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Everything posted by oma

  1. NOT! hey I'm not a kiddy I'm an old lady. can you keep these little gals clothed! if I was the mod you'd be banned! good thing for you I'm not. so please remove immediately.
  2. you can do the yellow shadow on the MALL COP with outline plugin by pyrochild.
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I'm hungry :!: updated per comments below and top next page darkened left edge of pear, waxed the grapes, added more highlight on pear, fixed the stem a bit. that stem still wasn't correct here I pixel painted it in better subtle but definetly more realistic comments below caused me to add stem for grapes and some leaves. darkend the shadows at the base of the grapes to anchor them to the table better. sorry I wanted a strawberry in this picture as well here is the first awful attempt. Yikes it needs work LOL! well I perfected the strawberry its not 100% but I think darn close. so this is the final version. Finished as far as I'm taking this. conclusion. it is possible to do very real looking paintings in this program. 100% paint.net I did not use a single outside render or even one of my own hand drawings scanned. as shown on my Deviant art gallery cropped and even more defined shadows
  4. ? drop down box use the last one. that line is the one pixel from the distort or releif . decrease your image one pixel on the side before using. that might help. I don't ever use seamless textures in my own work, prefer to make every item from scratch. ciao
  5. madjiks plugin pkg includes a seamless texture maker have you worked with that? ciao
  6. got it :!: you want seamless moss not seamless trunk as you've been saying.
  7. I did the same thing just change you secondary color to transparent and run your clouds! not sure what you mean by seamless trunk do you mean no joins ? something like this with bends but no joins ?
  8. when I did mine I used releif. make log using shape 3d new layer 1)clouds green primary second color 0 alpha. top slider around 21 bottom slider almost full over to right. 2) same shape 3d as your log 3) on cloud layer set tolerance at 0 wand a transparent area then control + i apply releif 4) merge together.
  9. mossy trunk of course I'd take longer and use more care when doing an actual picture. this is a 2 min job, just so we are talking on the same wave length.
  10. checkerboard means it transparent. paste that png in a layer overtop of your sig. see what happens.
  11. think you are trying to over simplify this by doing it all in one pass of shape 3d. . if you were to draw a tree trunk on paper and color it in. would you not then go back in and add the moss over top? in multiple colors of green. (don't forget to clik the more button on the color wheel...you can then change the sliders to better greens) I haven't been in a jungle but I don't think moss coats a tree trunk in an even layer all around its sort of in clumps here and there. so saying that its going to be adding multiple layers I'm sure. you may be able to make some sort of brushes to use on each layer. EDIT: here I found a close up picture ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/gak/98074692/sizes/o/ ) see its all clumpy, it reminds me of patches of clouds (primary color greens secondary color transparent) with some releif added in. ciao OMA
  12. that looks real nice. one thing you might keep in mind is that you are only doing this at 96 dpi. you might look into changing to a higher dpi if you are planning to print it out. (file>new and change the resolution before you start. ) that's of course if the downloaded page elements are in a higher resolution. You keep at paint.net and you can make your own elements and not have to pay for someone elses work. also that picture on the left did you scann this ? try a bit higher dpi. then if you use sharpen+ at default then tanels highlight adjustment plugin you can sharpen it clearer. the one on the right sorry too out of focus to fix really well, but a little sharpen+ works a bit there as well. ciao OMA
  13. actually that's not too bad looking. perhaps just a smidgen of smudge (by pyrochild) will take away the join lines. ciao
  14. oops from explorer I right clik and save as .png in a picture file. then you can import thru layers. ciao and yes OMA is grandmother I've 4 wonderful grandkiddies, well shouldn't say kiddies as one is nearing the age of majority now.
  15. you might find splitting it into several pdn's an option. I often do that. when I'm satisfied with say 20 or 30 layers I might just flatten and make a png. and keep the PDN as well. from that portion I may again start another pdn with just a flattened png. and add on. ciao OMA
  16. oh my goodness. I can not beleive she said that about the angel wings, this piece was inspired by a dream I had. It was angels on clouds making flowers from their wing feathers. such a happy floaty dream. I woke up smiling. I hadn't thought I'd fully captured the feeling, can now see that I'm very very close if she recognized that. wow! thanks for letting me know ciao
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Kemaru, do you mean "Renew" ? That's some ideas for my next tut, just have to figure out a simplfied version (less than 100 steps ) the tut won't be exactly like that picture but will incorporate some of the ideas and textures. ciao OMA
  18. work around for you I also work many layers. open a new image and drop it in there edit select all copy then go to you working image add a transparent layer where you need this new image and paste. when you are working with that many layers its a good idea to become proficient juggling between images back and forth. ciao
  19. helen love the mask for the glossies. Makes it much easier to see how you set up your shine. :wink:
  20. thanks Helen, its called " Renew " a figment of my imagination. Its the things my dreams are filled with. soft and gentle, lovely flowers. like floating on clouds of happiness. I'm glad you like this one. I'm working on a tut ideas. I'm just waiting to see if there are any changes in the next version before I do final scoot down to beginner level and work on screenshots. I'm still not 100% on the centre portion so if anyone can help me out with more realism in that I'd certainly appreciate. Remember I want to maintain at a true very begginner level. ciao OMA
  21. very lovely you say you tried the rotate tool it actually sounds like you have the picture selected (those marching ants outlines are active around the picture.) it might be just a matter of deselcting the picture. paste your image on a separate layer then hit the deselect button :Deselect: (the are the sissors to the right of them the copy button the paste button the crop button then the deselect button) then go to where it says layers (along the line its says file, edit, view etc) hit rotate /zoom change the box that says angle
  22. barkbark00 I'm looking forward to the tut as well.
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