kidding, actally there was awonderful set of butterfly 14k gold earings were way down in the toe. it was a great Christmas, I received a new set of 48 prisma color artists pencils, some works sketch pads and a couple of great art books.
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    page 20 #1 removed by OMA
  11. There are quite a few ways one for beginners is the tut by ASH viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4710 it should get you started. I do my skies differently prefering to use multiple layers and blur there is also a smudge plugin by pyrochild that helps hope that helps you get off to a good start. ciao OMA PS check out the galleria I've a picture of a landscape in there that goes way beyond blurs ( using dithers, lasso and delete with multiple stretch and distorts, and little individual portions of pixel painting) you might find that interesting to look at.
  12. Stunning! I'd say this is a magnificent pic. I'd certainly love a tut on making this. ciao OMA
  13. you've done a fair job on that as a beginner. try some other tuts now and then come back. The bend portion is about the most unbegginner friendly item here. Its all where you place that x in the bulge or how you position your circle outline for power stretching. It takes practice but you are off to a real nice start in drawing. Remember this tut is to give you the basics only. It mainly teaches how to wand outside your outline drawing so you don't get cartoon outlines on things. That's the real secret to getting more realistic drawings. well I don't think this is eeeeh at all. reminds me of a bunch of little christmas trees....lol! I think what you are not seeing is the little tiny stems on the individual leaves where they join to the bigger middle stem. you are off to a fine start on drawing. glad you liked my little tut. I don't write many of them... but do often put little notes in with my pictures in my gallery, when I'm asked how did I do something. welcome to you both will be watching for some fine art from you both. ciao OMA
  14. oh my goodness ..... this you want someone to make a plugin for? why? ....think how would you paint this on a piece of paper? bottom layer your main colour. green add a layer use lasso tool and make some odd shapes (make one shape hold down the ctrl button move somewhere else on canvas and make another shape using the lasso tool ) change your color to the brown/tan color and tool to bucket Hold down the shift key as you pour the bucket into one of the lasso shapes. add another transparent layer and do same thing again with the lasso tool and fill with another shade of brown or green or gray what every color you want to use. merge the layers together. you can always use median blur under noise at this point.
  15. what's a camo? a link to a picture of a camo you want would help. ciao OMA
  16. great! I can just imagine many many applications for something like this in my artwork. very original use of transparency. ciao OMA
  17. try using prochilds plugin outline. you can set angle and width to acheive very similar results. ciao OMA
  18. perhaps a picture similar to what you want to achieve would help us give you some pointers. ciao
  19. @Janettsue I'm having a Hallmark moment. sensational. great use of splashes! wishing you all the best for Christmas. ciao OMA
  20. have you tried BoltBaits transparency adjustment in his pkg of plugins. sounds like when you merge layers the transparency is being affected. His plug in will allow you better control over the opacity. ciao OMA
  21. You've edited it in Paint.net so I'm sure it qualifies. and considering you've found your way here and are so good at drawing, it won't be long before we see you attempting pieces with more paint.net components, and trying out plugins etc. :wink: ciao OMA .
  22. oh no not easy, its a wonderful adaptation of a great tut by ASH. I hadn't even thought of that I actually thought you had used erode. very smart looking. ciao OMA
  23. glad to see you posting again. missed you around here. ciao OMA
  24. nice! sweet! special! tell me how you did this ! I'm anxious to see the finished project. but don't hurry take your time and really nail it on the head. I think you are one to a real winner! ciao OMA
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